PACKAGE NAME: xscreensaver-4.21-i586-4vl5.tgz PACKAGE LOCATION: ./x11/CORE PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 6909 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 15840 K PACKAGE REQUIRED: x11 >= 6.8.1,cxxlibs >= 5.0.6,gcc-g++ >= 3.3.4,gtk+2 >= 2.6.1,glib2 >= 2.6.1,libjpeg >= 6b,perl >= 5.8.6,libglade >= 2.4.0,libxml2 >= 2.6.16,zlib >= 1.2.2,atk >= 1.9.0,pango >= 1.8.0,expat >= 1.95.7,bash >= 3.0 PACKAGE CONFLICTS: PACKAGE SUGGESTS: PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: xscreensaver: XScreenSaver xscreensaver: A screen saver and locker for the X Window System. xscreensaver: by Jamie Zawinski xscreensaver: xscreensaver: The XScreenSaver program consists of three main programs that one might want to invoke explicitly. Each one has its own manual. These should have been installed as Unix ``man'' pages when xscreensaver was installed, but HTML versions of the manuals are available. xscreensaver: xscreensaver: xscreensaver The xscreensaver program is a daemon: it runs in the background, and waits for the keyboard and mouse to become idle. When they do, it blanks the screen, optionally locks it, and launches various graphics demos. xscreensaver: xscreensaver: xscreensaver-demo The xscreensaver-demo program is the graphical user interface to xscreensaver. It lets you tune the various parameters used by the xscreensaver daemon, and browse through the graphics demos. In effect, it is a tool for letting you edit your ~/.xscreensaver file. xscreensaver: