This is the BETA release of the modified fileutils package. These GNU utilities have been modified to take advantage of the locale catalog support within Linux. There are three packages available: fileutils-3.9-bin.tar.gz These are the pre-compiled binaries. They have been compiled with support for locales. A sample English catalog has also been included in the package. Until other catalogs are released, you're stuck with the English version. These binaries perform identically to their regular GNU counterparts. fileutils-3.9-src.tar.gz The source code for the above. If you want to compile them for yourself, or just take a look at the code, this is the package for you. fileutils-catalogs.tar.gz This contains the info needed to translate the fileutils catalogs into other languages. You do not need to grab the source code or the fileutils binaries to make new catalogs (although you will need the binaries if you want to test your new catalog). Includes the gencat software for making the actual catalogs. If you have translated a catalog into another language, email me and tell me about it. That way I can include the new catalog in future releases and distribute it to everyone else. NOTE: This is ALPHA/BETA software. I have checked over the code and have been using it myself for a while now. The only modifications made were to add support for locale catalogs. If you find any bugs in the locale support, please email me ( and let me know. If you find any other bugs (relating to the actual software) please email the FSF as this is their responsibility. NOTE 2: This software is not to be distributed widely. I would like to get all the bugs out of the locale additions before passing these modifications on to the FSF and the rest of the world. Please confine in to people subscribed to the li-international and linux-asia mailing lists (if you don't know about these lists, you shouldn't be using this software). Patrick D'Cruze