PACKAGE NAME: progsreiserfs- PACKAGE LOCATION: ./cli/BASE PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 242 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 810 K PACKAGE MD5: 3ab607c62535c3620a965b12758d2616 ./cli/BASE/progsreiserfs- PACKAGE REQUIRED: e2fsprogs >= 1.35 PACKAGE CONFLICTS: PACKAGE SUGGESTS: PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: progsreiserfs: progsreiserfs (reiserfs access library) progsreiserfs: progsreiserfs: This is a library for reiserfs filesystem access and manipulation progsreiserfs: wich might be linked against any projects that needs reiserfs access. progsreiserfs: There are GNU Parted, GNU GRUB, Yaboot, Partimage, EVMS, etc. progsreiserfs: progsreiserfs: Website: progsreiserfs: License: GNU GPL progsreiserfs: Author: Yury Umanets