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sane_set_io_mode done close_pipe %s: command=0x%02x setup scan is_epro %d setup scan epro_mult %d %s: xdpi=%d, ydpi=%d TRUE%s: invalid action=%d FALSE%s: color=%s, depth=%d %s: pixel_x0=%d, pixel_y0=%d %s: pixel_xs=%d, pixel_ys=%d %s: unsupported depth=%d %s: pixel_align=%d %s: scan_xs=%d, scan_ys=%d %s: abs_xs=%d, abs_ys=%d %s: scan_bpl=%d, too large %s: scan_bpl=%d %s: setup request failed: %s sane_get_params: string %s sane_get_params: enter do_cancel killing reader_process sigaction() failed ! sanei_thread_kill() failed ! reader_process killed pipe closed freeing line_buffer freeing lineart_buffer sane_cancel: handle = %p sane_read - read %ld bytes ERROR: errno=%d %s: enter: size=0x%lx %s: bulk read failed: %s %s: leave: size=0x%lx %s: read failed line_read_gray_16 unpack_16_le_mono %s: enter params xdpi: %i %s: enter params ydpi: %i %s: enter params depth: %i %s: enter params color: %i %s: enter params scan_xs: %i %s: enter params scan_ys: %i !reader->params.color reader line mode depth 8 depth 16 %s: BUG: read already active %s: bad buffer size %s: read already active artec48u_device_read_startadjust offset r: -1 adjust offset r: +1 adjust offset g: -1 adjust offset g: +1 adjust offset b: -1 adjust offset b: +1 adjust exposure r: ++ adjust exposure r: -- adjust exposure g: ++ adjust exposure g: -- adjust exposure b: ++ adjust exposure b: -- option redOffset 0x%x option greenOffset 0x%x option blueOffset 0x%x option redExposure 0x%x option greenExposure 0x%x option blueExposure 0x%x HOMEwCould not write afe values Must calibrate scanner sane_start: pipe failed (%s) sane_start done reader process... sane_open: devicename = "%s" sane_open: attach failed %s sane_open: empty devicename could not open device sane_open - %s sane_open: try to open %s %s: device already active %s: model "%s" rbcould not activate device Firmware download failed Init calibrator size %d init_options: scanner %p init_options: start init_options: num options %i Number of optionsscanmode-groupScan modemodedepthBit depthblack-levelBlack levelresolutionScan resolutionenhancement-groupEnhancementbrightnessBrightnesscontrastContrastanalog-gammaAnalog gamma correctionAnalog gamma-correctionanalog-gamma-rAnalog gamma redanalog-gamma-gAnalog gamma greenanalog-gamma-bAnalog gamma bluedefault-enhancementsDefaultsgeometry-groupGeometrytl-xTop-left xtl-yTop-left ybr-xBottom-right xbr-yBottom-right ycalibration-groupCalibrationcalibrationCalibrate before next scancalibration-shadingCould not load offset file Could not load exposure file firmware size: %d line_read_gray_8 unpack_8_mono line_read_bgr_8_line_mode line_read_bgr_16_line_mode LineartGrayscaleColorsane_get_option_descriptor: option = %s (%d) %s: BUG: device %p not active reader_process (usb): terminated by signal %d sane_get_devices: start: local_only = %s %s: no memory for delay block %s: no memory for delay line pointers %s: artec48u_line_reader_read failed: %s %s: artec48u_device_read_finish failed: %s %s: sanei_usb_open failed: %s attach: device %s already attached attach: device %s NOT attached %s: couldn't malloc %lu bytes for device attach: setting vendor string: %s attach: setting model string: %s sane_set_io_mode: non_blocking=%d ERROR: can?t set to non-blocking mode ! %s: writing command failed: %s %s: reading response failed: %s artec48u_scanner_stop_scan begin: %s: base_xdpi=%d, base_ydpi=%d %s: BUG: unaligned bits_per_line=%d %s: BUG: unaligned scan_bpl=%d sanei_thread_waitpid() failed ! %s: artec48u_scanner_wait_for_positioning error: %s %s: artec48u_device_setup_scan failed: %s %s: enter params pixel_xs: %i %s: enter params pixel_ys: %i %s: enter params scan_bpl: %i %s: cannot allocate Artec48U_Line_Reader %s: cannot allocate line buffers: %s %s: unsupported bit depth (%d) %s: cannot allocate pixel buffer %s: not enough memory for the read buffer (%lu bytes) %s: artec48u_device_read_prepare failed: %s %s: