Shellscript to help with the distfiles information "distfile_info" command create following files. DIST_MD5: All distfiles required from pkgsrc/*/*/files/md5 DIST_DISTFILES: All distfiles required from ${_CKSUMFILES} DIST_ALL: All distfiles required from pkgsrc DIST_EXIST: Real existing distfiles in pkgsrc/distfiles directory DIST_CORRECT: Real existing distfiles with correct md5 DIST_BROKEN: Real existing distfiles with incorrect md5 DIST_NEED: Real existing distfiles required from md5 or ${_CKSUMFILES} DIST_UNKNOWN: Unusable distfiles in pkgsrc/distfiles directory #DIST_ALL = (DIST_MD5 .OR. DIST_DISTFILES) = DIST_NEED + DIST_UNKNOWN #(DIST_EXIST .AND. DIST_MD5) = DIST_CORRECT + DIST_BROKEN If you wanted to remove unusable distfiles, followed command would be done. # cat DIST_UNKNOWN | xargs -n 1 rm -f # cat DIST_BROKEN | xargs -n 1 rm -f