JINTBAS0101PENELOPE Engine Version 1.2MQ07qp}s AUpdate Service NMarch 1996 Update Service O/Passing File Format Barriers with PDF and Adobe P/International Travel Tips Through the Internet  Q Tax Time! %End of the Update Service Topic List /J CUserObject Aa CPresObject$aATO'| "Submitting Update Service CommentsG CShapeList CTextShape!aPDaP CParagraphjIf you are outside the United States and Canada, you must +Email, your comments to: register@mindq.comP CDIBShape!mƭEamCDibBAKBMK6(m".".dFd,V:q@@@֥-ǷƢέ{s{ƥgkZgyuʾpdZ_sXOwf_Js\RYkvB{Jw{sksp~xRJ{kRsZBk7nconjw{JnVp9csk?l9~xf9ccBZ.^X:_cksVb1]9c.mm^3 3 33^^<^3.333^v33<^vm rA/Dsmmū^mmc^^! 3^^mm^^3 ^m3^^ 3^^m^m^m^ <^ v^m^m̫k7/[ mm^^^mm3^^! ^ .ȁ^3 3^<.^.mmm^<33^^mmv^^ <^^m^^vv^3 m 3<<<^c^mmrD8Zfmmmm^m.^^m3 ..^mmm^!3m3m <33m^3^^mm^̫rK8fmm^^^^<<^^<!!3c  .cm^^^^^mm̫ū ̫ſ́m̫̫^^^m^mmȿ%Ȗ[/Drmmv<< ^m^^3^3v^mm 5.3 m|mmm^ m%m3 ^^^3mȋm̫^c^<<.<<^^^ 灄<<^^ <^^^^^%дr8Usmc^^<f<^^%mc^<^m!3&^^^mmcȄm ! ^<^mm^<^m^c%ȌP8f mm5 vmm 3ms3 3^m m 3^mmm3c !. <^ < c^m%%̴Ъk8K|^mm<3ξmm s<竡^̪ mm  mmc3^mm<3.^^ !!.m^ ^^. 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To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list.NJ No$oNHoSY*.1http://www.fbi.gov/toplist.htmb !<x^ox =-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list.NJ Nn$nNhoSY*.1http://www.nytimes.com/b !<x^nx =-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list.NJ Nm$mNCoSY*.1http://pathfinder.com/fortuneb !<x^mx =-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list.NJ Nl$lN`oSY*.51http://www.doc.gov/inquery/BudgetFY96/BudgetWWW.htmlb !<x^lx =-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list.NJ Nk$kNkoSY*.1http://www.weddingweb.com/b !<x^kx =-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list.NJ Nj$jNSoSY*.'1http://www.he.net/~archaeol/index.htmlc !<x^jx =-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list.NJ Ni$iNVNZsult Aut !i 21 CPanelRect!noi !i UInternational Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination Established by the United Nations in 1966, this day marks the anniversary of the 1960 killing of 69 African demonstrators in Sharpeville, South Africa. Besides marking the killings, this day has been set aside to promote the worldwide elimination of racial discrimination.NJ Nh$hNV2Zsult Aut !h 17Ӏ! noh ! h St. Patrick's Day  Commemorating, Saint Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland, this national holiday in Ireland and Northern Ireland is also celebrated in several other countries. In 432 AD, Saint Patrick left his home in England to spread Christianity throughout Ireland.NJ Ng$gNV.Zsult Aut !g 13Ӏ! nog ! g Good Samaritan Involvement Day  In remembrance of Catherine (Kitty) Genovese's death in 1964, this day encourages unselfish aid to those who need it. Kitty was pursued and murdered while 38 of her neighbors watched; not wanting to "get involved."NJ Nf$fNV?Zsult Aut !f 8Ӏ! nof ! f )International Working Women's Day  This day dedicated to working women across the globe originated from a 1957 march in New York City by female textile workers. The first international conference for women was held in Finland on March 8, 1910. Now this day is widely observed by many nations.NJ Nc$cN] aF Tidbits of the Internet^ !