PACKAGE NAME: cdp-0.33_13-i586-4vl5.tgz PACKAGE LOCATION: ./cli/MM PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 29 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 80 K PACKAGE MD5: 5e770ac3a7f88a8a0ca984c18e570ded ./cli/MM/cdp-0.33_13-i586-4vl5.tgz PACKAGE REQUIRED: ncurses >= 1.9.4,gpm >= 1.19.6 PACKAGE CONFLICTS: PACKAGE SUGGESTS: PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: cdp: cdp 0.33-13 (Command Line and ncurses based Audio CD Player) cdp: cdp: cdp is a program that plays CDs at the linux console. cdp: It has a full-screen ncurses mode, and a command-line mode cdp: suitable for scripts that wish to play audio CDs. cdp: cdp could be considered the CD equivalent of mpg123. cdp: cdp: website: cdp: License: GNU GPL cdp: Author: Sariel Har-Peled cdp: