#!/bin/sh vdir=$(dirname $0) . $vdir/setup-functions VERSION=".0" HD_SWAP="256" HD_ROOT="2000" HD_HOME="1000" # Get settings if available if [ -f ../etc/setup.conf ]; then . ../etc/setup.conf fi menuA() { while [ 0 ]; do BACKTITLE="Vector Linux Install : Main" TITLE="VECTOR LINUX INSTALL" DIMENSION="21 76 5" TEXT="\n Welcome to $NAME version $VERSION installation.\n We promise you a quick and easy install process. However, you have to prepare the following Linux partitions on your harddisk:\n - A swap for virtual memory : $HD_SWAP MB.\n - A root for system and programs : $HD_ROOT MB minimal.\n - A home for your data : $HD_HOME MB or more.\n\n If you have these partitions already, let's go straight to\n the INSTALL menu. Otherwise choose RESIZE or FDISK menu." $DCMD --backtitle "$BACKTITLE" --title "$TITLE" --no-cancel \ --menu "$TEXT" $DIMENSION \ "KEYMAP" "Change keymap first if your keyboard is not US-layout" \ "RESIZE" "Claim some space from a Windows partition for Linux" \ "FDISK" "Launch fdisk utility to make Linux partitions" \ "INSTALL" "Bring it on ..., I can't wait" \ "EXIT" "Exit this setup program. You will be on your own !" \ 2> $freply status=$? [ $status == 1 ] && return 1 [ $status != 0 ] && continue reply=$(cat $freply) dbug "reply=$reply" case $reply in KEYMAP) $vdir/setup-kmapset ;; RESIZE) $vdir/setup-resize $HD_SWAP $HD_ROOT $HD_HOME ;; FDISK) $vdir/setup-fdisk $HD_SWAP $HD_ROOT $HD_HOME ;; INSTALL) $vdir/setup-install $HD_SWAP $HD_ROOT $HD_HOME ;; EXIT) return 1 ;; esac [ $? == 1 ] && return 1 done } ################################################################################### # MAIN menuA clear echo -e "${LTRED}OK you wanna quit already so be it.....${OFF}" echo "If you get disoriented or give up, press Ctrl-Alt-Del." echo "but if you want me back, call $0" clean_exit 1