Begin3 Title: col_pic Version: 0.7 Entered-date: 2009-04-10 Description: xwindows based color selector for col_pic hardware via RS232. uses xforms library and headers. To unpack: tar -zxvf col_pic-0.7.tgz cd col_pic-0.7 Then follow the instructions in README and INSTALL. Documentation is not complete yet. 0.1: This is a first release. 0.2: Added asm and hex file, fixed a bug with blue LED drive. 0.3: Added universal send_command() in serial.c. removed old send_colors() command. Added 'save settings' button (sends command 'SLF'). 0.4: new icon. Added gamma correction and gamma button. 0.5: Added color selection circle, saturation slider, brightness slider, status display. Updated README and manual. Added gamma off button. Re-arranged GUI. All settings saved, col_pic restarts at the same point. Added sorted lowercase rgb.txt. 0.6: Added defaults in col_pic_main.c for selected_color, selected_saturation, and selected_brightness. Fixed status report in send_selected_color_saturation_brightnesss() so it prints reverse_gamma. Added clock timers to col.asm, see col.asm for list of changes. Added fast mode for color sequencing to col.asm. Added clock calibration to col.asm. Updated install and readme files,. 0.7: Fixed bug hanging in continuous help print, fixed eeprom programming errors bug, moved those routines into the interrupt handler, added some banksels, removed offset in save_status and load_status, so w register has no longer influence. Added CdS LDR to ground on pin 2 and pin 6, using pullup in pin 6, using comparator1 with internal reference. Changed 'L' to set comparator reference level for light intensity compare, range 0-31, 0 causes light to be always on. This function can switch on the LEDs when it gets dark, for example also when the main lighting fails. Added 'l' to display comparator reference steps, 'on' of 'off' for the lights, and the actual light level measured in steps (0-31), where 0 is brightest and 31 is dark. Updated help for the new functions. Clock out no longer to ouput pin. Moved red and green to other pins, as the old ones now in use by the comparators it seems. Removed pwm_init Changed the EEPROM programming routines for no W offset, and no calls but all jumps, removed EEPROM error flag. Fixed printing error caused by extra tx_w in EERPOM error report. Keywords: color, LEDs, PIC, 16F648A, LED lighting, lighting control, Linux, asm, PWM. Author: Jan Panteltje Maintained-by: Primary-site: Alternate-site: (homepage) Platforms: LINUX, UNIX Copying-policy: GPL End