%{ /***** * camp.l * Andy Hammerlindl 2002/06/14 * * The lexical analyzer of the Asymptote language. *****/ #include #include #include #include #include "util.h" #include "modifier.h" #include "exp.h" #include "stm.h" #include "fundec.h" #include "errormsg.h" #include "interact.h" #include "lexical.h" using namespace absyntax; using mem::string; #include "camp.tab.h" #include "opsymbols.h" #define YY_NO_INPUT #define register static void yyunput(int, char *); void (*unused)(int,char *) = yyunput; fileinfo* fi; Int tokPos; Int charPos; //int commentDepth = 0; bool eof; string eofMessage; extern errorstream em; extern "C" int yywrap(void) { charPos=1; return 1; } typedef size_t (*input_f) (char* bif, size_t max_size); input_f yy_input = NULL; void setlexer(input_f input, string filename) { YY_FLUSH_BUFFER; yywrap(); fi = new fileinfo(filename); yy_input = input; tokPos = charPos = 1; eof=false; eofMessage=""; } #define YY_INPUT(buf,result,max_size) {result=yy_input(buf,max_size);} position lexerPos() { position p; p.init(fi, tokPos); return p; } namespace { position here() { return lexerPos(); } void adjust() { tokPos = charPos; charPos += yyleng; yylval.pos = here(); } void savesymbol(symbol name) { adjust(); yylval.ps.pos=yylval.pos; // avoid invoking here() twice yylval.ps.sym=name; } /* For optimization reasons, the operator names are translated into symbols * just once, and can be accessed throughout the code as SYM_PLUS, SYM_DASHES, * etc. Following the Don't Repeat Yourself principle, the mapping from * strings to names is defined only here in camp.l (because we can't produce * lex rules from a C style macro). * The script opsymbols.pl reads this file scanning for rules using DEFSYMBOL * and creates opsymbols.h which defines the names for use in C++ code. */ #define DEFSYMBOL(name) \ savesymbol(name) /* Extra symbols can be added by EXTRASYMBOL */ #define EXTRASYMBOL(chars, codename) /* blank */ EXTRASYMBOL(tuple, SYM_TUPLE); void makesymbol() { assert(strlen(yytext) == (size_t)yyleng); savesymbol(symbol::rawTrans(yytext, yyleng+1)); } void makeopsymbol() { savesymbol(symbol::opTrans(yytext)); } void makemod(trans::modifier mod) { yylval.mod.pos=here(); yylval.mod.val=mod; } void makeperm(trans::permission perm) { yylval.perm.pos=here(); yylval.perm.val=perm; } void newline() { fi->newline(); charPos = tokPos = 1; } void error(void) { em.error(here()); } } // Used by the lexer rules to flag an unexpected end of input. The message is // the error message that should be reported, and may differ if, say the input // ends in the middle of a string or comment. void setEOF(string message) { eof=true; eofMessage=message; } // Called by code outside of the lexer to see if a parse error was caused by // running out of input. bool lexerEOF() { return eof; } // Called by code outside of the lexer when it wants to report the unexpected // eof as an error (instead of looking for more input). void reportEOF() { assert(eof); error(); em << eofMessage; em.sync(true); } position stringpos; // The position of the start of the string. string stringbuild; // Stores the string literal as it is read. namespace { void startstring() { adjust(); stringpos = here(); } void append(char c) { stringbuild.push_back(c); yylval.pos = here(); } void getstring(void) { // NOTE: Replace here() with a position at the start of the string. yylval.stre = new stringExp(stringpos, stringbuild); string().swap(stringbuild); } } %} %x lexcomment %x texstring %x cstring %x lexformat %x opname LETTER [_A-Za-z] ESC \\ ENDL \\?(\r\n|\n|\r) EXTRAOPS <<|>>|$|$$|@|@@|~|<> %% { \/\* {adjust(); /*commentDepth++;*/} \*\/ {adjust(); /*commentDepth--;*/ /*if (commentDepth == 0)*/ BEGIN INITIAL; } \r\n|\n|\r {adjust(); newline(); continue; } <> {adjust(); setEOF("comment not terminated"); BEGIN INITIAL; return GARBAGE; } . {adjust(); continue; } } { \"/([ \t]|{ENDL})*[\"\'] {adjust(); BEGIN INITIAL;} \" {adjust(); BEGIN INITIAL; getstring(); return STRING; } <> {adjust(); setEOF("string not terminated"); BEGIN INITIAL; getstring(); return GARBAGE; } {ENDL} {adjust(); newline(); append('\n'); continue; } {ESC}{ESC} {adjust(); append('\\'); append('\\'); continue; } {ESC}\" {adjust(); append('\"'); continue; } . {adjust(); append(*yytext); } } { \'/([ \t]|{ENDL})*[\"\'] {adjust(); BEGIN INITIAL;} \' {adjust(); BEGIN INITIAL; getstring(); return STRING; } <> {adjust(); setEOF("string not terminated"); BEGIN INITIAL; getstring(); return GARBAGE; } {ENDL} {adjust(); newline(); append('\n'); continue; } {ESC}(\'|\"|\?|\\) {adjust(); append(yytext[1]); continue; } {ESC}a {adjust(); append('\a'); continue; } {ESC}b {adjust(); append('\b'); continue; } {ESC}f {adjust(); append('\f'); continue; } {ESC}n {adjust(); append('\n'); continue; } {ESC}r {adjust(); append('\r'); continue; } {ESC}t {adjust(); append('\t'); continue; } {ESC}v {adjust(); append('\v'); continue; } {ESC}[0-7] {adjust(); char x=(char)(yytext[1]-'0'); append(x); continue; } {ESC}[0-7][0-7] {adjust(); char x=(char)((yytext[1]-'0')*8+yytext[2]-'0'); append(x); continue; } {ESC}[0-3][0-7][0-7] {adjust(); char x=(char)((yytext[1]-'0')*64+(yytext[2]-'0')*8 +yytext[3]-'0'); append(x); continue; } {ESC}x[0-9,A-F] {adjust(); char x=(char) (yytext[2] <= '9' ? yytext[2]-'0' : 10+yytext[2]-'A'); append(x); continue; } {ESC}x[0-9,A-F][0-9,A-F] {adjust(); char x=(char) ((yytext[2] <= '9' ? yytext[2]-'0' : 10+yytext[2]-'A')*16 +(yytext[3] <= '9' ? yytext[3]-'0' : 10+yytext[3]-'A')); append(x); continue; } . {adjust(); append(*yytext); } } [ \t] {adjust(); continue;} {ENDL} {adjust(); newline(); continue;} \/\/[^\n]* {adjust(); continue;} "," {adjust(); return ','; } ":" {adjust(); return ':'; } ";" {adjust(); return ';'; } "(" {adjust(); return '('; } ")" {adjust(); return ')'; } "[" {adjust(); return '['; } "]" {adjust(); return ']'; } "{" {adjust(); return '{'; } "}" {adjust(); return '}'; } "." {adjust(); return '.'; } "..." {adjust(); return ELLIPSIS; } "+" {DEFSYMBOL(SYM_PLUS); return '+'; } "-" {DEFSYMBOL(SYM_MINUS); return '-'; } "*" {DEFSYMBOL(SYM_TIMES); return '*'; } "/" {DEFSYMBOL(SYM_DIVIDE); return '/'; } "#" {DEFSYMBOL(SYM_QUOTIENT); return '#'; } "%" {DEFSYMBOL(SYM_MOD); return '%'; } "^" {DEFSYMBOL(SYM_CARET); return '^'; } "**" {savesymbol(SYM_CARET); return '^'; } "?" {adjust(); return '?'; } "=" {adjust(); return ASSIGN; } "==" {DEFSYMBOL(SYM_EQ); return EQ; } "!=" {DEFSYMBOL(SYM_NEQ); return NEQ; } "<" {DEFSYMBOL(SYM_LT); return LT; } "<=" {DEFSYMBOL(SYM_LE); return LE; } ">" {DEFSYMBOL(SYM_GT); return GT; } ">=" {DEFSYMBOL(SYM_GE); return GE; } "&&" {DEFSYMBOL(SYM_CAND); return CAND; } "||" {DEFSYMBOL(SYM_COR); return COR; } "!" {DEFSYMBOL(SYM_LOGNOT); return OPERATOR; } "^^" {DEFSYMBOL(SYM_CARETS); return CARETS; } "::" {DEFSYMBOL(SYM_COLONS); return COLONS; } "++" {DEFSYMBOL(SYM_INCR); return INCR; } ".." {DEFSYMBOL(SYM_DOTS); return DOTS; } "--" {DEFSYMBOL(SYM_DASHES); return DASHES; } "---" {DEFSYMBOL(SYM_LONGDASH); return LONGDASH; } "&" {DEFSYMBOL(SYM_AMPERSAND); return AMPERSAND; } "|" {DEFSYMBOL(SYM_BAR); return BAR; } {EXTRAOPS} {makeopsymbol(); return OPERATOR; } "+=" {savesymbol(SYM_PLUS); return SELFOP; } "-=" {savesymbol(SYM_MINUS); return SELFOP; } "*=" {savesymbol(SYM_TIMES); return SELFOP; } "/=" {savesymbol(SYM_DIVIDE); return SELFOP; } "#=" {savesymbol(SYM_QUOTIENT); return SELFOP; } "%=" {savesymbol(SYM_MOD); return SELFOP; } "^=" {savesymbol(SYM_CARET); return SELFOP; } and {adjust(); return AND; } controls {DEFSYMBOL(SYM_CONTROLS); return CONTROLS; } tension {DEFSYMBOL(SYM_TENSION); return TENSION; } atleast {DEFSYMBOL(SYM_ATLEAST); return ATLEAST; } curl {DEFSYMBOL(SYM_CURL); return CURL; } if {adjust(); return IF; } else {adjust(); return ELSE; } while {adjust(); return WHILE; } for {adjust(); return FOR; } do {adjust(); return DO; } return {adjust(); return RETURN_; } break {adjust(); return BREAK; } continue {adjust(); return CONTINUE; } struct {adjust(); return STRUCT; } typedef {adjust(); return TYPEDEF; } new {adjust(); return NEW; } access {adjust(); return ACCESS; } import {adjust(); return IMPORT; } unravel {adjust(); return UNRAVEL; } from {adjust(); return FROM; } include {adjust(); return INCLUDE; } quote {adjust(); return QUOTE; } static {adjust(); makemod(trans::EXPLICIT_STATIC); return MODIFIER; } public {adjust(); makeperm(trans::PUBLIC); return PERM; } private {adjust(); makeperm(trans::PRIVATE); return PERM; } restricted {adjust(); makeperm(trans::RESTRICTED); return PERM; } this {adjust(); return THIS; } explicit {adjust(); return EXPLICIT; } [0-9]+ try { adjust(); yylval.e= new intExp(here(), lexical::cast(yytext)); } catch (lexical::bad_cast&) { error(); em << "invalid integer"; yylval.e= new intExp(here(), 0); } return LIT; ([0-9]*\.[0-9]+)|([0-9]+\.[0-9]*)|([0-9]*\.*[0-9]+e[-+]*[0-9]+)|([0-9]+\.[0-9]*e[-+]*[0-9]+) try { adjust(); yylval.e= new realExp(here(), lexical::cast(yytext)); } catch (lexical::bad_cast&) { error(); em << "invalid real"; yylval.e= new realExp(here(), 0); } return LIT; true { adjust(); yylval.e= new booleanExp(here(), true); return LIT; } false { adjust(); yylval.e= new booleanExp(here(), false); return LIT; } null { adjust(); yylval.e= new nullExp(here()); return LIT; } cycle { adjust(); yylval.e= new cycleExp(here()); return LIT; } newframe { adjust(); yylval.e= new newPictureExp(here()); return LIT; } operator {adjust(); BEGIN opname; } { [ \t\r] {adjust(); continue;} {ENDL} {adjust(); newline(); continue;} <> {adjust(); setEOF("missing operator name"); BEGIN INITIAL; return GARBAGE; } "**" { savesymbol(SYM_CARET); BEGIN INITIAL; return ID; } [-+*/#%^!<>]|==|!=|<=|>=|&|\||\^\^|\.\.|::|--|---|\+\+|{EXTRAOPS} { makeopsymbol(); BEGIN INITIAL; return ID;} {LETTER}({LETTER}|[0-9])* { makeopsymbol(); BEGIN INITIAL; return ID; } . {} } {LETTER}({LETTER}|[0-9])* { makesymbol(); return ID; } \/\* {adjust(); /*commentDepth = 1;*/ BEGIN lexcomment; } \" {startstring(); BEGIN texstring; } \' {startstring(); BEGIN cstring; } <> { setEOF("unexpected end of input"); yyterminate(); } . {adjust(); error(); em << "invalid token"; if (isgraph(yytext[0])) em << " '" << yytext[0] << "'"; }