<ƭZc<BA BM 6(<".".dFd,V:q@@@֥-ǷƢέ{s{ƥgkZgyuʾpdZ_sXOwf_Js\RYkvB{Jw{sksp~xRJ{kRsZBk7nconjw{JnVp9csk?l9~xf9ccBZ.^X:_cksVb1]9cfך׋!&&!!!ffffw3 !ff|ff!w簖f7!&Q3#f?&!ffQ !i(QWc(QBABM6((Q #.#.dFd,V:q@@@֥-ǷƢέ{s{ƥgkZgyuʾpdZ_sXOwf_Js\RYkvB{Jw{sksp~xRJ{kRsZBk7nconjw{JnVp9csk?l9~xf9ccBZ.^X:_cksVb1]9cfך׋!&&!!!ffffw3 !ff|ff!w簖f7!&Q3#f?&!ffQ !fKc "#khttp://www.weddingweb.com/$k"Arial/ Turko !`xJcx =WeddingWeb, the most comprehensive wedding planning information source available on the Internet, uses a locator map to browse for hundreds of services, from cakes to venues, in a region near your wedding. Their planning guides, which you can +download, and print, will help keep you organized and on schedule. x"Arial/ Turko !JIc &#ohttp://www.fbi.gov/toplist.htm$o"Arial/ Turko !iHci 1Help reduce the crime rate in America. Visit The FBI's Ten Most Wanted Fugitives site which comes complete with pictures and biographies of the FBIs top 10. It also includes information on how to contact the nearest FBI field office, should you happen to live next door to one of these fugitives. :-(i"Arial/ Turko !f;Gc >#lhttp://www.doc.gov/inquery/BudgetFY96/ BudgetWWW.html$l"Arial/ Turko !KFcK The US Budget site shows the U.S. Government Budget for the 1996 Fiscal Year. It also provides the Citizen's Guide to the Federal Budget, analytical perspectives, and historical tables.K"Arial/ Turko !?Ec %#mhttp://pathfinder.com/fortune$m"Arial/ Turko !-Dc- Fortune magazine is online and is just like the paper copy, only better. Checkup on the Fortune 500 and other financial affairs.-"Arial/ Turko !Cc #nhttp://www.nytimes.com/$n"Arial/ Turko !RxBcx =The New York Times has opened a +Web, site which includes much of the content of its daily newspaper. Topics include Today's Front Page, Sections, News by Category, searchable Classifieds, and user interactive forums on such issues as the future of newspapers, the press and politics, and international affairs.x"Arial/ Turko !fMAc .#jhttp://www.he.net/~archaeol/index.html$j"Arial/ Turko !K@cK  Arial/ TurkArchaeology Magazine, officially brought to you by The Archaeological Institute of America, reports all the latest archaeological discoveries including news briefs and links to other relevant +Web, sites. Arials?JLJJ`9/  K !dLƭPcdLBA!BM!6(dL".".dFd,V:q@@@֥-ǷƢέ{s{ƥgkZgyuʾpdZ_sXOwf_Js\RYkvB{Jw{sksp~xRJ{kRsZBk7nconjw{JnVp9csk?l9~xf9ccBZ.^X:_cksVb1]9cKƭ[`>KBABM6(>K".".dFd,V:q@@@֥-ǷƢέ{s{ƥgkZgyuʾpdZ_sXOwf_Js\RYkvB{Jw{sksp~xRJ{kRsZBk7nconjw{JnVp9csk?l9~xf9ccBZ.^X:_cksVb1]9c to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list.QJ Qg$gQ&oSY*.1news:misc.taxes.moderatedg !<xcgx =-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list.QJ Qf$fQ'oSY*.1news:misc.taxesg !<xcfx =-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list.QJ Qa$aQTO'| "Submitting Update Service CommentsV !aPSaP jIf you are outside the United States and Canada, you must +Email, your comments to: register@mindq.comP !mƭTamBAKBMK6(m".".dFd,V:q@@@֥-ǷƢέ{s{ƥgkZgyuʾpdZ_sXOwf_Js\RYkvB{Jw{sksp~xRJ{kRsZBk7nconjw{JnVp9csk?l9~xf9ccBZ.