artec48u_line_reader_new failed: %s %s: artec48u_device_start_scan error: %s %s: artec48u_device_read_scanned_data error: %s %s: scanner still not ready - giving up %s: artec48u_device_read_start error: %s %s: artec48u_scanner_internal_start_scan failed: %s avg_r: %i, avg_g: %i, avg_b: %i time_r: %x, time_g: %x, time_b: %x offset_r: %x, offset_g: %x, offset_b: %x Try to save black shading file: "%s" Could not save artec48ushading_black Wrote %li bytes to black shading buffer Could not write black shading buffer Try to save white shading file: "%s" Could not write white shading buffer Try to write offset file: "%s" Try to write exposure file: "%s" Could not write exposure values sane_start: could not start scan sane_start: sanei_thread_begin failed (%s) (child) reader_process: sigemptyset() failed (child) reader_process: sigaction(SIGTERM,...) failed (child) reader_process: sigaction(SIGUSR1,...) failed (child) reader_process: s=%p, fd=%d (child) reader_process: byte_cnt %d (child) reader_process: cancelRead == SANE_TRUE (child) reader_process: scanning != SANE_TRUE (child) reader_process: scanner_read_line failed (child) reader_process: write returned %s (child) reader_process: lines to read %i reader_process: terminated by signal %d sane_control_option: handle=%p, opt=%d, act=%d, val=%p, info=%p sane_open: found matching device %s sane_open: opening device `%s', handle = %p Try to open firmware file: "%s" Cannot open firmware file "%s" Error getting size of firmware file "%s" Cannot allocate %d bytes for firmware Problem reading firmware file "%s" artec48u_device_download_firmware%s: dev=%p, addr=0x%x, size=0x%x, data=%p %s: sanei_usb_control_msg failed: %s artec48u_device_download_firmware: mismatch at block 0x%0x download_firmware_file failed %s: no memory for Artec48U_Scanner Read-only option that specifies how many options a specific devices supports.Selects the scan mode (e.g., lineart, monochrome, or color).Number of bits per sample, typical values are 1 for "line-art" and 8 for multibit scans.Selects what radiance level should be considered "black".Sets the resolution of the scanned image.Controls the brightness of the acquired image.Controls the contrast of the acquired image.Analog gamma-correction for redAnalog gamma-correction for greenAnalog gamma-correction for blueSet default values for enhancement controls.Top-left x position of scan area.Top-left y position of scan area.Bottom-right x position of scan area.Bottom-right y position of scan area.If enabled, the device will be calibrated before the next scan. Otherwise, calibration is performed only before the first start.Only perform shading-correctionIf enabled, only the shading correction is performed during calibration. The default values for gain, offset and exposure time, either build-in or from the configuration file, are used.Try to read black shading file: "%s" Could not load black shading file Try to read white shading file: "%s" Could not load white shading file Try to read offset file: "%s" Try to read exposure file: "%s" /dev/usbscannerartec48u_device_closeartec48u_device_deactivateartec48u_device_read_finishartec48u_device_freeartec48u_device_newartec48u_device_openartec48u_line_reader_freeartec48u_device_generic_reqartec48u_setup_scanartec48u_scanner_start_scan_extendedartec48u_line_reader_newartec48u_delay_buffer_initgt68xx_device_set_read_buffer_sizeartec48u_device_read_prepareartec48u_device_readartec48u_device_read_rawartec48u_scanner_internal_start_scanartec48u_scanner_read_lineartec48u_device_activateartec48u_device_memory_writeartec48u_device_memory_readartec48u_scanner_new (2GD7?CGG?ffffff9@>GCC: (GNU) 4.2.3$.symtab.strtab.shstrtab.rel.text.data.bss.rodata.str1.1.rodata.str1.4.rel.rodata.rel.data.rel.local.rodata.cst4.rodata.cst8.comment.text.__i686.get_pc_thunk.bx.note.GNU-stack.group4@t $%+`>@ 02`8?2R N ^hZ  nx{ LT&`<RQm@JJ58 @PB ?,GZpt   te* DWdy  0 (@$@#8@. 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