/*************************************************************************** sound.c Sound routines (c) 2000-2007 Benoit Minisini This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. ***************************************************************************/ #define __SOUND_C #include #include "gb_common.h" #include "sound.h" #include "main.h" static SOUND_INFO info = { 0 }; static CCHANNEL *channel_cache[MAX_CHANNEL] = { 0 }; static int channel_count; /*static int count_sound = 0;*/ static double music_ref_time = 0; static double music_ref_pos = 0; #if 0 static void musicDone() { /* This is the function that we told SDL_Mixer to call when the music was finished. In our case, we're going to simply unload the music as though the player wanted it stopped. In other applications, a different music file might be loaded and played. */ /* BM: You cannot raise an event from a static class at the moment. */ printf("The music stopped playing NOW\n"); //This should raise a gambas event! } #endif static void set_audio_properties() { /* We're going to be requesting certain things from our audio device, so we set them up beforehand */ //Of course this should all come from gambas properties! info.rate = 44100; //could be: 22050; info.format = MIX_DEFAULT_FORMAT; //16-bit stereo info.channels = 2; //The only one that opens on my machine! SB_PCI128 // BM: This is stereo. It does not matter. info.buffers = 4096; } static void free_channel_sound(CSOUND *sound) { /* count_sound--; printf("Unref channel [%d] sound : %p\n", count_sound,sound);*/ fflush(NULL); GB.Unref(POINTER(&sound)); } static void channel_finished(int channel) { CCHANNEL *ch = channel_cache[channel]; if (!ch) return; /*printf("channel_finished: %p\n", ch->sound);*/ fflush(NULL); // free_channel_sound(ch->sound); GB.Post(free_channel_sound, (intptr_t)ch->sound); ch->sound = NULL; } static bool start_sound_engine() { /* This is where we open up our audio device. Mix_OpenAudio takes as its parameters the audio format we'd /like/ to have. */ if(Mix_OpenAudio(info.rate, info.format, info.channels, info.buffers)) { GB.Error("Unable to open audio"); return TRUE; } Mix_QuerySpec(&info.rate, &info.format, &info.channels); channel_count = Mix_AllocateChannels(-1); Mix_ChannelFinished(channel_finished); return FALSE; } static int init = 0; void SOUND_init(void) { init++; if (init > 1) return; set_audio_properties(); //Fill audio structures with gambas properties start_sound_engine(); //Start the sound engine } static void free_music(void) { if (!info.music) return; Mix_HaltMusic(); Mix_RewindMusic(); Mix_FreeMusic(info.music); info.music = NULL; } void SOUND_exit(void) { init--; if (init > 0) return; free_music(); Mix_CloseAudio(); } static void return_channel(int channel, CSOUND *sound) { CCHANNEL *ob=0; if (channel < 0 || channel >= channel_count) { if (sound) GB.Unref(POINTER(&sound)); GB.ReturnNull(); return; } ob = channel_cache[channel]; if (!ob) { GB.New(POINTER(&ob), GB.FindClass("Channel"), NULL, NULL); channel_cache[channel] = ob; ob->channel = channel; GB.Ref(ob); } if (sound) ob->sound = sound; GB.ReturnObject(ob); } static double volume_from_sdl(int vol) { return log(1 + (M_E - 1) * (double)vol / MIX_MAX_VOLUME); } static int volume_to_sdl(double vol) { return (exp(vol) - 1) / (M_E - 1) * MIX_MAX_VOLUME; } /*************************************************************************** Sound ***************************************************************************/ #define THIS ((CSOUND *)_object) BEGIN_METHOD(CSOUND_new, GB_STRING file) char *addr; int len; if (GB.LoadFile(STRING(file), LENGTH(file), &addr, &len)) return; THIS->chunk = Mix_LoadWAV_RW(SDL_RWFromMem(addr, len), TRUE); GB.ReleaseFile(&addr, len); if (!THIS->chunk) GB.Error(Mix_GetError()); END_METHOD BEGIN_METHOD_VOID(CSOUND_free) Mix_FreeChunk(THIS->chunk); THIS->chunk = NULL; END_METHOD BEGIN_METHOD(CSOUND_play, GB_INTEGER loops) int loops = VARGOPT(loops, 0); int channel; /* count_sound++; printf("Ref sound [%d] play : %p\n", count_sound,THIS);*/ fflush(NULL); GB.Ref(THIS); channel = Mix_PlayChannel(-1, THIS->chunk, loops); return_channel(channel, THIS); END_METHOD GB_DESC CSoundDesc[] = { GB_DECLARE("Sound", sizeof(CSOUND)), //GB_STATIC_METHOD("_init", NULL, CSOUND_init, NULL), //GB_STATIC_METHOD("_exit", NULL, CSOUND_exit, NULL), GB_METHOD("_new", NULL, CSOUND_new, "(File)s"), GB_METHOD("_free", NULL, CSOUND_free, NULL), //GB_PROPERTY("Volume", "e", CSOUND_volume), GB_METHOD("Play", "Channel", CSOUND_play, "[(Loops)i]"), GB_END_DECLARE }; /*************************************************************************** Channel ***************************************************************************/ #undef THIS #define THIS ((CCHANNEL *)_object) BEGIN_METHOD(CCHANNEL_get, GB_INTEGER index) return_channel(VARG(index), NULL); END_METHOD BEGIN_PROPERTY(CCHANNEL_count) int nchan; if (READ_PROPERTY) GB.ReturnInteger(Mix_AllocateChannels(-1)); else { nchan = VPROP(GB_INTEGER); if (nchan < 0) nchan = 0; else if (nchan >= MAX_CHANNEL) nchan = MAX_CHANNEL; Mix_AllocateChannels(nchan); } END_PROPERTY BEGIN_METHOD(CCHANNEL_play, GB_OBJECT sound; GB_INTEGER loops) CSOUND *sound; if (Mix_Paused(THIS->channel)) Mix_Resume(THIS->channel); sound = VARGOPT(sound, NULL); if (!sound) return; /*printf("Ref %p\n", sound);*/ fflush(NULL); GB.Ref(sound); Mix_PlayChannel(THIS->channel, sound->chunk, VARGOPT(loops, 0)); THIS->sound = sound; END_METHOD BEGIN_METHOD_VOID(CCHANNEL_pause) Mix_Pause(THIS->channel); END_METHOD BEGIN_METHOD_VOID(CCHANNEL_stop) Mix_HaltChannel(THIS->channel); END_METHOD BEGIN_METHOD_VOID(CCHANNEL_exit) int i; CCHANNEL *ch; for (i = 0; i < MAX_CHANNEL; i++) { ch = channel_cache[i]; if (!ch) continue; /*Mix_HaltChannel(ch->channel);*/ if (ch->sound) free_channel_sound(ch->sound); /*if (ch->sound) GB.Unref((void **)&ch->sound);*/ GB.Unref(POINTER(&ch)); } END_METHOD BEGIN_PROPERTY(CCHANNEL_volume) int channel; channel = THIS ? THIS->channel : -1; if (READ_PROPERTY) GB.ReturnFloat(volume_from_sdl(Mix_Volume(channel, -1))); else Mix_Volume(channel, volume_to_sdl(VPROP(GB_FLOAT))); END_PROPERTY GB_DESC