PACKAGE NAME: sane-backends-1.0.17-i586-4vl5.tgz PACKAGE LOCATION: ./cli/GR PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 3992 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 11760 K PACKAGE MD5: a5192bb9f472d543f0b7a3c3d093f01a ./cli/GR/sane-backends-1.0.17-i586-4vl5.tgz PACKAGE REQUIRED: bash >= 3.0,sane-backends >= 1.0.17,libusb >= 0.1.8,libjpeg >= 6b,libieee1284 >= 0.2.8,libgphoto2 >= 2.1.6,libexif >= 0.6.11 PACKAGE CONFLICTS: PACKAGE SUGGESTS: PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: sane-backends: sane-backends (support libraries and cli scanimage) sane-backends: sane-backends: SANE stands for Scanner Access Now Easy. sane-backends: This package contains the SANE libraries (this means backends and sane-backends: network scanning parts) and the command line frontend scanimage. sane-backends: You always find the most recent version of SANE on: sane-backends: sane-backends: