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Attempt retry %d read_data: error: write ack sane_start: read_data failed %s: about to send data block %s: error: write returned -1 %s: error: read returned -1 send_datasane_open for device %s sane_open: pictures taken=%d sane_read bp%d, erase image Failed to erase memory dir_delete: %s %s: free entry %s %s: entry=%s dir_insert: name is %s read_dir%s: info for pic #%d Name is %s get_pictures_infoget_picture_inforead_infosane_start called No room to store new picture %s called, low_res=%d %s: Failed to set resolution %s: setting res to %d Failed to snap new picture sane_startsnap_picchange_resDC-240 Backend 05/16/01 unsupported baud rate. %s: read info packet pic_taken=%d AC adapter status=%d \PCCARD\DCIM\*.*get_infoSETGETSETAUTOerror: could not get info dc240.conf/dev/ttyS0%s: config- %s port=Config file port=%s baud=Config file baud=%d dumpinquirycmdrespause=Config file cmdrespause=%lu breakpause=Config file breakpause=%lu 240Model...........: DC%s Firmware version: %d.%d Pictures........: %d/%d weakgoodBattery state...: %s sane_initNumber of optionsImage SelectionfolderFolderSelect folder within cameraimageImage NumberthumbsLoad ThumbnailLoad the image as thumbnail.snapSnap new picturelowresLow ResolutionResolution of new pictureseraseErasedefault-enhancementsDefaultscamera-initRe-establish CommunicationsautoincAuto Increment0KodakDC-240still camerasane_cancel: not scanning - nothing to do sane_get_params called, wid=%d,height=%d end_of_data: error: read returned -1 end_of_data: got %x while waiting end_of_data: error: bad EOD from camera (%02x) read_data: error: read for packet control byte returned bad stat!us read_data: error: incorrect packet control byte: %02x read_data: warning: read returned -1 read_data: warning: buffer underrun or no checksum read_data: warning: bad checksum (got %02x != expected %02x) %s: error: bad response to send_data (%d) send_pck<%x %x %x %x %x %x %x %x> send_pck: error: write returned -1 send_pck: error: read returned -1 send_pck: read one byte result from camera = %x sane_read: error: end_of_data returned -1 erase: error: send_pck returned -1 erase: error: send_data returned -1 erase: error: end_of_data returned -1 dir_delete: Couldn't find entry %s in dir list Increment count to %d (total %d) %s: error: send_pck returned -1 %s: error: send_data returned -1 %s: error: read_data returned -1 %s: result of dir read is %x, number of entries=%d %s: error: more than 999 pictures not supported yet %s: reading additional directory buffer dir_insert: error: could not malloc entry %s: error: failed to insert dir entry %s: error: end_of_data returned -1 %s: warning: Number of pictures in directory (%d) doesn't match camera status table (%d). Using directory count %s: error: allocate memory for pictures array %s: error: Failed in read_data %s: data type=%d, cam type=%d, file type=%d %s: error: Image %s does not come from a DC-240. Picture %d taken %02d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d %s: error: unsupported resolution %s: Failed to get new picture info sane_start: error: send_pck returned -1 sane_start: fixme! thumbnail image size is wrong %s: pic to read is %d name is %s init_dc240: error: could not open %s for read/write init_dc240: error: could not get attributes init_dc240: error: could not set attributes init_dc240 flushed %d bytes: %x %x %x %x %x init_dc240: error: no response from camera init_dc240: error: send_pck returned -1 init_dc240: error: end_of_data returned -1 Camera model (%d) is not DC-240 (5). Only the DC-240 is supported by this driver. pictures left (at current res)=%d battery=%d (0=OK, 1=weak, 2=empty) close_dc240: error: could not close device control_option(handle=%p,opt=%s,act=%s,val=%p,info=%p) Constraint error in