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This makes the scanner do a two pass scan to analyse the brightness of the image before it's scanned.Turns on automatic contrast correction of the acquired image. This makes the scanner do a two pass scan to analyse the contrast of the image to be scanned.Controls the brightness of the acquired image. When automatic brightness is enabled, this can be used to adjust the selected brightness.Controls the contrast of the acquired image. When automatic contrast is enabled, this can be used to adjust the selected contrast.Defines the halftoning (dithering) pattern for scanning halftoned images.Controls the red attenuation of the acquired image. Higher values mean less impact on scanned image.Controls the green attenuation of the acquired image. Higher values mean less impact on scanned image.Controls the blue attenuation of the acquired image. Higher values mean less impact on scanned image.Controls the calibration that will be done in the scanner. Less calibration result in faster scanner times.Controls the sharpening that will be done by the video processor in the scanner.(7Cdddd,X W6CP_W6CW61CC7?/CBBACffffff9@RQRQ?>?GCC: (GNU) 4.2.3$.symtab.strtab.shstrtab.rel.text.data.bss.rodata.str1.1.rodata.str1.4.rel.rodata.rel.data.rel.ro.local.rodata.cst4.rodata.cst8.comment.text.__i686.get_pc_thunk.bx.note.GNU-stack.group4@4 4e8 %4+4024g?2D: RD N lp^ExZ Dq q\F,~F(FFFFJ [  &0(`J:HHWl fqpw~D@e $vp**n(  #$14  =| J W k @  h  T       (  0 L%t*/@4:@FL R X ^[dDjtpvv |      & $    ( x$X* 0,6 <6BCHPN_TnZ`flxrx~Yxik|, 6=F M+&T-=4H;MBIGPWW_^jelzszHl # 1>")\0g7D>rE{LSZaThov} p  18@H KZU p!K"!!#!)`N$kWA1BV[l{  . CH[kJ  G  + 3 . ? Q c u  agfafocus.cset_sizeget_sizesanei_debug_agfafocus_callsense_handlerget_read_sizesscsi_read.5146start_scanrelease_unitdo_eofdo_canceltest_readywait_readyreader_processdevlist.5710num_devicesagfafocus_devicesattachscsi_inquiry.5429attach_onemax_string_sizefocus_mode_listdpi_list.5597source_listy_range.5603x_range.5602exposure_range.5600percentage_range.5598halftone_upload_listattenuation_range.5601quality_listsharpen_range.5599halftone_listfocusii_mode_listfocuscolor_mode_list.LC0.LC1.LC2.LC3.LC4.LC5.LC6.LC7.LC8.LC9.LC11.LC10.LC13.LC16.LC17.LC18.LC19.LC12.LC15.LC20.LC14.LC23.LC24.LC25.LC31.LC32.LC33.LC34.LC35.LC29.LC30.LC26.LC27.LC28.LC36.LC37.LC38.LC39.LC45.LC46.LC48.LC49.LC50.LC66.LC67.LC52.LC53.LC54.LC47.LC55.LC57.LC44.LC56.LC51.LC68.LC69.LC70.LC71.LC72.LC73.LC74.LC75.LC77.LC76.LC78.LC79.LC80.LC81.LC82.LC83.LC91.LC94.LC92.LC93.LC95.LC96.LC97.LC98.LC99.LC100.LC101.LC102.LC84.LC85.LC86.LC87.LC88.LC90.LC89.LC103.LC104.LC105.LC106.LC107.LC109.LC110.LC111.LC108.LC112.LC113.LC114.LC115.LC116.LC117.LC118.LC119.LC120.LC121.LC122.LC123.LC124.LC125.LC126.LC127.LC128.LC129.LC130.LC131.LC132.LC133.LC134.LC135.LC136.LC137.LC138.LC139.LC140.LC141.LC142.LC143.LC144.LC145.LC146.LC147.LC148.LC149.LC150.LC151.LC152.LC153.LC154.LC155.LC156.LC157.LC158.LC159.LC160.LC161.LC162.LC163.LC164.LC165.LC166.LC167.LC168.LC169.LC170.L198.L199.L200.L201.L202.L327.L338.L339.L340.L342sane_agfafocus_get_option_descriptorsane_agfafocus_get_select_fdsane_agfafocus_set_io_mode__i686.get_pc_thunk.bx_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_fcntlsane_agfafocus_cancelsanei_thread_killsanei_debug_agfafocussanei_debug_msgsanei_scsi_cmdclosesanei_thread_waitpidsanei_scsi_closesane_agfafocus_readread__errno_locationsane_strstatususleepsleepsanei_thread_is_forkedsigfillsetsigdelsetsigprocmaskmemsetsigactionsigemptysetsigaddsetsanei_scsi_max_request_sizemallocwritesane_agfafocus_get_parameterssane_agfafocus_startpipesanei_thread_beginsanei_scsi_opensane_agfafocus_closefreesane_agfafocus_get_devicessane_agfafocus_exitsane_agfafocus_control_optionsanei_constrain_valuestrcmp__strdupstrcpystrlensane_agfafocus_opensane_agfafocus_initsanei_init_debugsanei_thread_initsanei_config_opensanei_config_readsanei_config_attach_matching_devicesfclose  & 9ek  /  0  . 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