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Can't match mode %s spiralbayerclose: invalid handle %p Invalid mode %s attach: opening %s attach: open failed (%s) attach: sending INQUIRY attach: inquiry failed (%s) ABATON Abatonflatbed scannerSCAN 300/GSSCAN 300/SNumber of optionsScan ModemodeScan moderesolutionX-resolutiony-resolutionY-resolutionresolution-bindBind X and Y resolutionpreviewPreviewhalftone-patternHalftone patternGeometrytl-xTop-left xtl-yTop-left ybr-xBottom-right xbr-yBottom-right yEnhancementbrightnessBrightnesscontrastContrastthresholdThresholdnegativeNegativeSwap black and whitemirrorMirror ImageScan in mirror-imageabaton.conf/dev/scanneroptionsane_get_select_fd: Don't call me please. Unimplemented function sane_set_io_mode: Don't call me please. Unimplemented function sane_cancel: Already Aborted. Please Wait... sane_cancel: Signal Caught! Aborting... sane_cancel: Scan has not been initiated yet.we probably recieved a signal while writing data. sane_cancel: Scan has not been initiated yet (or it's over). Sense: Hardware Error. Read more... Sense: Unit Attention (Wait until scanner boots) Sense: Vendor Unique. Read more... Sense: Unknown Sense Key. Read more... calc_parameters: Invalid mode %s (inches) ulx: %f, uly: %f, width: %f, height: %f (pixels) ulx: %d, uly: %d, width: %d, height: %d sane_read: cannot get_data_status. sane_read: (status) Available in scanner buffer %u. sane_read: (action) Actual read request for %u bytes. sane_read: Buffer %u of %u full %g%% sane_read: request_sense revealed error: %s sane_read: (status) No more data...sane_read: Normal Exiting, Aborted=%u, data_length=%u wait_ready: sending TEST_UNIT_READY wait_ready: test unit ready failed (%s) wait_ready: timed out after %ld seconds open: wait_ready() failed: %s Sense: Dim Light (output of lamp below 70%%). Sense: No Limit. Tried to scan out of range. sane_start: request_sense revealed error: %s Can't match haftone pattern %s open: set scan area command failed: %s attach: found Abaton scanner model %s (%s) attach: device doesn't look like an Abaton scanner (result[0]=%#02x) Read-only option that specifies how many options a specific devices supports.Selects the scan mode (e.g., lineart, monochrome, or color).Sets the horizontal resolution of the scanned image.Sets the vertical resolution of the scanned image.Use same values for X and Y resolutionRequest a preview-quality scan.Defines the halftoning (dithering) pattern for scanning halftoned images.Top-left x position of scan area.Top-left y position of scan area.Bottom-right x position of scan area.Bottom-right y position of scan area.Controls the brightness of the acquired image.Controls the contrast of the acquired image.Select minimum-brightness to get a white point`H,cffffff9@BGCC: (GNU) 4.2.3$.symtab.strtab.shstrtab.rel.text.data.bss.rodata.str1.1.rodata.str1.4.rel.rodata.rel.data.rel.ro.local.rodata.cst8.rodata.cst4.comment.text.__i686.get_pc_thunk.bx.note.GNU-stack.group4@% K%H%+H%(02H%l?2)RT2N $T^3 Z U q3~33.323237  D J"0@tP [h rp>zD        D @ &,16;8AGPMjSLY _ekqw} r{($ HpBG$Pj |%L+M17=CIO,U[agm$s>yWt}t8x  19 A!R(,/c6l=qDxK|RY`gnu|@p#*7LeXNl#(--2a8>D\JPV\hb=h&np33%@`2Q`o| z |N&-4EOVUgnp#abaton.csanei_debug_abaton_callsense_handlercalc_parameterstest_unit_readywait_readyfirst_handlefirst_devdevlist.6185num_devicesattachinquiryattach_onemax_string_sizemode_listdpi_rangehalftone_pattern_listy_rangex_rangeenhance_range.LC0.LC1.LC2.LC3.LC6.LC5.LC4.LC13.LC12.LC7.LC8.LC9.LC10.LC11.LC14.LC15.LC21.LC20.LC22.LC23.LC24.LC25.LC26.LC27.LC28.LC29.LC30.LC31.LC16.LC17.LC18.LC19.LC32.LC34.LC35.LC36.LC37.LC38.LC39.LC40.LC33.LC42.LC41.LC50.LC51.LC52.LC55.LC60.LC61.LC54.LC63.LC66.LC53.LC59.LC58.LC57.LC56.LC64.LC65.LC62.LC67.LC68.LC69.LC70.LC71.LC72.LC73.LC79.LC74.LC75.LC76.LC78.LC77.LC80.LC81.LC82.LC83.LC84.LC85.LC86.LC87.LC88.LC89.LC90.LC91.LC92.LC93.LC94.LC95.LC96.LC97.LC98.LC99.LC100.LC101.LC102.LC103.LC104.LC105.LC106.LC107.LC108.LC109.LC110.LC111.LC112.LC113.LC114.LC115.LC116.LC117.LC118.LC119.LC120.LC121.LC122.LC123.LC124.LC125.LC126.LC127.LC128.LC129.LC130.LC131.LC133.LC132.L25.L24.L26.L27.L28.L29.L30.L174.L189.L190.L191.L192.L193.L194.L195.L196.L197sane_abaton_get_option_descriptor__i686.get_pc_thunk.bx_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_sanei_debug_abatonsanei_debug_msgsane_abaton_get_select_fdsane_abaton_set_io_modesane_abaton_cancelsane_abaton_get_parameterssane_abaton_readsanei_scsi_cmdsane_strstatusgettimeofdayusleepsane_abaton_startsanei_scsi_opensane_abaton_closefreesane_abaton_exitsane_abaton_control_optionsanei_constrain_valuestrcpy__strdupsane_abaton_get_devicesmallocstrcmpsanei_scsi_close__strndupstrlensane_abaton_openmemsetsane_abaton_initsanei_init_debugsanei_config_opensanei_config_read__ctype_b_locsanei_config_attach_matching_devicesfclose%+ E O`u{ ! " $ #N $r % &  '% / (P )n * + , -  * .F /x 0 1i 2 3 4( 5H 6r 7 8 9 : ;% <= =p > ?  @pv  = AA B=  C D 0 x  E F G HB Iy J   K L  - W n } M  W l N O  P& Qh O /e R S  6Hi T} U V W0E Xm < Y > Z =  [&, 8 V \        /U` <j = > ]     - 5 w}   ^  .:K _} `  a  b? c d e f1 g@ L [  h # 2 Qx i j k l /0 j t m} n o     p q r s t( u4 v@ wL xX yd zp {| | } ~ D P RX^ d             , ! ! ! $! 0! # # # 4#w#}# ## ## ## $r$$ $$$       $ ( , 0 4 8 < @ D H L P T X \ ` d h l p