PACKAGE NAME: usb-mount-0.9.4-noarch-4vl5.tgz PACKAGE LOCATION: ./cli/CORE PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 26 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 100 K PACKAGE MD5: 04ae817986285102d72fff021775d664 ./cli/CORE/usb-mount-0.9.4-noarch-4vl5.tgz PACKAGE REQUIRED: hotplug >= 2004_09_23,disktype >= 7,sg3_utils >= 1.10,procmail >= 3.15.2,bash >= 3.0 PACKAGE CONFLICTS: PACKAGE SUGGESTS: PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: usb-mount: usb-mount (automatic USB storage mounter) usb-mount: usb-mount: Automounts/umounts usb-storage devices and shows the usb-mount: desktop icon on a KDE's desktop. usb-mount: Contains patches by Joe1962 for Vector Linux. usb-mount: usb-mount: Website: usb-mount: License: GNU LGPL usb-mount: Author: Michael Hamilton usb-mount: usb-mount: