02/03/04 - Added sqlite system tables sqlite_master and sqlite_temp_master to the table list etc. 02/03/04 - Changed default string size to 0, which is unlimited. 22/03/04 - Cleared up some deallocations. 22/03/04 - Allowed for accessing same field name within multiple table query. e.g. select fred.id, sid.id from fred, sid 01/04/04 - Enabled Field aliasing for exec. 03/04/04 - The host variable within the database class can be used as the database home, that is, set it to the path where the database files are located. 03/04/04 - The location of the database files is order by: a) If fullpath given then use this. b) If Host variable set, then look at the path set in the variable. c) If environment variable GAMBAS_SQLITE_DBHOME is set then use. d) Current working directory. 04/06/04 - Allow memory only database. e.g. :memory: as the database name. * 17 Jul 2004 - BM - By default, an in-memory database is opened if no database name is specified. - An in_memory database returns as user-list only the current user, with admin rights. - The databases are not searched by default in the current working directory anymore. Instead, they are searched in the /tmp/gambas.%pid%/sqlite/ directory. * 29 Aug 2004 - BM - Many clean-ups in database_create(). The function FullPath() is not necessary anymore, and has been removed. - Fix table_index() so that it returns error if no true primary key is found in the table. * 01 Sep 2004 - NG - Checks that a full path points at a real SQLite database in FindDatabase(). * 20 Nov 2004 - DC - I've replaced all float values for double values in the sqlite driver. * 22 Nov 2004 - NG - Spawned sqlite3 driver from sqlite driver * 17 Nov 2005 - NG - Enable BIGINT support for GB_T_LONG * 02 Jan 2006 - BM - Support for Blob and Serial fields - Some cleanup in the sqlite dataset class. * 08 Jan 2005 - BM - Detection of sqlite2 database, and fallback to the sqlite2 driver if needed.