PACKAGE NAME: emacs-lisp-intro-2.04-noarch-2.tgz PACKAGE LOCATION: ./cli/EDIT PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 216 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 240 K PACKAGE MD5: 02320f695ec84e08baf84b4ef0fdee98 ./cli/EDIT/emacs-lisp-intro-2.04-noarch-2.tgz PACKAGE REQUIRED: texinfo >= 4.7 PACKAGE CONFLICTS: PACKAGE SUGGESTS: PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: emacs-lisp-intro: Introduction to Programming in Emacs LISP 2.04 emacs-lisp-intro: emacs-lisp-intro: This is a very user-friendly guide to Emacs LISP emacs-lisp-intro: programming. The author takes an approach that is emacs-lisp-intro: thoughtful, but does not in anyway dumb down the task at emacs-lisp-intro: hand. The reader will not only learn fundamental emacs-lisp-intro: programming, but also glean a deeper understanding of emacs-lisp-intro: the Emacs editor itself. The information in this guide emacs-lisp-intro: can also serve as a bridge to further programming emacs-lisp-intro: endeavours.