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additional sense informationFlatbed Home Sensor Error (OKI onlyADF Home Sensor Error (OKI only)Invaild field in parameter listPower-on, reset or bus device reset occurredInvaild combination of window specifiedCommand cleared by another initiatorInvalid Bit in Identify MessageFW module doesn't match with scannerPapers fed from multiple trays (DM272)Multiple ADF paper End and StartUnknown sense code asc: 0x%02x, ascq: 0x%02xsense_handler: error in command parameter sense_handler: error in data parameter sense_handler: error in parameter byte: %d, %x sense_handler: bit pointer invalid filling command to have a length of 10, was: %lu Timeouts: write: %d, read: %d, status: %d Max retry count reached: I/O error try to write cmd, count: %lu. === Got error %d trying to write, wrote: %ld. === try to read status to clear the FIFO === Got error %d trying to read status. === try to write src, count: %lu. Got 1 byte - status? (%d) Resending. === Got error %d trying to request sense! === try to read %lu bytes sense data === Got error %d trying to read sense! === set_window: base_dpi_abs: %d, base_dpi_rel: %d set_window: final paralen: %d set_window: interlaced duplex scan, doubled line count set_window: large data-transfer support (>16bit)! set_window: source mode %d source mode dim %d set_window: interlaced duplex type set_window: non-interlaced duplex type (HP) %s: [6-9] x-axis upper left: %d %s: [10-13] y-axis upper left: %d %s: [18-21] window length: %d %s: [25] image composition: %x %s: [26] bits per channel: %d %s: [27-28] halftone pattern: %x %s: [29] padding_and_bitset: %x %s: [32] compression type: %x %s: [33] compression argument: %x %s: [50] ir exposure time: %x %s: [59] line-width (MSB): %d %s: [60] line-count (MSB): %d %s: [61] background lines: %d set_window: sending command. Bytes: %d get_calib_data: type %x, size %lu, chunk_size: %lu get_calib_data: Reading %ld bytes calibration data get_calib_data: read data failed (%s) get_calib_data: Got %ld bytes calibration data get_frame_info: read failed (%s) get_frame_info: [0] Holder type: %s get_frame_info: [1] Current frame number: %d get_frame_info: [2] Frame ammount: %d get_frame_info: [3] Mode: %s get_frame_info: [3] Exposures (if APS): %s get_frame_info: [3] Film Type (if APS): %s get_nvram_data: read failed (%s) %s: pad scans: %d %s: ADF simplex scans: %d %s: ADF duplex scans: %d %s: flatbed scans: %d %s: flatbed leading edge: %d %s: flatbed side edge: %d %s: ADF leading edge: %d %s: ADF side edge: %d %s: ADF rear leading edge: %d %s: ADF rear side edge: %d %s: born month: %d %s: born day: %d %s: born year: %d %s: first scan month: %d %s: first scan day: %d %s: first scan year: %d %s: vert. magnification: %d %s: horiz. magnification: %d %s: CCD type: %d %s: scan speed: %d %s: serial: '%.24s' %s: power saving time: %d %s: auto feed: %d %s: roller count: %d %s: multifeed count: %d %s: jam count: %d %s: identify info: '%.16s' %s: formal_name: '%.16s' get_calib_format: read_data: %lu bytes get_calib_format: read calib. info failed (%s) %s: [0-1] pixels per line: %d %s: [2] bytes per channel: %d NEEDS_CALIB_TABLE_CHANNEL_BY_CHANNEL NEEDS_WHITE_BLACK_SHADING_DATA%s: [5] Ability1:%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s %s: [9-10] R shading target: %x %s: [11-12] G shading target: %x %s: [13-14] B shading target: %x %s: [15-16] R dark shading target: %x %s: [17-18] G dark shading target: %x %s: [19-20] B dark shading target: %x get_calib_format: channels: %d normal_calibration: Scanner claims no calibration needed -> skipped! normal_calibration: reading dark data normal_calibration: using color calibration normal_calibration: using gray calibration normal_calibration: dark data present - decreasing white average data compute_white_shading_data: target %d invaild (%x) using inquiry (%x) compute_white_shading_data: target %d: bytes swapped. compute_white_shading_data: target %d: too low (%d) usind default (%d). compute_white_shading_data: target %d: %x compute_white_shading_data: %d invalid, %d limitted set_calib_data: merging dark calibration data set_calib_data: element %d, dark difference %d set_calib_data: all channels in one command set_calib_data: send_size: %lu set_calib_data: channels in single commands set_calib_data_calibration: