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do_cancel >> sane_get_parameters LineartHalftoneGrayColorFine color<< sane_get_parameters >> sane_exit << sane_exit >> sane_get_devices << sane_get_devices >> read_fb620 do_cancel(EOF) reset_flag = %d << read_fb620 >> sane_read << sane_read >> read_fb1200 GET DATA STATUS failed: %s >> GET DATA STATUS Scan Data Available=%d Rest Data=%d bytes Filled Data Buffer=%d temp file position:%u << GET DATA STATUS error write tmp file: %i, %s << read_fb1200 sane_read: time0 = %ld >> sane_close sane_close AF_NOW = '%d' >> sane_start error opening temp file %s errno: %i; %s free thistmpfile SCANNER ADF HAS A PROBLEM ADF Cover Open ADF Paper Jam ADF No More Documents open of %s failed: %s sending SET_DENSITY_CURVE SlidesSET_DENSITY_CURVE Raw>> set_window << set_window SET WINDOW failed: %s >> get_window << get_window GET WINDOW failed: %s xres=%d yres=%d ulx=%d uly=%d width=%d length=%d Highlight Red=%d Shadow Red=%d Highlight (Green)=%d Shadow (Green)=%d Highlight Blue=%d Shadow Blue=%d define scan mode failed: %s scan mode byte[%d] = %d >> execute_auto_focus << execute_auto_focus execute_auto_focus failed TEST_UNIT_READY test unit ready failed (%s) cbuf[0] = %d cbuf[1] = %d >> scan << scan start of scan failed: %s Magnified Width=%d Magnified Length=%d << sane_start /tmp/canon.XXXXXX>> sense_handler %s(%ld, %p, %p) CANONsense category: no error rounded parameterunknownsense category: medium error ADF cover openADF jamlamp failurescan head positioning errorCPU check errorRAM check errorROM check errorhardware check erroroption not connectparameter list length errorinvalid field in CDBunsupported LUNcommand sequence errortoo many windows specifiedmedium not presentinvalid bit IDENTIFY messagesense category: non-standard lamp not stabilizedreselect failureSCSI parity errorinvalid message errortimeout errorsense category: else sense message: %s << sense_handler >> sane_control_option %s value for option %s: %d sending GET_DENSITY_CURVE >> get_density_curve << get_density_curve GET_DENSITY_CURVE value for option %s: %s X-resolutionresolutionScan resolutionHighlight for greenhighlight-gShadow for greenshadow-gHighlighthighlightShadowshadowNegativesEXECUTE CALIBRATION failed EXECUTE CALIBRATION >> send_diagnostic << send_diagnostic SEND DIAGNOSTIC error: %s SEND DIAGNOSTIC result: %s time1 = %ld dtime = %ld switch_preview = %d rt = %ld int_t = %d MEDIUM POSITION failed AF_NOW before = '%d' AF_NOW after = '%d' setting gamma vector << sane_control_option %s >> attach attach: opening %s attach: open failed: %s attach: inquiry failed: %s IX-attach: sending RESERVE UNIT >> reserve_unit << reserve_unit attach: RESERVE UNIT failed attach: sending MODE SENSE >> mode_sense << mode_sense attach: MODE_SENSE failed IX-27015film scannerIX-27025EIX-06035Eflatbed scannerIX-12015Edev->sane.name = '%s' dev->sane.vendor = '%s' dev->sane.model = '%s' dev->sane.type = '%s' >> get tpu stat get scan mode failed: %s TPU Status: %d TPU ControlMode: %d TPU Transparency: %d TPU PosNeg: %d TPU FilmType: %d << get tpu stat >> get adf stat get scan mode failedADF Status: %d ADF Priority: %d ADF Problem: %d ADF Feeder: %d << get adf stat bmu=%d mud=%d xres_default=%d xres_range.max=%d xres_range.min=%d xres_range.quant=%d yres_default=%d yres_range.max=%d yres_range.min=%d x_range.max=%d y_range.max=%d x_adf_range.max=%d y_adf_range.max=%d << attach >> attach_one << attach_one >> max_string_size << max_string_size >> sane_open >> init_options Number of optionsScan modemodefilm-typeFilm typenegative-film-typeNegative film typeKodakspeedScan speedAutomaticresolution-bindBind X and Y resolutionhw-resolution-onlyHardware resolutionUse only hardware resolutionshw->info.xres_range.max=%d y-resolutionY-resolutionhw->info.yres_range.max=%d FocusafAuto focusEnable/disable auto focusafonceAuto focus only oncefocusManual focus positionScan marginstl-xTop-left xtl-yTop-left ybr-xBottom-right xbr-yBottom-right yExtra color adjustmentsnegativeNegativeSwap black and whitebind-highlight-shadow-pointsBind RGBhighlight-rHighlight for redshadow-rShadow for redhighlight-bHighlight for blueshadow-bShadow for blueEnhancementbrightnessBrightnesscontrastContrastthresholdThresholdmirrorMirror imageMirror the image horizontallycustom-gammaUse custom gamma tablebind-custom-gammagamma-tableImage intensityred-gamma-tableRed intensitygreen-gamma-tableGreen intensityblue-gamma-tableBlue intensityaeAuto exposureCalibrationcalibration-nowCalibration nowExecute calibration *now*self-diagnosticSelf diagnosisreset-scannerReset scannerReset the scannerMedium handlingeject-after-scanEject film after each scaneject-before-exitEject film before exiteject-nowEject film nowEject the film *now*Document feeder extrasnoadfFlatbed onlyTransparency unittransparency-unit-on-offNegative filmPositive or negative filmTPMDCDensity controlSet density control modeTransparency-RatioTransparency ratioFilmtypeSelect film typeSelect the film typepreviewPreview<< init_options << sane_open >> sane_init canon.conf<< sane_init OPT_NUM_OPTSOPT_MODE_GROUPOPT_MODEOPT_NEGATIVEOPT_NEGATIVE_TYPEOPT_SCANNING_SPEEDOPT_RESOLUTION_GROUPOPT_RESOLUTION_BINDOPT_HW_RESOLUTION_ONLYOPT_X_RESOLUTIONOPT_Y_RESOLUTIONOPT_ENHANCEMENT_GROUPOPT_BRIGHTNESSOPT_CONTRASTOPT_THRESHOLDOPT_MIRROROPT_CUSTOM_GAMMAOPT_CUSTOM_GAMMA_BINDOPT_GAMMA_VECTOROPT_GAMMA_VECTOR_ROPT_GAMMA_VECTOR_GOPT_GAMMA_VECTOR_BOPT_AEOPT_CALIBRATION_GROUPOPT_CALIBRATION_NOWOPT_SCANNER_SELF_DIAGNOSTICOPT_RESET_SCANNEROPT_EJECT_GROUPOPT_EJECT_AFTERSCANOPT_EJECT_BEFOREEXITOPT_EJECT_NOWOPT_FOCUS_GROUPOPT_AFOPT_AF_ONCEOPT_FOCUSOPT_MARGINS_GROUPOPT_TL_XOPT_TL_YOPT_BR_XOPT_BR_YOPT_COLORS_GROUPOPT_HNEGATIVEOPT_BIND_HILOOPT_HILITE_ROPT_SHADOW_ROPT_HILITE_GOPT_SHADOW_GOPT_HILITE_BOPT_SHADOW_BOPT_ADF_GROUPOPT_FLATBED_ONLYOPT_TPU_GROUPOPT_TPU_ONOPT_TPU_PNOPT_TPU_DCMOPT_TPU_TRANSPARENCYOPT_TPU_FILMTYPEOPT_PREVIEWNUM_OPTIONSFujiAgfaKonicaNormal speed1/2 normal speed1/3 normal speedNo transparency correctionFilm 0Film 1Film 2Film 3>> sane_get_option_descriptor option number %d sane_get_option_descriptor option name %s << sane_get_option_descriptor option number %d ****** tmpfile is closed ****** define scan mode: cmd[%d]='0x%0X' define scan mode: pdata[%d]='0x%0X' get scan mode: cmd[4]='0x%0X' do_cancel: sending MEDIUM POSITION do_cancel: MEDIUM POSITION failed sane_get_parameters: width='%d', xres='%d', mud='%d' sane_get_parameters: length='%d', yres='%d', mud='%d' sane_get_parameters: pixels_per_line='%d', lines='%d' sane_get_parameters: xres='%d', yres='%d', pixels_per_line='%d', bytes_per_line='%d', lines='%d' read_fb620: nread=%d, bytes_to_read=%d read_fb620: buf_pos=%d, buf_used=%d sane_read: nread=%d, bytes_to_read=%d sane_read buffer size insufficient read_fb1200: bytes_to_read=%d read_fb1200: buf_pos=%d, buf_used=%d warning: read more data for the primary scan than expected writing: the primary data to tmp file error reading tmp file: %i %s 0 byte read from temp file. premature EOF? reading: the primary data from tmp file sane_close: MEDIUM POSITION failed mktemp(thistmpfile) is failed strdup(thistmpfile) is failed ****** tmpfile is opened ****** set_density %d: gbuf[%d] = [%d] attach: sending GET SCAN MODE for scan control conditions attach: GET SCAN MODE for scan control conditions failed scan mode control byte[%d] = %d attach: sending GET SCAN MODE for transparency unit attach: GET SCAN MODE for transparency unit failed s->width='%d', s->length='%d' RIF=%d, GRC=%d, Mirror=%d, AE=%d, Speed=%d HR=%d, SR=%d, HG=%d, SG=%d, HB=%d, SB=%d sane_start: sending DEFINE SCAN MODE for transparency unit, NP=%d, Negative film type=%d sane_start: sending DEFINE SCAN MODE for scan control conditions sane_start: sending DEFINE SCAN MODE for scan control conditions of FB1200 sane_start: sending GET SCAN MODE for scan control conditions sane_start: GET SCAN MODE for scan control conditions failed do_focus: sending GET FILM STATUS do_focus: GET FILM STATUS failed do_focus: ... for unknown reasons focus point before autofocus : %d >> focus: mode='%d', speed='%d', AE='%d', count='%d' focus point after autofocus : %d sane_start: sending GET_CALIBRATION_STATUS sane_start: GET_CALIBRATION_STATUS failed: %s sane_start: EXECUTE_CALIBRATION sane_start: EXECUTE_CALIBRATION failed after calibration: GET_CALIBRATION_STATUS after calibration: GET_CALIBRATION_STATUS failed: %s %d pixels per line, %d bytes, %d lines high, total %lu bytes, dpi=%d sense buffer: %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x problem not analyzed (unknown SCSI class)sense data interpretation for SCSI-2 devices sense category: recovered error sense category: hardware error transparency unit scan head positioning failuretransparency unit lamp failuresense category: illegal request invalid command operation codeinvalid field in parameter listsense category: unit attention parameter changed by another initiatorpower on reset / bus device resetno additional sense informationinitiator detected error message receivedtransparency unit shading error>> sane_control_option: device is busy scanning sane_control_option get value of %s GET_VALUE for %s: s->val[%s].w = %d sane_control_option set value for %s SET_VALUE for %s: s->val[%s].w = %d Sets the horizontal resolution of the scanned image.Sets the resolution of the scanned image.Selects what green radiance level should be considered "full green".Selects what green radiance level should be considered "black".Selects what radiance level should be considered "white".Selects what radiance level should be considered "black".Correction according to transparency ratioCorrection according to film typeSANE_UNFIX(s->val[OPT_BR_Y].w) = %f attach: sending (standard) INQUIRY attach: device doesn't look like a Canon scanner attach: sending TEST_UNIT_READY attach: test unit ready failed (%s) attach: sending (extended) INQUIRY attach: (extended) INQUIRY failed Read-only option that specifies how many options a specific devices supports.Selects the scan mode (e.g., lineart, monochrome, or color).Selects the film type, i.e. negatives or slidesSelects the negative film typeDetermines the speed at which the scan proceeds.Use same values for X and Y resolutionSets the vertical resolution of the scanned image.Do auto focus only once between ejectsSet the optical system's focus position by hand (default: 128).Top-left x position of scan area.Top-left y position of scan area.Bottom-right x position of scan area.Bottom-right y position of scan area.In RGB-mode use same values for each colorSelects what red radiance level should be considered "full red".Selects what red radiance level should be considered "black".Selects what blue radiance level should be considered "full blue".Selects what blue radiance level should be considered "black".Controls the brightness of the acquired image.Controls the contrast of the acquired image.Select minimum-brightness to get a white pointDetermines whether a builtin or a custom gamma-table should be used.Gamma-correction table. In color mode this option equally affects the red, green, and blue channels simultaneously (i.e., it is an intensity gamma table).Gamma-correction table for the red band.Gamma-correction table for the green band.Gamma-correction table for the blue band.Enable/disable the auto exposure featurePerform scanner self diagnosisAutomatically eject the film from the device after each scanAutomatically eject the film from the device before exiting the programDisable auto document feeder and use flatbed onlySwitch on/off the transparency unit (FAU, film adapter unit)transparency-unit-negative-filmRequest a preview-quality scan.sane_init: sane-backends 1.0.19 /dev/scanner '4FYn->Qdw~-4@J\enw (3>J_p|TejpTejj:T\ej 7=?<CaCC9Cffffff9@?@GCC: (GNU) 4.2.3$.symtab.strtab.shstrtab.rel.text.data.bss.rodata.str1.1.rodata.str1.4.rel.rodata.rel.data.rel.ro.local.rodata.cst4.rodata.cst8.comment.text.__i686.get_pc_thunk.bx.note.GNU-stack.group4_@@ %+ 02?2R, N ;^@ Z ? q(~ 266 0)_ P J  ,0CL`|iw@( l 8 V\   ! * 2;p KvT ^ gq~H2B L b      3<cCLUuP`unpd z   x  H X  4    4I 0`^ &+n17=CIO U[0aDgXmlsy $0DX Df. !<'-{3 9 ?hEKQTW\]ecjipou{&4`t<t D #)h/(57;DAyHQOV]dkr,y  ' hhD>Ms !(/6=)D<KpRYL`g\nui|$':AU j$ H Hl$+p 2 9 @ G N U\\`c|jqx |     A \ s  <    l      V '* .F 5 < CJQX _ f m tv {f     _   L  $    X    ,  )  D  Z  p  # * 1 8 ? 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