PACKAGE NAME: python-2.4.2-i586-1.tgz PACKAGE LOCATION: ./cli/DEV PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 16441 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 59050 K PACKAGE MD5: 8915ac728349264481d8f720d5c80321 ./cli/DEV/python-2.4.2-i586-1.tgz PACKAGE REQUIRED: python,cxxlibs >= 5.0.6,gcc-g++ >= 3.3.4,tk >= 8.4.11,tcl >= 8.4.11,x11 >= 6.8.1,zlib >= 1.2.2,bzip2 >= 1.0.2,db4 >= 4.2.52,gdbm >= 1.8.3,openssl >= 0.9.7e,openssl-solibs >= 0.9.7e,ncurses >= 5.4,gpm >= 1.19.6,readline >= 4.3,bash >= 3.0 PACKAGE CONFLICTS: PACKAGE SUGGESTS: PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: python: Python 2.4.2 (high-level interpreted OO programming language) python: python: From the README: python: python: ``Python is an interpreted object-oriented programming language python: suitable (amongst other uses) for distributed application development, python: scripting, numeric computing and system testing. Python is often python: compared to Tcl, Perl, Java, JavaScript, Visual Basic or Scheme. To python: find out more about what Python can do for you, point your browser to python:''