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%d/%d/%d: SCSI Parity Error %s %3.3d: %2.2xstarting scan Object discharged. scanner released grabbing scanner scanner reserved do_eof do_cancel sane_read: read %ld bytes sane_close Waiting end of Autofocus AutoFocused. GET_WINDOW_PARAM Get window cmdWindow get brightness=%d, contrast=%d pre_r=%d, pre_g=%d, preb=%d get_window_param - return get_internal_info YesNoget_window_param Window setwindow set. set_window_param Starting prescan... Prescan done send LUT sane_start ERROR: invalid scan-values Trying to feed object... Autofeeder not present. Object fed. bytes per line = %d pixels_per_line = %d lines = %d negative = %d brightness (halftone) = %d contrast (halftone) = %d fast preview function = %d ERROR: could not create pipe wtrim_bufsize to %d do_prescan_now Automatic...sane_exit attach_scanner: %s attach_scanner: opening %s attach_scanner: open failed identify_scanner do_inquiry get_inquiry_values Nikon Mode Sense... Mode Sensed (MUD is %d) StripMountread_data_block (type= %x) slide scannerattach_scanner done initialize_values sane_open init_options Number of optionsScan ModemodeScan modeSlideAutomatic Slide FeedersourceScan sourcetypeFilm typeprescanPrescanprescan nowPrescan nowPerform a prescan nowdepthBit depthresolutionScan resolutionpreview-resolutionPreview resolutionGeometrytl-xTop-left xtl-yTop-left ybr-xBottom-right xbr-yBottom-right yEnhancementgamma-bindGamma bindanalog_gammaAnalog GammaaveragingAveragingrgb-controlRGB controlbrightnessBrightnessred-brightnessRed brightnessgreen-brightnessGreen brightnessblue-brightnessBlue brightnesscontrastContrastred-contrastRed contrastgreen-contrastGreen contrastblue-contrastBlue contrastexposureExposurered-exposureRed exposuregreen-exposureGreen exposureblue-exposureBlue exposrered-shiftRed shiftgreen-shiftGreen shiftblue-shiftBlue shiftgamma-tableImage intensityred-gamma-tableRed intensitygreen-gamma-tableGreen intensityblue-gamma-tableBlue intensityAdvancedpreviewPreviewAutofocusWhen to do autofocussingIRED cor. redsane_get_devices sane_init coolscan.conf/dev/scannerCOOLSCAN II LS-1000 COOLSCANIII LS-2000 sane_get_option_descriptor %d ERROR: ASF-MODE NOT SUPPORTED BY SCANNER, ABORTING Invalid resolution divisor %d Unknown - Sense=%d, ASC=%d, ASCQ=%d %d/%d/%d: Logical unit is in process of becomming ready %d/%d/%d: Medium source element empty %d/%d/%d: Media Load of Eject Failed %d/%d/%d: Mechanical Positioning Error %d/%d/%d: End-Of-Data Detected %d/%d/%d: Parameter List Length Error %d/%d/%d: Invalid Command Operation Code %d/%d/%d: Invalid Field In CDB %d/%d/%d: Logical Unit Not Supported %d/%d/%d: Invalid Field in Parameter List %d/%d/%d: Command Sequence Error %d/%d/%d: Saving Parameters Not Supported %d/%d/%d: Invalid Bits In Identify Message %d/%d/%d: Power On, Reset, or Bus Device Reset Occured %d/%d/%d: Mode Parameters Changed %d/%d/%d: Initiator Detected Error Message Received %d/%d/%d: Invalid Message Error %d/%d/%d: Overlapped Commands Attempted sane_set_io_mode: non_blocking=%d sanei_scsi_cmd: asked %lu bytes, got %lu sanei_scsi_cmd: returning 0x%08x sanei_scsi_cmd: returning %lu bytes: wait_scanner: Testing if scanner is ready wait_scanner: scanner does NOT get ready wait_scanner: scanner is ready wait_scanner: test unit ready failed (%s) trying to release scanner ... Trying to discharge object... do_cancel: kill reader_process do_cancel: close filedescriptor Attempting AutoFocus at x=%d, y=%d colormode=%d, bits per pixel=%d negative=%d, dropoutcolor=%d, preview=%d, transfermode=%d, gammasel=%d adbits=%d outputbits=%d maxres=%d xmax=%d ymax=%d xmaxpix=%d ymaxpix=%d ycurrent=%d currentfocus=%d autofeeder=%s analoggamma=%s currentscanpitch=%d White balance exposure time var [RGB]= %d %d %d Prescan result exposure time var [RGB]= %d %d %d Current exposure time var.