#!/bin/sh #-- waf for Slackware -- # Build script by Phantom X # Suggested usage: $ waf.SlackBuild 2>&1 | tee build.log #-- # Copyright 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Phantom X, Goiania, Brazil. # Copyright 2006 Martijn Dekker, Groningen, Netherlands. # # Redistribution and use of this script, with or without modification, is # permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # 1. Redistributions of this script must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR `AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED # WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO # EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; # OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, # WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR # OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF # ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # http://code.google.com/p/waf/ PACKAGER_ID=${PACKAGER_ID:-$USER} PACKAGER=${PACKAGER:-$USER@$HOSTNAME} # Set to YES to replicate slackbuild and patches SB_REP=${SB_REP:-YES} CWD=$(pwd) TMP=${TMP:-/tmp} if [ ! -d ${TMP} ]; then mkdir -p ${TMP} fi NAME=waf PKG=${PKG:-${TMP}/package-${NAME}} VERSION=${VERSION:-1.6.9} ARCH=noarch SLKTARGET=${SLKTARGET:-i486} SLKDTARGET=${SLKDTARGET:-slackware} BUILD=${BUILD:-1} NJOBS=${NJOBS:-$(( $(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN) + 1 ))} DOCDIR=${PKG}/usr/doc/${NAME}-${VERSION} SBDIR=${PKG}/usr/src/slackbuilds/${NAME} PKGDEST=${PKGDEST:-${CWD}} PKGFORMAT=${PKGFORMAT:-txz} PKGNAME=${NAME}-$(echo ${VERSION} | tr - . )-${ARCH}-${BUILD}${PACKAGER_ID} DATE=$(LC_ALL=C date +%d-%b-%Y) SRCDIR=${NAME}-${VERSION} SRCARCHIVE=${SRCDIR}.tar.bz2 DL_PROG=${DL_PROG:-wget} DL_TO=${DL_TO:-5} DL_OPTS=${DL_OPTS:-"--timeout=${DL_TO}"} DL_URL="http://waf.googlecode.com/files/${SRCARCHIVE}" # if source is not present, download in source rootdir if possible test -r ${CWD}/${SRCARCHIVE} || ${DL_PROG} ${DL_OPTS} ${DL_URL} || exit 1 if [ -d ${PKG} ]; then # Clean up a previous build rm -rf ${PKG} fi mkdir -p ${PKG} cd ${TMP} rm -rf ${SRCDIR} tar -xvf ${CWD}/${SRCARCHIVE} || exit 1 cd ${SRCDIR} || exit 1 chmod -R u+w,go+r-w,a-s . if [ -r ${CWD}/apply-patches.sh ]; then . ${CWD}/apply-patches.sh || exit 1 fi extras= for f in waflib/extras/*.py ; do f=$(basename "$f" .py); if [ "$f" != "__init__" ]; then extras="${extras:+$extras,}$f" ; fi done ./waf-light --make-waf --strip --tools="$extras" || exit 1 mkdir _temp ( cd _temp cp -av ../waf . python ./waf >/dev/null 2>&1 ( cd .waf-${VERSION}-* || exit 1 find . -name '*.py' -printf '%P\0' \ | xargs -0 -I{} install -m 0644 -p -D {} ${PKG}/usr/share/waf/{} || exit 1 ) || exit 1 ) || exit 1 mkdir -p ${PKG}/usr/bin install -m 0755 -p waf-light ${PKG}/usr/bin/waf || exit 1 # remove shebangs from all scripts in wafadmin find ${PKG}/usr/share/waf/wafadmin -name '*.py' \ -exec sed -i -e '1{/^#!/d}' -e 's|\r$||g' {} \; # fix waf script shebang line sed -i "1c#! /usr/bin/python" ${PKG}/usr/bin/waf ( cd ${PKG}/usr/share/waf python -mcompileall . ) # Add a documentation directory: mkdir -p ${DOCDIR} cp -a \ README TODO demos doc/waf.pdf ${CWD}/ChangeLog.SB \ ${DOCDIR}/ [ -r ChangeLog ] && head -n 1000 ChangeLog > ${DOCDIR}/ChangeLog find ${DOCDIR}/ -type d -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 0755 find ${DOCDIR}/ -type f -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 0644 find ${DOCDIR}/ -type f -size 0 -print0 | xargs -0 rm -f # Compress and link manpages, if any: if [ -d ${PKG}/usr/share/man ]; then mv ${PKG}/usr/share/man ${PKG}/usr/man rmdir -p ${PKG}/usr/share fi if [ -d ${PKG}/usr/man ]; then ( cd ${PKG}/usr/man for manpagedir in $(find . -type d -name "man*") ; do ( cd ${manpagedir} for eachpage in $( find . -type l -maxdepth 1) ; do ln -s $( readlink ${eachpage} ).gz ${eachpage}.gz rm -f ${eachpage} done gzip -9 *.? # Prevent errors rm -f *.gz.gz ) done ) fi mkdir -p ${PKG}/install cat ${CWD}/slack-desc > ${PKG}/install/slack-desc cat ${CWD}/slack-required > ${PKG}/install/slack-required sed -i "s|_PACKAGER|${PACKAGER}|g; s|_BUILD_DATE|${DATE}|g" \ ${PKG}/install/slack-desc if [ "${SB_REP}" = "YES" ] ;then # Replicate slackbuild and patches mkdir -p ${SBDIR}/patches install -m0644 ${CWD}/slack-desc ${CWD}/slack-required ${CWD}/ChangeLog.SB \ ${CWD}/apply-patches.sh ${SBDIR}/ install -m0755 ${CWD}/${NAME}.SlackBuild \ ${SBDIR}/${NAME}.SlackBuild install -m0644 ${CWD}/patches/*.* \ ${SBDIR}/patches/ rmdir ${SBDIR}/patches fi # Build package: set +o xtrace # no longer print commands upon execution ROOTCOMMANDS="set -o errexit -o xtrace ; cd ${PKG} ; /bin/chown --recursive root:root . ;" ROOTCOMMANDS="${ROOTCOMMANDS} /sbin/makepkg --linkadd y --chown n ${PKGDEST}/${PKGNAME}.${PKGFORMAT} " if test ${UID} = 0; then eval ${ROOTCOMMANDS} set +o xtrace elif test "$(type -t fakeroot)" = 'file'; then echo -e "\e[1mEntering fakeroot environment.\e[0m" echo ${ROOTCOMMANDS} | fakeroot else echo -e "\e[1mPlease enter your root password.\e[0m (Consider installing fakeroot.)" /bin/su -c "${ROOTCOMMANDS}" fi # Clean up the extra stuff: if [ "$1" = "--cleanup" ]; then echo "Cleaning..." if [ -d ${TMP}/${SRCDIR} ]; then rm -rf ${TMP}/${SRCDIR} && echo "${TMP}/${SRCDIR} cleanup completed" fi if [ -d ${PKG} ]; then rm -rf ${PKG} && echo "${PKG} cleanup completed" fi rmdir ${TMP} && echo "${TMP} cleanup completed" fi exit 0