local M = {} local mkutils = require "mkutils" local lfs = require "lfs" local os = require "os" local kpse = require "kpse" local filter = require "make4ht-filter" local domfilter = require "make4ht-domfilter" local domobject = require "luaxml-domobject" local xtpipeslib = require "make4ht-xtpipes" local log = logging.new "odt" function M.prepare_parameters(settings, extensions) settings.tex4ht_sty_par = settings.tex4ht_sty_par ..",ooffice" settings.tex4ht_par = settings.tex4ht_par .. " ooffice/! -cmozhtf" -- settings.t4ht_par = settings.t4ht_par .. " -cooxtpipes -coo " -- settings.t4ht_par = settings.t4ht_par .. " -cooxtpipes " settings = mkutils.extensions_prepare_parameters(extensions, settings) return settings end -- object for working with the ODT file local Odtfile = {} Odtfile.__index = Odtfile Odtfile.new = function(archivename) local self = setmetatable({}, Odtfile) -- create a temporary file local tmpname = os.tmpname() -- remove a temporary file, we are interested only in the unique file name os.remove(tmpname) -- get the unique dir name tmpname = tmpname:match("([a-zA-Z0-9_%-%.]+)$") local status, msg = lfs.mkdir(tmpname) if not status then return nil, msg end -- make picture dir lfs.mkdir(tmpname .. "/Pictures") self.archivelocation = tmpname self.name = archivename return self end function Odtfile:copy(src, dest) mkutils.cp(src, self.archivelocation .. "/" .. dest) end function Odtfile:move(src, dest) mkutils.mv(src, self.archivelocation .. "/" .. dest) end function Odtfile:create_dir(dir) local currentdir = lfs.currentdir() lfs.chdir(self.archivelocation) lfs.mkdir(dir) lfs.chdir(currentdir) end function Odtfile:make_mimetype() self.mimetypename = "mimetype" local m, msg = io.open(self.mimetypename, "w") if not m then log:error(msg) return nil, msg end m:write("application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text") m:close() end function Odtfile:remove_mimetype() os.remove(self.mimetypename) end function Odtfile:pack() local currentdir = lfs.currentdir() local zip_command = mkutils.find_zip() lfs.chdir(self.archivelocation) -- make temporary mime type file self:make_mimetype() mkutils.execute(zip_command .. ' -q0X "' .. self.name .. '" ' .. self.mimetypename) -- remove it, so the next command doesn't overwrite it self:remove_mimetype() mkutils.execute(zip_command ..' -r "' .. self.name .. '" *') lfs.chdir(currentdir) mkutils.cp(self.archivelocation .. "/" .. self.name, mkutils.file_in_builddir(self.name, Make.params)) mkutils.delete_dir(self.archivelocation) end --- ************************* -- *** fix picture sizes *** -- ************************* -- local function add_points(dimen) if type(dimen) ~= "string" then return dimen end -- convert SVG dimensions to points if only number is provided if dimen:match("[0-9]$") then return dimen .. "pt" end return dimen end local function get_svg_dimensions(filename) local width, height if mkutils.file_exists(filename) then for line in io.lines(filename) do width = line:match("width%s*=%s*[\"'](.-)[\"']") or width height = line:match("height%s*=%s*[\"'](.-)[\"']") or height -- stop parsing once we get both width and height if width and height then break end end end width = add_points(width) height = add_points(height) return width, height end local function get_xbb_dimensions(filename) local f = io.popen("ebb -x -O " .. filename) if f then local content = f:read("*all") local width, height = content:match("%%BoundingBox: %d+ %d+ (%d+) (%d+)") return add_points(width), add_points(height) end return nil end -- local function fix_picture_sizes(tmpdir) local filename = tmpdir .. "/content.xml" local f = io.open(filename, "r") if not f then log:warning("Cannot open ", filename, "for picture size fixes") return nil end local content = f:read("*all") or "" f:close() local status, dom= pcall(function() return domobject.parse(content) end) if not status then log:warning("Cannot parse DOM, the resulting ODT file will be most likely corrupted") return nil end for _, pic in ipairs(dom:query_selector("draw|image")) do local imagename = pic:get_attribute("xlink:href") -- update SVG images dimensions log:debug("image", imagename) local parent = pic:get_parent() local width = parent:get_attribute("svg:width") local height = parent:get_attribute("svg:height") -- if width == "0.0pt" then width = nil end -- if height == "0.0pt" then height = nil end if not width or not height then local imgfilename = tmpdir .. "/" .. imagename if imagename:match("svg$") then width, height = get_svg_dimensions(imgfilename) -- or width, height elseif imagename:match("png$") or imagename:match("jpe?g$") then width, height = get_xbb_dimensions(imgfilename) end end log:debug("new dimensions", width, height) parent:set_attribute("svg:width", width) parent:set_attribute("svg:height", height) -- if end -- save the modified DOM again log:debug("Fixed picture sizes") local domcontent = dom:serialize() local f, msg = io.open(filename, "w") if not f then log:error(msg) return nil, msg end f:write(domcontent) f:close() end -- fix font records in the lg file that don't correct Font_Size record local lg_fonts_processed=false local patched_lg_fonts = {} local function fix_lgfile_fonts(ignored_name, params) -- this function is called from file match. we must use the name of the .lg file local filename = mkutils.file_in_builddir(params.input .. ".lg", params) if not lg_fonts_processed then local lines = {} -- default font_size local font_size = "10" if mkutils.file_exists(filename) then -- for line in io.lines(filename) do -- default font_size can be set in the .lg file if line:match("Font_Size") then font_size = line:match("Font_Size:%s*(%d+)") elseif line:match("Font%(") then -- match Font record local name, size, size2, size3 = line:match('Font%("([^"]+)","([%d]*)","([%d]+)","([%d]+)"') -- find if the first size is not set, and add the default font_size then if size == "" then line = string.format('Font("%s","%s","%s","%s")', name, font_size, size2, size3) -- we must also save the font name and size for later post-processing, because -- we will need to fix styles in content.xml too patched_lg_fonts[name .. "-" .. font_size] = true end end lines[#lines+1] = line end -- save changed lines to the lg file local f = io.open(filename, "w") for _,line in ipairs(lines) do f:write(line .. "\n") end f:close() end filter_settings "odtfonts" {patched_lg_fonts = patched_lg_fonts} end lg_fonts_processed=true return true end local move_matches = xtpipeslib.move_matches local function insert_lgfile_fonts(make) local params = make.params local first_file = mkutils.file_in_builddir(params.input .. ".4oo", params) -- find the last file and escape it so it can be used -- in filename match make:match(first_file, fix_lgfile_fonts) move_matches(make) end -- escape string to be used in the gsub search local function escape_file(filename) local quotepattern = '(['..("%^$().[]*+-?"):gsub("(.)", "%%%1")..'])' return filename:gsub(quotepattern, "%%%1") end -- call xtpipes from Lua local function call_xtpipes(make) -- we must find root of the TeX distribution local selfautoparent = xtpipeslib.get_selfautoparent() if selfautoparent then local matchfunction = xtpipeslib.get_xtpipes(selfautoparent) make:match("4oo", matchfunction) make:match("4om", matchfunction) -- move last match to a first place -- we need to move last two matches, for 4oo and 4om files move_matches(make) move_matches(make) -- fix font records in the lg file insert_lgfile_fonts(make) else log:warning "Cannot locate xtpipes. Try to set TEXMFROOT variable to a root directory of your TeX distribution" end end -- sort output files according to their extensions local function prepare_output_files(lgfiles) local groups = {} for _, name in ipairs(lgfiles) do local basename, extension = name:match("(.-)%.([^%.]