CChannelDesc[] = { GB_DECLARE("Channel", sizeof(CCHANNEL)), GB_NOT_CREATABLE(), GB_STATIC_METHOD("_exit", NULL, CCHANNEL_exit, NULL), //GB_STATIC_PROPERTY("Volume", "e", CCHANNEL_volume), GB_METHOD("Play", NULL, CCHANNEL_play, "[(Sound)Sound;(Loops)i]"), GB_METHOD("Pause", NULL, CCHANNEL_pause, NULL), GB_METHOD("Stop", NULL, CCHANNEL_stop, NULL), GB_PROPERTY("Volume", "f", CCHANNEL_volume), GB_END_DECLARE }; GB_DESC CChannelsDesc[] = { GB_DECLARE("Channels", 0), GB_NOT_CREATABLE(), GB_STATIC_METHOD("_get", "Channel", CCHANNEL_get, "(Index)i"), //GB_STATIC_METHOD("_next", "Channel", CCHANNEL_next, NULL), GB_STATIC_PROPERTY("Count", "i", CCHANNEL_count), GB_STATIC_PROPERTY("Volume", "f", CCHANNEL_volume), GB_END_DECLARE }; /*************************************************************************** Music ***************************************************************************/ static double get_music_pos(void) { double time; if (Mix_PlayingMusic() && !Mix_PausedMusic()) { GB.GetTime(&time, FALSE); return music_ref_pos + time - music_ref_time; } else return music_ref_pos; } BEGIN_METHOD(CMUSIC_load, GB_STRING file) free_music(); /* Note that the music cannot be stored inside the project ! */ info.music = Mix_LoadMUS(GB.RealFileName(STRING(file), LENGTH(file))); if (!info.music) GB.Error(Mix_GetError()); music_ref_pos = 0; music_ref_time = 0; END_METHOD BEGIN_METHOD(CMUSIC_play, GB_INTEGER loops; GB_FLOAT fadein) double fadevalue=0; if (!info.music) return; GB.GetTime(&music_ref_time, FALSE); if (Mix_PausedMusic()) { Mix_ResumeMusic(); return; } /* We want to know when our music has stopped playing so we can free it up and set 'music' back to NULL. SDL_Mixer provides us with a callback routine we can use to do exactly that */ /*Mix_HookMusicFinished(musicDone);*/ //The 'Looping' param should be optional in gambas, default=0. Don't know how? //BM Now do you now ? ;-) fadevalue = VARGOPT(fadein, 0) * 1000; // if fadevalue is too small -> music doesn't want to play ! if (fadevalue<100) { fadevalue=0; } Mix_FadeInMusic(info.music, VARGOPT(loops, 1), fadevalue); END_METHOD BEGIN_METHOD_VOID(CMUSIC_pause) music_ref_pos = get_music_pos(); Mix_PauseMusic(); END_METHOD BEGIN_METHOD(CMUSIC_stop, GB_FLOAT fadeout) if (MISSING(fadeout)) Mix_HaltMusic(); else Mix_FadeOutMusic(VARG(fadeout)*1000); music_ref_pos = 0; END_METHOD BEGIN_PROPERTY(CMUSIC_pos) double pos; if (READ_PROPERTY) { GB.ReturnFloat(get_music_pos()); } else { pos = VPROP(GB_FLOAT); Mix_RewindMusic(); if (Mix_SetMusicPosition(pos) == 0) music_ref_pos = pos; else music_ref_pos = 0; GB.GetTime(&music_ref_time, FALSE); } END_PROPERTY BEGIN_PROPERTY(CMUSIC_volume) if (READ_PROPERTY) GB.ReturnFloat(volume_from_sdl(Mix_VolumeMusic(-1))); else Mix_VolumeMusic(volume_to_sdl(VPROP(GB_FLOAT))); END_PROPERTY GB_DESC CMusicDesc[] = { GB_DECLARE("Music", 0), //GB_STATIC_METHOD("_init", NULL, CSOUND_init, NULL), //GB_STATIC_METHOD("_exit", NULL, CSOUND_exit, NULL), GB_STATIC_METHOD("Load", NULL, CMUSIC_load, "(File)s"), GB_STATIC_METHOD("Play", NULL, CMUSIC_play, "[(Loops)i(FadeIn)f]"), GB_STATIC_METHOD("Pause", NULL, CMUSIC_pause, NULL), GB_STATIC_METHOD("Stop", NULL, CMUSIC_stop, "[(FadeOut)f]"), GB_STATIC_PROPERTY("Volume", "f", CMUSIC_volume), GB_STATIC_PROPERTY("Pos", "f", CMUSIC_pos), GB_END_DECLARE };