.\" $NetBSD: arc4random.3,v 2024/10/09 13:25:10 martin Exp $ .\" .\" Copyright (c) 2014 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc. .\" All rights reserved. .\" .\" This code is derived from software contributed to The NetBSD Foundation .\" by Taylor R. Campbell. .\" .\" Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without .\" modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions .\" are met: .\" 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright .\" notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. .\" 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright .\" notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the .\" documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. .\" .\" THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE NETBSD FOUNDATION, INC. AND CONTRIBUTORS .\" ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED .\" TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR .\" PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE FOUNDATION OR CONTRIBUTORS .\" BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR .\" CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF .\" SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS .\" INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN .\" CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) .\" ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE .\" POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. .\" .Dd August 27, 2024 .Dt ARC4RANDOM 3 .Os .Sh NAME .Nm arc4random , .Nm arc4random_uniform , .Nm arc4random_buf , .Nm arc4random_stir , .Nm arc4random_addrandom .Nd random number generator .Sh LIBRARY .Lb libc .Sh SYNOPSIS .In stdlib.h .Ft uint32_t .Fn arc4random "void" .Ft uint32_t .Fn arc4random_uniform "uint32_t bound" .Ft void .Fn arc4random_buf "void *buf" "size_t len" .Ft void .Fn arc4random_stir "void" .Ft void .Fn arc4random_addrandom "unsigned char *buf" "int len" .Sh DESCRIPTION The .Nm family of functions provides a cryptographic pseudorandom number generator automatically seeded from the system entropy pool and safe to use from multiple threads. .Nm is designed to prevent an adversary from guessing outputs, unlike .Xr rand 3 and .Xr random 3 , and is faster and more convenient than reading from .Pa /dev/urandom directly. .Pp .Fn arc4random returns an integer in [0, 2^32) chosen independently with uniform distribution. .Pp .Fn arc4random_uniform returns an integer in [0, .Fa bound ) chosen independently with uniform distribution. .Pp .Fn arc4random_buf stores .Fa len bytes into the memory pointed to by .Fa buf , each byte chosen independently from [0, 256) with uniform distribution. .Pp .Fn arc4random_stir draws entropy from the operating system and incorporates it into the library's PRNG state to influence future outputs. .Pp .Fn arc4random_addrandom incorporates .Fa len bytes, which must be nonnegative, from the buffer .Fa buf , into the library's PRNG state to influence future outputs. .Pp It is not necessary for an application to call .Fn arc4random_stir or .Fn arc4random_addrandom before calling other .Nm functions. The first call to any .Nm function will initialize the PRNG state unpredictably from the system entropy pool. .Sh SECURITY MODEL The .Nm functions provide the following security properties against three different classes of attackers, assuming enough entropy is provided by the operating system: .Bl -enum -offset abcd .It An attacker who has seen some outputs of any of the .Nm functions cannot predict past or future unseen outputs. .It An attacker who has seen the library's PRNG state in memory cannot predict past outputs. .It An attacker who has seen one process's PRNG state cannot predict past or future outputs in other processes, particularly its parent or siblings. .El .Pp One .Sq output means the result of any single request to an .Nm function, no matter how short it is. .Pp The second property is sometimes called .Sq forward secrecy , .Sq backtracking resistance , or .Sq key erasure after each output . .Sh IMPLEMENTATION NOTES The .Nm functions are currently implemented using the ChaCha20 pseudorandom function family. For any 32-byte string .Fa s , .Pf ChaCha20_ Fa s is a function from 16-byte strings to 64-byte strings. It is conjectured that if .Fa s is chosen with uniform distribution, then the distribution on .Pf ChaCha20_ Fa s is indistinguishable to a computationally bounded adversary from a uniform distribution on all functions from 16-byte strings to 64-byte strings. .Pp The PRNG state is a 32-byte ChaCha20 key .Fa s . Each request to an .Nm function .Bl -bullet -offset abcd -compact .It computes the 64-byte quantity .Fa x = .Pf ChaCha20_ Fa s Ns Pq 0 , .It splits .Fa x into two 32-byte quantities .Fa s' and .Fa k , .It replaces .Fa s by .Fa s' , and .It uses .Fa k as output. .El .Pp .Fn arc4random yields the first four bytes of .Fa k as output directly. .Fn arc4random_buf either yields up to 32 bytes of .Fa k as output directly, or, for longer requests, uses .Fa k as a ChaCha20 key and yields the concatenation .Pf ChaCha20_ Fa k Ns Pq 0 || .Pf ChaCha20_ Fa k Ns Pq 1 || ... as output. .Fn arc4random_uniform repeats .Fn arc4random until it obtains an integer in [2^32 % .Fa bound , 2^32), and reduces that modulo .Fa bound . .Pp The PRNG state is per-thread, unless memory allocation fails inside the library, in which case some threads may share global PRNG state with a mutex. The global PRNG state is zeroed on fork in the parent via .Xr pthread_atfork 3 , and the per-thread PRNG state is zeroed on fork in the child via .Xr minherit 2 with .Dv MAP_INHERIT_ZERO , so that the child cannot reuse or see the parent's PRNG state. The PRNG state is reseeded automatically from the system entropy pool on the first use of an .Nm function after zeroing. .Pp The first use of an .Nm function may abort the process in the highly unlikely event that library initialization necessary to implement the security model fails. Additionally, .Fn arc4random_stir and .Fn arc4random_addrandom may abort the process in the highly unlikely event that the operating system fails to provide entropy. .Pp If .Nm detects that the sysctl variable .Li kern.entropy.epoch .Pq see Xr rnd 4 has changed since its last output, it reseeds itself with additional data from the system entropy pool again before generating its next output. .Sh SEE ALSO .Xr rand 3 , .Xr random 3 , .Xr rnd 4 , .Xr cprng 9 .Rs .%A Daniel J. Bernstein .%T ChaCha, a variant of Salsa20 .%D 2008-01-28 .%O Document ID: 4027b5256e17b9796842e6d0f68b0b5e .%U http://cr.yp.to/papers.html#chacha .Re .Sh BUGS There is no way to get deterministic, reproducible results out of .Nm for testing purposes. .Pp The name .Sq arc4random was chosen for hysterical raisins \(em it was originally implemented using the RC4 stream cipher, which has been known since shortly after it was published in 1994 to have observable biases in the output, and is now known to be broken badly enough to admit practical attacks in the real world. .\" Bob Jenkins, sci.crypt post dated 1994-09-16, message-id .\" <359qjg$55v$1@mhadg.production.compuserve.com>, .\" https://groups.google.com/d/msg/sci.crypt/JsO3xEATGFA/-wO4ttv7BCYJ .\" .\" Andrew Roos, `A Class of Weak Keys in the RC4 Stream Cipher', .\" sci.crypt posts dated 1995-09-22, message-ids .\" <43u1eh$1j3@hermes.is.co.za> and <44ebge$llf@hermes.is.co.za>. .\" .\" Paul Crowley, `Small bias in RC4 experimentally verified', March .\" 1998, http://www.ciphergoth.org/crypto/rc4/ Unfortunately, the library found widespread adoption and the name stuck before anyone recognized that it was silly. .Pp The signature of .Fn arc4random_addrandom is silly. There is no reason to require casts or accept negative lengths: it should take a .Vt void * buffer and a .Vt size_t length. But it's too late to change that now. .Pp .Fn arc4random_uniform does not help to choose integers in [0, .Fa n ) uniformly at random when .Fa n > 2^32. .Pp The security model of .Nm is stronger than many applications need, and stronger than other operating systems provide. For example, applications encrypting messages with random, but not secret, initialization vectors need only prevent an adversary from guessing future outputs, since past outputs will have been published already. .Pp On the one hand, .Nm could be marginally faster if it were not necessary to prevent an adversary who sees the state from predicting past outputs. On the other hand, there are applications in the wild that use .Nm to generate key material, such as OpenSSH, so for the sake of .Nx users it would be imprudent to weaken the security model. On the third hand, relying on the security model of .Nm in .Nx may lead you to an unpleasant surprise on another operating system whose implementation of .Nm has a weaker security model. .Pp One may be tempted to create new APIs to accommodate different security models and performance constraints without unpleasant surprises on different operating systems. This should not be done lightly, though, because there are already too many different choices, and too many opportunities for programmers to reach for one and pick the wrong one.