^X:_cksVb1]9c to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list.QJ Qc$cQquoSY*.61http://www.irs.ustreas.gov/prod/forms_pubs/index.htmlh !<xccx =-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list.QJ Qd$dQCoSY*.21http://www2.best.com/~ftmexpat/html/taxsites.htmlg !<xcdx =-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list.QJ Qe$eQ;oSY*.1http://www.scubed.com/tax/g !<xcex =-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list.QJ Q`$`QB5 w'         `!!;#޽0ͫiQ ! CLo` FAQ Excerpt"Arials?JLJJ`9/ oL;#`# !z0z0z0`  oArchived +FAQs, #hhttp://www.cis.ohio-state.edu/hypertext/ faq/usenet/taxes-faq/part1/faq.html$h$h0 !R0R0R0R0`0 4#fmisc.taxes $f #gmisc.taxes.moderated$g0 !K`K`K`K`K`~`` Besides Internet sites, there are two +newsgroups, where you can trade information with tax professionals and fellow taxpayers. Check out the archived +FAQs, associated with these +newsgroups, for additional information.`Ӏ!Br޽BrBrBrBr|`r !{` &#ehttp://www.scubed.com/tax/$e !hƭhhz`BABM6( hdFd,V:q@@@֥ǷƢέ{s{ƥgkZgyuʾpdZ_sXOwf_Js\RYkvB{Jw{sksp~xRJ{kRsZBk7nconjw{JnVp9csk?l9~xf9ccBZ.^X:_cksVb1]9c,/VG)), 9:,@Gf`5, )?b)) ,d:,:,@Gf!% ))yzS) ,ij`00:0:Z*^ #/ Wzzoe)) 8i j,00@0iU^ )9iwieeennzzzzzzzzzoeeiwe99) K u:00,:09u*+U^o)00000000000#) [ u90,,09,OAw}{^U) , fu999,90,0V7>^)) ,/!ړ:99090,09F^,)8O90,00,,00`A8f)) /*/ڧV000:00099:Sjv) S:0@00,0,90:G?FԻ) Zfi,@0:0,000:9:4֍ `+ifj)ׯ u[O,0,@9,0,:,:jv!١fj,ڷ׺`@,:,99,,0:,@*vv ٶ !ׯfF,:,:000000@,`v!ZڋDZ fK׼F0:,9,999,0:99Sv!ȖD<rrn00,0,90:000909i+f[/v6Df7? 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The I nternal R evenue S ervice, IRS, maintains an extensive +Web, site. Your first stop within the IRS will be The Digital Daily, which the IRS claims to be "faster than a speeding 1040-EZ." Here you will discover that even the IRS has developed a sense of humor on the Internet. )From this virtual newspaper, there are links to filing information, tax news for businesses, and most importantly FORMS!! No more trips to the library to find that obscure form you need, just look to the IRS forms page. *Ӏ!B޽ BBBBBBBBBI` !JJF` qFor US citizens, the annual ritual of filing income taxes is approaching. Don't let the stress of the deadline get to you. Get some help through the Internet. As with most topics, the Internet contains a wealth of information about taxes. Some of this information comes from official government resources, while other information comes from your fellow Internet users..!4mƭ0ͫaQE1Click for instructions on Update Service comments`mupdtsrvUupdtsrvDupdtsrvBAKBMK6(m".".dFd,V:q@@@֥-ǷƢέ{s{ƥgkZgyuʾpdZ_sXOwf_Js\RYkvB{Jw{sksp~xRJ{kRsZBk7nconjw{JnVp9csk?l9~xf9ccBZ.^X:_cksVb1]9c to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list.PJ Pf$fP#oSY*.31http://www.yahoo.com/Society_and_Culture/Cultures/g !<xcfx =-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list.PJ Pe$eP'oSY*.(1http://bin.gnn.com/cgi-bin/gnn/currencyh !<xcex =-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list.PJ Pd$dP(oSY*./1http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/pubs.htmlg !