control_option FIXME set folder not implemented yet Fixme: Set all defaults here! %s: missing config file '%s' Camera information: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Read-only option that specifies how many options a specific devices supports.Selection of the image to load.Select Image Number to load from cameraTake new picture and download itErase the picture after downloadingSet default values for enhancement controls.Re-establish communications with camera (in case of timeout, etc.)Increment image number after each scan  8@W`R T    07>Z`  mt % 4 d 9A EPRX_GCC: (GNU) 4.2.3 $Ë$.symtab.strtab.shstrtab.rel.text.data.bss.rodata.str1.1.rodata.str1.4.rel.rodata.rel.data.rel.local.rel.data.rel.ro.local.comment.text.__i686.get_pc_thunk.cx.text.__i686.get_pc_thunk.bx.note.GNU-stack.group4<P0 Ldp%1p+1 021l?2 8 RC N v ^D Z lw rFn x  $F6F:F>F>FJ P[ $ P&`7 (>F([ a0Jx@~ .0@SP 9   408BIS<\ h q0zDlHL,$,0<4@  `( T`<#\.`<0$7EhNp'A Z<  fkpu(z,>YlXT|Z=d @d}"(.4:@F\L R4X^djpv|PE,#9WhT r , $*06<*BHCNTZP`fDlprx[~q 8 d    "7C$m+y2 9( @GNU\cjqPxj)~(Q)B)3))z))&)+**_*E+/+*))9,Bp(Y rp\; '.@ >EYahm "Nv})3?KUajqw'+dc240.cis_opensodjpeg_init_sourcejpeg_term_sourceCameraset_resdc240_opt_thumbnailsparmssanei_debug_dc240_callcinfodevlistend_of_dataread_datajpeg_fill_input_bufferjpeg_skip_input_datasend_datacmdrespausesend_pckdevlinebuffer_sizelinebuffer_indexlinebufferdest_mgrdc240_opt_erasedc240_opt_autoincmyinfoerase_pckname_bufimage_rangedir_headread_dirread_dir_pckget_pictures_infofolder_listpic_info_pckinfo_bufdc240_opt_snapthumb_pckpic_pckdc240_opt_lowresres_pckshoot_pckinit_dc240speedsinit_pcktty_origbreakpauseopen_card_pckget_infoinfo_pckclose_dc240dumpinquiry.LC0.LC1.LC2.LC3.LC4.LC5.LC6.LC7.LC8.LC9.LC12.LC11.LC10.LC13.LC14.LC18.LC19.LC20.LC15.LC16.LC17.LC21.LC22.LC23.LC25.LC26.LC24.LC27.LC29.LC30.LC28.LC31.LC32.LC33.LC40.LC34.LC35.LC38.LC41.LC39.LC36.LC37.LC42.LC43.LC47.LC49.LC46.LC50.LC53.LC54.LC51.LC52.LC48.LC44.LC45.LC55.LC56.LC59.LC60.LC63.LC58.LC61.LC62.LC65.LC64.LC57.LC66.LC76.LC67.LC78.LC79.LC77.LC68.LC69.LC70.LC71.LC72.LC75.LC73.LC74.LC80.LC85.LC81.LC84.LC83.LC82.LC86.LC87.LC88.LC89.LC90.LC91.LC92.LC93.LC94.LC95.LC96.LC97.LC98.LC99.LC100.LC101.LC105.LC104.LC103.LC102.LC106.LC107.LC108.LC110.LC111.LC112.LC113.LC114.LC115.LC116.LC118.LC119.LC109.LC120.LC121.LC122.LC123.LC124.LC126.LC125.LC127.LC117.L490.L449.L491.L492.L493.L494.L495.L496.L497.L468.L469.L470.L471.L472.L473.L474.L475.L476sane_dc240_exitsane_dc240_get_option_descriptor__i686.get_pc_thunk.cx_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_sane_dc240_set_io_modesane_dc240_get_select_fd__i686.get_pc_thunk.bxsanei_debug_dc240sanei_debug_msgsane_dc240_cancelsleepreadwritesane_dc240_get_parameterssane_dc240_closesane_dc240_get_devicesusleepsane_dc240_openstrcmpsane_dc240_readmemcpyjpeg_read_scanlinesstrrchrstrcpyfreedir_buf2mallocstrcatstrlensane_dc240_startjpeg_std_errorjpeg_CreateDecompressjpeg_resync_to_restartjpeg_read_headersanei_jpeg_jinit_write_ppmjpeg_start_decompressopentcgetattrcfmakerawcfsetospeedcfsetispeedtcsetattrtcsendbreak__strdupstrchrclosesane_dc240_control_optionsanei_constrain_valuesane_dc240_initsanei_init_debugsanei_config_opensanei_config_readfclosestrtol - A <qw          & 5; U A_p   B C   D' - 5 J Er     F      " + GT u{  H I   J < + KBa L} M N  2 Oz P.9 Qm R S T UBH T  V  W W WN Xl    Y Z' [f l \     ]> ^h _  `    a =% R X g q {        b  4 : @ b i t z        c   * 0 8 dV \ n e f        3E ge q h i   j7= O kU ^ kj k~ l   / :N| m n  ofl pr q& M{  r ! , sS tw u v w ) x2 x; xD xN xX dj t   y  + D zP {q | } } } } }   ~ ~& ~N es  - 8 Q k x             1 J vY l      r> wY            8 T b           ;  Om  w          ' B [ |        < E N W` s{         < P ` f m w }  <  v r v rI O _ t :         !  ! ! ! %! .! 7! @! 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