+)$") local group = groups[extension] or {} table.insert(group, basename) groups[extension] = group log:debug("prepare output file", basename, extension) end return groups end -- execute function on all files in the group -- function fn takes current filename and table with various attributes local function exec_group(groups, name, fn) for _, basename in ipairs(groups[name] or {}) do fn{basename = basename, extension=name, filename = basename .. "." .. name} end end -- remove ", "") end function M.modify_build(make) local executed = false -- execute xtpipes from the build file, instead of t4ht. this fixes issues with wrong paths -- expanded in tex4ht.env in Miktex or Debian call_xtpipes(make) -- fix the image dimensions wrongly set by xtpipes local domfilters = domfilter({"t4htlinks", "odtpartable"}, "odtfilters") make:match("4oo$", domfilters) -- execute it before xtpipes, because we don't want xtpipes to mess with t4htlink elements move_matches(make) -- fixes for mathml local mathmldomfilters = domfilter({"joincharacters","mathmlfixes"}, "mathmlfilters") make:match("4om$", mathmldomfilters) -- DOM filters that should be executed after xtpipes local latedom = domfilter({"odtfonts"}, "lateodtfilters") make:match("4oo$", latedom) -- convert XML entities for Unicode characters produced by Xtpipes to characters local fixentities = filter {"entities-to-unicode", remove_xtpipes} make:match("4oo", fixentities) make:match("4om", fixentities) -- we must handle outdir. make4ht copies the ODT file before it was packed, so -- we will copy it again after packing later in this format file local outdir = make.params["outdir"] -- build the ODT file. This match must be executed as a last one -- this will be executed as a first match, just to find the last filename -- in the lgfile make:match(".*", function() -- execute it only once if not executed then -- this is list of processed files local lgfiles = make.lgfile.files for k,v in ipairs(lgfiles) do if v:match("odt$") then table.remove(lgfiles, k) end end -- find the last file and escape it so it can be used -- in filename match local lastfile = escape_file(lgfiles[#lgfiles]) .."$" -- make match for the last file -- odt packing will be done here make:match(lastfile, function(filename, par) local groups = prepare_output_files(make.lgfile.files) -- we must remove any path from the basename -- local basename = groups.odt[1]:match("([^/]+)$") local basename = make.params.input local odtname = basename .. ".odt" local odt,msg = Odtfile.new(odtname) if not odt then log:error("Cannot create ODT file: " .. msg) end -- helper function for simple file moving local function move_file(group, dest) exec_group(groups, group, function(par) odt:move("${filename}" % par, dest) end) end -- the document text exec_group(groups, "4oo", function(par) odt:move("${filename}" % par, "content.xml") odt:create_dir("Pictures") end) -- manifest exec_group(groups, "4of", function(par) odt:create_dir("META-INF") odt:move("${filename}" % par, "META-INF/manifest.xml") end) -- math exec_group(groups, "4om", function(par) odt:create_dir(par.basename) odt:move("${filename}" % par, "${basename}/content.xml" % par) -- copy the settings file to math subdir local settings = groups["4os"][1] odt:copy(settings .. ".4os", "${basename}/settings.xml" % par) end) -- these files are created only once, so it doesn't matter that they are -- copied to one file move_file("4os", "settings.xml") move_file("4ot", "meta.xml") move_file("4oy", "styles.xml") -- pictures exec_group(groups, "4og", function(par) -- add support for images in the TEXMF tree if not mkutils.file_exists(par.basename) then par.basename = kpse.find_file(par.basename, "graphic/figure") if not par.basename then return nil, "Cannot find picture" end end -- the Pictues dir is flat, without subdirs odt:copy("${basename}" % par, "Pictures") end) -- fix picture sizes in the content file fix_picture_sizes(odt.archivelocation) -- remove some spurious file exec_group(groups, "4od", function(par) os.remove(par.filename) end) odt:pack() local build_filename = mkutils.file_in_builddir(odt.name, make.params) if outdir and outdir ~= "" then local outfilename = outdir .. "/" .. odt.name log:info("Copying ODT file to the output dir: " .. outfilename) mkutils.copy(build_filename,outfilename) elseif build_filename ~= odt.name then mkutils.cp(build_filename, odt.name) end end) end executed = true end) return make end return M