[RGB]= %d %d %d Internal exposure time unit[RGB]= %d %d %d offsetdata_[rgb]= 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x limitcondition=0x%x device error code = 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x power-on errors = 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x expo_r=%d, expo_g=%d, expob=%d x_nres=%d, y_nres=%d, upper left-x=%d, upper left-y=%d window width=%d, MUD=%d, brx=%d sane_start: open of %s failed: WARNING: unable to reserve scanner: device busy sane_start: sanei_thread_begin failed (%s) reader_process started (forked) reader_process started (as thread) reader_process: couldn't open pipe! reader_process: starting to READ data reader_process: reading %u bytes in blocks of %u bytes read_data_block (type= %x length = %d) reader_process: unable to get image data from scanner! reader_process: buffer of %d bytes read; %d bytes to go reader_process: finished reading data sane_control_option %d, get value sane_control_option %d, set value do_prescan_now: open of %s failed: attach_scanner: scanner already attached (is ok)! identify_scanner: not a scanner WARNING: inquiry return block is unexpected short (%d instead of 36). identify_scanner: "%s" isn't a Nikon product Found Nikon scanner %sversion %s on device %s attach_scanner: scanner-identification failed backend runs on little endian machine attach: dev->dpi_range.max = %f backend runs on big endian machine Read-only option that specifies how many options a specific devices supports.Selects the scan mode (e.g., lineart, monochrome, or color).Selects the scan source (such as a document-feeder).Select the film type (positive (slide) or negative)Perform a prescan during previewNumber of bits per sample, typical values are 1 for "line-art" and 8 for multibit scans.Sets the resolution of the scanned image.Top-left x position of scan area.Top-left y position of scan area.Bottom-right x position of scan area.Bottom-right y position of scan area.Use same gamma correction for all colourstoggles brightness/contrast control over individual coloursControls the brightness of the acquired image.Controls the contrast of the acquired image.Gamma-correction table. In color mode this option equally affects the red, green, and blue channels simultaneously (i.e., it is an intensity gamma table).Gamma-correction table for the red band.Gamma-correction table for the green band.Gamma-correction table for the blue band.Request a preview-quality scan.Correction of infrared from red FQ,zuplneverbefore previewbefore scanbefore preview and scanNegativePositiveColorGrayRGBIInfrared   SYSYJA)?E<G7GCC: (GNU) 4.2.3$.symtab.strtab.shstrtab.rel.text.data.bss.rodata.str1.1.rodata.str1.4.rel.rodata.rel.data.rel.ro.local.rel.data.rel.local.rodata.cst8.rodata.cst4.comment.text.__i686.get_pc_thunk.bx.note.GNU-stack.group4@K{ %{) +|l 02| ?2R  N h^Z x  u8q P 8@Pbff B ]`J/`uETd@uxUh Rpe f=@ 10G Xf0||Z0E%  /   01 8p$KR&q`u  -9 34n 077P @8 @I#(A 4J @SIYQ^Yc aju })h[D[  d     @$l "x 1 @ L Z i$ }    py$    +8DXTtr T#)(/5;AGMSYx_$ekq\w}Dh26=D EHt Thz ,L%+1p7=CIO"U-[aJgmhsy\ 0l.Ho &-34b:A HQO VS] d k@ r| y4  X   x g  D   h  !(A/G6 =iDh KwR YM`g'n@ u|  @ x "* 2 > J ` f $ ,+ p2 {9 @ G N U \ Xc j q |x           $ 1 > H R ^  j X u     ' . 5 < C J Q X _ *f 8m Ft O{ X e r                T '  9   I  Z  # i * r 1 z 8 ? 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