PACKAGE NAME: kdelibs-3.5.0-i486-4vl5.tgz PACKAGE LOCATION: ./x11/qt PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 19063 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 53760 K PACKAGE REQUIRED: perl >= 5.8.6,libart_lgpl >= 2.3.16,libidn >= 0.5.8,qt >= 3.3.4,x11 >= 6.8.1,expat >= 1.95.7,libpng >= 1.2.8,zlib >= 1.2.2,cxxlibs >= 5.0.6,gcc-g++ >= 3.3.4,bash >= 3.0,cups >= 1.1.23,openssl >= 0.9.7e,openssl-solibs >= 0.9.7e,bzip2 >= 1.0.2,libxslt >= 1.1.12,libxml2 >= 2.6.16,pcre >= 5.0,arts >= 1.5.0,esound >= 0.2.35,audiofile >= 0.2.6,alsa-lib >= 1.0.8,libvorbis >= 1.0.1,libogg >= 1.1,libmad >= 0.15.1b,glib2 >= 2.6.1,libjpeg >= 6b,libtiff >= 3.7.1,aspell >= 0.60 PACKAGE CONFLICTS: PACKAGE SUGGESTS: PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: kdelibs: kdelibs (KDE libraries) kdelibs: kdelibs: System libraries and other resources required by KDE: kdecore (KDE kdelibs: core library), kdeui (user interface), kimgio (image formats), kfile kdelibs: (file dialog), kspell (spelling checker), khtml (HTML widget), kab kdelibs: (addressbook), arts (sound, mixing and animation), kstyles, kparts, kdelibs: kjs (JavaScript), kio (URL fetcher), kdesu, dcop (desktop kdelibs: communication program), kssl (OpenSSL integration), kinit, libkmid, kdelibs: interfaces, libtldl, mimetypes, pics, and ksgmltools. kdelibs: kdelibs: Home Page: