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A Leap Year 2000 Reminder

Leap Year 2000 - an extra day to spend quality time with your family.

It's also a great opportunity to take a few of those extra minutes to review your life insurance, purchase additional protection, or apply for this important coverage to protect your family if you haven't already done so.  It's really quite EASY and you can do it right now in the privacy of your home or office.

And we can help!  Determine your life insurance needs using our coverage calculator located at http://www.ntktermlifeinsurance.com/term_life_insurance_calculator.html  or navigate our site from our main page at http://www.NTKTermLifeInsurance.com.  Either way, you are under NO OBLIGATION and you'll find that we are QUICK, EASY, INFORMATIVE and HASSLE FREE.

We represent over 50 of the insurance industry's TOP RATED companies.  We provide you with the FREEDOM TO COMPARE QUOTES and the ability to APPLY ON-LINE.  Quite simply, WE ARE THE BEST PLACE FOR YOUR INSURANCE NEEDS!

If you prefer, feel free to use our TOLL-FREE Quote-BY-Phone System by calling 1-888-368-5685.

We look forward to assisting you with all of your insurance needs!

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