```{r setup, include = FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) options(width=100) ``` The time complexity of the algorithm depends on the number of intervals (candidate changepoints stored). Here we compute the mean number of intervals for real Mono27ac data, and synthetic count data which are always increasing. ```{r} data(Mono27ac, package="PeakSegDisk", envir=environment()) library(data.table) loss.list <- list() N.data.vec <- 10^seq(1, 3) for(penalty in c(0, 1e2, 1e4, 1e6)){ for(N.data in N.data.vec){ some.cov <- Mono27ac$coverage[1:N.data] some.inc <- data.table(some.cov) some.inc[, count := 1:.N] data.list <- list( real=some.cov, synthetic=some.inc) for(short.type in names(data.list)){ df <- data.list[[short.type]] fit <- PeakSegDisk::PeakSegFPOP_df(df, penalty) loss.list[[paste(penalty, N.data, short.type)]] <- data.table( N.data, short.type, fit$loss) } } } (loss <- do.call(rbind, loss.list))[, .( penalty, short.type, N.data, mean.intervals, max.intervals, megabytes, seconds)][order(penalty, short.type, N.data)] ``` Theoretically the most intervals that could be stored is $O(i)$ for each data point $i\in\{1, ..., N\}$. Therefore the largest total number of intervals is `sum(1:N)`, which can also be computed by `N*(N+1)/2`. The largest mean is `mean(1:N)`, which can be computed via `sum(1:N)/N` = `(N+1)/2`. ```{r} (worst.dt <- data.table( N.data=N.data.vec, mean.intervals=(N.data.vec+1)/2, short.type="theoretical")) ``` The plot below shows that the algorithm achieves the theoretical worst case time complexity for the synthetic increasing data, when the penalty is large. But the number of intervals is always much smaller for real Mono27ac ChIP-seq data. ```{r, fig.height=3} one <- function(short.type, data.type, color){ data.table(short.type, data.type, color) } type.dt <- rbind( one("theoretical", "Theoretical\nworst case", "grey"), one("synthetic", "Synthetic\nIncreasing", "red"), one("real", "Real ChIP-seq", "black")) loss.types <- type.dt[loss, on=list(short.type)] worst.types <- type.dt[worst.dt, on=list(short.type)] (type.colors <- type.dt[, structure(color, names=data.type)]) if(require(ggplot2)){ ggplot()+ guides( color=guide_legend(keyheight=3) )+ geom_blank(aes( N.data, 1), data=data.table(N.data=c(5, 2000)))+ theme_bw()+ theme(panel.spacing=grid::unit(0, "lines"))+ facet_grid(. ~ penalty, labeller=label_both)+ geom_line(aes( N.data, mean.intervals, color=data.type), data=worst.types)+ scale_color_manual( values=type.colors, breaks=names(type.colors))+ geom_line(aes( bedGraph.lines, mean.intervals, color=data.type), data=loss.types)+ scale_x_log10("N data")+ scale_y_log10("Mean intervals (candidate changepoints)") } ```