<xcdx =-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list.PJ Pc$cP$oSY*.51http://www.stolaf.edu/network/travel-advisories.htmlg !<xccx =-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list.PJ Pb$bP%oSY*.61http://dosfan.lib.uic.edu/www/travel_tips/catrav.htmlg !<xcbx =-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. However, the +URL, for this site has been copied to the clipboard automatically. To go to this site on the +Web,: 1. Start your +browser, or switch to it if it is already running. 2. Paste the +URL, into the +URL, display field. 3. Press to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list.PJ Pa$aPTO'| "Submitting Update Service CommentsY !aPVaP jIf you are outside the United States and Canada, you must +Email, your comments to: register@mindq.comP !mƭWamBAKBMK6(m".".dFd,V:q@@@֥-ǷƢέ{s{ƥgkZgyuʾpdZ_sXOwf_Js\RYkvB{Jw{sksp~xRJ{kRsZBk7nconjw{JnVp9csk?l9~xf9ccBZ.^X:_cksVb1]9c`R>``` p+Yahoo, #fhttp://www.yahoo.com/ Society_and_Culture/Cultures/ $f City.Net #ghttp://www.city.net$g` !1Aƭ 1A1A`ABABM6(A#.#.dFd,V:q@@@֥-ǷƢέ{s{ƥgkZgyuʾpdZ_sXOwf_Js\RYkvB{Jw{sksp~xRJ{kRsZBk7nconjw{JnVp9csk?l9~xf9ccBZ.^X:_cksVb1]9c384644434-4,4+4)4'4%4#4"4 4444 4444444444444444444444444444444{4u4o4i4g4_4W4O4I4G4E4?3=373/2)1'1!10// .---,,,+++****))(((''''%%$$#|#v"p!fZRJHBA?=<:91+)'!        _l,l,,o`,BABM6(,ܛ#.#.dFd,V:q@@@֥-ǷƢέ{s{ƥgkZgyuʾpdZ_sXOwf_Js\RYkvB{Jw{sksp~xRJ{kRsZBk7nconjw{JnVp9csk?l9~xf9ccBZ.^X:_cksVb1]9c to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list.OJ Ob$bO#I Obtaining Adobe Acrobat SoftwareA ! P@b P You can obtain the free Adobe Acrobat Reader software by +downloading, it from Adobe's +Web, site. #chttp://www.adobe.com/Software/Acrobat$cPOJ Oa$aOTO'| "Submitting Update Service CommentsY !aPVaP jIf you are outside the United States and Canada, you must +Email, your comments to: register@mindq.comP !mƭWamBAKBMK6(m".".dFd,V:q@@@֥-ǷƢέ{s{ƥgkZgyuʾpdZ_sXOwf_Js\RYkvB{Jw{sksp~xRJ{kRsZBk7nconjw{JnVp9csk?l9~xf9ccBZ.^X:_cksVb1]9c to go to the site. To enable automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,: 1. Press the Home button. 2. Click Software on the Home topic. 3. Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list.OJ Od$dO#oSY*.-1http://www.adobe.com/Acrobat/AcrobatWWW.htmlp !<xldx =-.-.-.You previously disabled automatic launching of your World Wide +Web browser,. 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Select Configure World Wide +Web, +Browser, from the list.OJ O`$`OB5 w'[(         `b !T@((T@`@ ZList of Sites with PDF Documents #ehttp://www.adobe.com/Acrobat/ PDFsites.html$e@ !wk#ƭ&(wk#wk#wk#PDF and Adobe Acrobat icon`#BABM6(#`dFd,V:q@@@֥-ǷƢέ{s{ƥgkZgyuʾpdZ_sXOwf_Js\RYkvB{Jw{sksp~xRJ{kRsZBk7nconjw{JnVp9csk?l9~xf9ccBZ.^X:_cksVb1]9cKƭ#$>K>K PDF documents`>KBABM6(>K".".dFd,V:q@@@֥-ǷƢέ{s{ƥgkZgyuʾpdZ_sXOwf_Js\RYkvB{Jw{sksp~xRJ{kRsZBk7nconjw{JnVp9csk?l9~xf9ccBZ.^X:_cksVb1]9c 5\ 5\5\5\ 5\T>i >s>fe>rb>>ߜ PDF document` !`BABM6(".".dFd,V:q@@@֥-ǷƢέ{s{ƥgkZgyuʾpdZ_sXOwf_Js\RYkvB{Jw{sksp~xRJ{kRsZBk7nconjw{JnVp9csk?l9~xf9ccBZ.^X:_cksVb1]9c