channel: %i set_calib_data: sending %i bytes now set_calib_data: send_data failed (%s) sane_start: virtual duplex rear data valid. sane_start: media_check failed: %s wait_4_light: getting light status. wait_4_light: read failed (%s) wait_4_light: command is %d. Result is %s wait_4_light: scanner marked as returning bogus values in device-list!! wait_4_light: setting light status. wait_4_light: send failed (%s) wait_4_light: timed out after %d attempts sane_start: Optimized set_window away. sane_start: set scan window command failed: %s sane_start: optimized calibration away. sane_start: calibration enforced in config! sane_start: old protocol no calibration needed! sane_start: due to inquiry no calibration needed! sane_start: calibration disabled in device list!! sane_start: no calibration for film scanner! sane_start: calibration disabled in config - skipped! sane_start: perform calibration failed: %s send_3x3_matrix: sending matrix sane_start: gamma-table disabled in config - skipped! sane_start: gamma table skipped due to device-list!! sane_start: Optimized send_gamma away. send_gamma: table_raw_size: %lu, table_size: %lu send_gamma: values: %lu, invert_table: %d send_gamma: brightness: %f, contrast: %f send_gamma: (old protocol) - filling the table. send_gamma: sending %lu bytes gamma table. send_gamma: gamma table upload failed: %s sane_start: send gamma failed: %s send_tune_scan_length: top: %d send_tune_scan_length: send top/left failed (%s) send_tune_scan_length: tune bottom disabled due device list send_tune_scan_length: bottom: %d send_tune_scan_length: send bottom/right failed (%s) sane_start: tune_scan_length command failed: %s get_background_raster: native raster pixels: %d, raster bytes_per_line: %d get_background_raster: buffer size: %ld get_background_raster: no background requested get_background_raster: interlaced line: %d, %lu bytes get_background_raster: read raster failed (%s) get_background_raster: stripe: %d, %lu bytes sane_start: get background raster command failed: %s sane_start: no film holder or APS cassette! sane_start: go home failed: %s get_button_status: read failed (%s) ==> (interrupt read) got: %ld get_button_status: interrupt read failed (%s) get_button_status: just one byte, filling the rest get_button_status: zero buttons - filling values ... get_button_status: [0] Button status: %x get_button_status: [%d] Button number %d: %x get_button_status: [7] Display: %d get_button_status: %d button(s) pressed get_button_status: resetting status get_button_status: send failed (%s) get_button_status: button %d pressed get_button_status: button %d not allocated as not indicated in inquiry get_button_status: no button pressed reader_process: reserve_unit failed: %s reader_process: start_scan skipped due to device-list! start_scan: sending command. Bytes: %lu reader_process: start_scan faild: %s get_acceleration_info: read_data: %lu bytes get_acceleratoin_info: read accel. info failed (%s) %s: [0-1] acceleration step count: %d %s: [2-3] stable step count: %d send_acceleration_table: device does not need tables send_acceleration_table: table does not look right. send_acceleration_table: ability non-zero - insert code send_acceleration_table: first pass: send_acceleration_table: add_count limitted, was: %d send_acceleration_table: fixed up: send_acceleration_table: sending table %d send_acceleration_table: final: send_acceleration_table: send_data failed (%s) reader_process: send_acceleration_table failed: %s reader_process: opening duplex rear file for writing. reader_process: opening duplex rear file for reading. dev->scsi_buffer_size / 2: %d bytes_per_line: %d, pixels_per_line: %d lines_per_stripe: %d, lines_per_output: %d max_bytes_per_read: %d, stripe_size: %d, out_size: %d reader_process: total_size: %lu reader_process: dumping background raster reader_process: stripe filled: %d reader_process: processed_bytes: %lu, total_size: %lu reader_process: this_read: %lu reader_process: first EOF on stripe interlace: hiding. reader_process: read_data failed due to EOF reader_process: read_data failed with status: %d reader_process: virtual processed_bytes: %lu, total_size: %lu reader_process: virtual this_read: %lu reader_process: useful_bytes %i reader_process: deinterlacing line %d reader_process: saving rear line %d to temporary file. reader_process: after deinterlacing: useful_bytes: %d, stripe_fill: %d reader_process: skip due read offset line: %d reader_process: skip due past intended front page lines: %d reader_process: rear_offset adjusting source: %d reader_process: source line %d-%d not yet avail reader_process: need more history: %d??? reader_process: out line: %d <- from: %d-%d reader_process: x: %d <- from: %d-%d reader_process: end of iteration reader_process: i/o loop finished reader_process: padding with white data reader_process: padding line %d - %d reader_process: virtual duplex scan - no device cleanup! reader_process: release_unit failed reader_process: object position go-home failed! reader_process: returning success match_source_mode: found at %d mode: %d match_source_mode: source mode invalid match_color_mode: found at %d mode: %d match_color_mode: source mode invalid sane_control_option: option=%d, action=%d get_power_save_time: read nvram failed (%s) set_frame: Illegal frame (%d) requested (min=1, max=%d) set_power_save_time: send_data (%s) sane_close: invalid handle %p attach: 1st inquiry failed (%s) attach: Inquiry gives mfg=%s, model=%s, product revision=%s. attach: Scanner matched entry: %d: "%s", "%s", 0x%x, 0x%x attach: avision v1 inquiry failed (%s) attach: avision v2 inquiry failed (%s) attach: [8-15] Vendor id.: '%8.8s' attach: [16-31] Product id.: '%16.16s' attach: [32-35] Product rev.: '%4.4s' 1-pass color (ScanPartner only)attach: [36] Bitfield:%s%s%s%s%s%s%s color plane attach: [37] Optical res.: %d00 dpi attach: [38] Maximum res.: %d00 dpi attach: [39] Bitfield1:%s%s%s%s%s%s attach: [40-41] X res. in gray: %d dpi attach: [42-43] Y res. in gray: %d dpi attach: [44-45] X res. in color: %d dpi attach: [46-47] Y res. in color: %d dpi attach: [48-49] USB max read: %d attach: [50] ESA1:%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s NEW_CAL_METHOD_3x3_MATRIX_(NO_GAMMA_TABLE)attach: [51] ESA2:%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s attach: [52] ESA3:%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s attach: [53] line difference (software color pack): %d attach: [54] color mode pixel boundary: %d attach: [55] gray mode pixel boundary: %d attach: [56] 4bit gray mode pixel boundary: %d attach: [57] lineart mode pixel boundary: %d attach: [58] halftone mode pixel boundary: %d attach: [59] error-diffusion mode pixel boundary: %d attach: [60] channels per pixel:%s%s%s attach: [61] bits per channel:%s%s%s%s%s%s%s attach: [62] scanner type:%s%s%s%s%s%s attach: [75-76] Max shading target : %x attach: [77-78] Max X of transparency: %d dots * base_dpi attach: [79-80] Max Y of transparency: %d dots * base_dpi attach: [81-82] Max X of flatbed: %d dots * base_dpi attach: [83-84] Max Y of flatbed: %d dots * base_dpi attach: [85-86] Max X of ADF: %d dots * base_dpi attach: [87-88] Max Y of ADF: %d dots * base_dpi attach: [89-90] Res. in Ex. mode: %d dpi attach: [93] ESA4:%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s SEARCHES_LEADING_SIDE_EDGE_BY_FIRMWARE SUPPORTS_SWITCH_STRIP_FOR_DESKEW IGNORE_LINE_DIFFERENCE_FOR_ADFattach: [94] ESA5:%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s SUPPORTS_GET_BACKGROUND_RASTER SUPPORTS_PRE_GAMMA_LINEAR_CORRECTION SUPPORTS_PAPER_LENGTH_SETTING SUPPORTS_PAPER_SIZE_AUTO_DETECTIONattach: [95] ESA6:%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s ULTRA_SONIC_DOUBLE_FEED_DETECTION SUPPORTS_READ_WRITE_ABILITY_PARAMETER SUPPORTS_TUNE_SCAN_LENGTH_HORIZattach: [128] ESA7:%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s attach: [129] YCbCr:%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s Inquiry optical resolution > max_resolution, adjusting! Inquiry optical resolution is invalid! Inquiry max resolution is invalid, using 1200 dpi! attach: optical resolution set to: %d dpi attach: max resolution set to: %d dpi attach: max channels per pixel: %d, max bits per channel: %d attach: x/y-range for mode %d is valid! attach: "force_a4" found! Using defauld (ISO A4). attach: "force_a3" found! Using defauld (ISO A3). attach: x/y-range for mode %d is invalid! Using a default. attach: Mode %d range is now: %f x %f mm. attach: "%s" - "%s" not yet in whitelist! attach: You might want to report this output. attach: To: rene@exactcode.de (the Avision backend author) sane_open: using open_extended sane_open: open of %s failed: %s sane_open: got %d scsi_max_request_size sane_open: awakening inquiry failed: %s wait_ready: sending TEST_UNIT_READY wait_ready: test unit ready failed (%s) wait_ready: timed out after %d attempts sane_open: wait_ready() failed: %s get_accessories_info: read failed (%s) get_accessories_info: raw data: get_accessories_info: [0] ADF: %x get_accessories_info: [1] Light Box: %x get_accessories_info: [2] ADF model: %d (%s) sane_open: additional probe failed: %s init_options: dpi_range.min set to %d Selects the scan mode (e.g., lineart, monochrome, or color).Selects the scan source (such as a document-feeder).Sets the resolution of the scanned image.Request a preview-quality scan.Determines the speed at which the scan proceeds.Top-left x position of scan area.Top-left y position of scan area.Bottom-right x position of scan area.Bottom-right y position of scan area.The top overscan controls the additional area to scan before the paper is detected.The bottom overscan controls the additional area to scan after the paper end was detected.The background raster controls the additional background lines to scan before the paper is feed thru the scanner.Controls the brightness of the acquired image.Controls the contrast of the acquired image.Turn on quality scanning (slower but better).Do a quality white-calibrationGamma-correction table. In color mode this option equally affects the red, green, and blue channels simultaneously (i.e., it is an intensity gamma table).Gamma-correction table for the red band.Gamma-correction table for the green band.Gamma-correction table for the blue band.Selects the number of the frame to scanAllows control of the scanner's power save timer, dimming or turning off the light.This text contains device specific options controlled ny the user on the scanner hardware.Allows access obtaining the scanner's NVRAM values as pretty printed text.sane_open: failed to generate temporary fname for duplex scans sane_open: temporary fname for duplex scans: %s sane_open: early calibration for film scanner. sane_open: set scan window command failed: %s sane_open: perform calibration failed: %s reader_open: object position go-home failed! sane_init:(Version: %i.%i Build: %i) sane_init: No config file present! sane_init: parsing config line "%s" sane_init: config file line %d: ignoring empty line sane_init: config file line %d: ignoring comment line sane_init: config file line %d: disable-gamma-table sane_init: config file line %d: disable-calibration sane_init: config file line %d: force-calibration sane_init: config file line %d: enabling force-a4 sane_init: config file line %d: enabling force-a3 sane_init: config file line %d: static red calibration sane_init: config file line %d: static green calibration sane_init: config file line %d: static blue calibration sane_init: config file line %d: options unknown! sane_init: config file line %d: trying to attach USB:`%s' sane_init: config file line %d: trying to attach SCSI: %s' sane_init: config file line %d: OBSOLETE !! use the scsi keyword! sane_init: (see man sane-avision for details): trying to attach SCSI: %s' sane_init: Trying to find USB device %x %x ... sane_init: error during USB device detection! K,X` 2K,X` Y?zG¿?߾Ŀ_vO¿K46?Bix&TN ?2d8'  8<    83  /8 /8$ 8% 8:   8:  8# 8*  %%--55==8 \8^ D8A DRZ8 buu}}8 8     !8f !** 28 2 :8 :BB8M J R8@ R Y8h Y `8a `08 g8E nuu z}}z@z z9z8@@8j% 9@9B @H]@c@z~8 ~z8 %%66GGXXggs)s} `} `} `} `} `} `} `8h w  / H  I  % L % 1 u 1 =  = I G I U  U a x a m v $ v m z m { m  m  /m  m  m   8 !57?GBDBCCo:AGGCffffff9@ffffff8@?o@>@-C6??Qr@9v@GCC: (GNU) 4.2.3$.symtab.strtab.shstrtab.rel.text.data.bss.rodata.str1.1.rodata.str1.4.rel.rodata.rel.data.rel.local.rodata.cst4.rodata.cst8.comment.text.__i686.get_pc_thunk.bx.note.GNU-stack.group4@ t(%+L02 !?2 wHRP N t^ S@ Z h  n`_4{_P____c@   00D@,PpJio`@ (P pg  P-&/51D7L8`<h@tD~:K= M: pp *H"@i-4 @Rd0ucP\Hpl0@  48 XH(P 7\ Hh Yt    bglqv:{(TUht$\  0 Lp$* 06t< B/HNTZ0`Xflr`xE~~;,nEkXL #)/5;AGMSZxa`gmtz88aTqbpW !']-K48;AG-M(Tx[bi$ pTw~m:l D  R     w  < & -t 4;BIP5WQ^, eP lmst z    $ H 3Qjp   & B "[ ) 0 7 > E( L\ S Z a h o v }     4d       $ 3   C  0 P p% , 3 : A H 0O PV p] d k r y  0 P p      4 T t  R  h          ! 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