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L$ B$D$D$koD$$UoDž1{뎅t&-6vG uAT$ $D$L$D$D$nD$$nEdm B@D$D$$n1ɺ#m$D$D$inlu$D$D$;n1ɺl$D$D$nl ADD$D$$mnl BHD$D$$m:l$D$D$mE#l ALD$D$$PmD$$ :mD$Eh$ mE1ɺ${k1ƃD$ D$D$$D$ $D$譂 $ǍD$Z##u,(<D$D$$=lu #D$-$l)j BPD$D$$k+{j ATD$D$$k1ɺ:j BXD$D$$wkj 6A\D$D$$=k.i B`D$D$$ k0i AdD$D$$j2wi BhD$D$$j4Di AlD$D$$qji D$D$$:jh D$D$$jh D$D$$i[h D$D$$i$h B|D$D$$aig AxD$D$$-ig BtD$D$$h1ɉg 7ApD$D$$hQg D$D$$hg D$D$$Thf D$D$$hf D$D$$guf D$D$$g>f D$D$$xgf D$D$$Ag1ɺe @D$D$$g8e iаہAPyP\$D$$fd D$D$$xed$D$D$Mec$D$D$"ec D$D$$d(^DD$$dQc D$D$$dc D$D$$Tdb D$D$$db D$D$$cob D$D$$c8b D$D$$rcb OD$D$$5c1ɺEa D$D$$bFa D$D$$bMRa D$D$$b1ɺa D$D$$Xb` D$D$$!b` {D$D$$aUo` D$D$$avI` D$D$$saw` D$D$$=ax_ D$D$$a_ D$D$$`1ɺb_ zD$D$$`%_ D$D$$_`1ɺ^ |D$D$$%`^ D$D$$_}^ $D$D$$_F^ (D$D$$_^ ,D$D$$I_] 0D$D$$_] 4D$D$$^j] 8D$D$$^1ɺ6] ~<D$D$$j^}\ @D$D$$/^\ DD$D$$]\ HD$D$$]P\ LD$D$$]\ PD$D$$S][ TD$D$$][ XD$D$$\t[ u\D$D$$\:[$D$D$\[$D$D$U\Z$D$D$*\1ɺZ$D$D$\1ɺEZ$D$D$[(_1ɺE]Z$D$D$[EFZ `D$D$$p[EZ dD$D$$=[D$$ '[E8D$$ [  1?9"OE1Ɉ$36YEE싕D$D$$D$ D$D$ L$1D$4$Opu 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error: paper jam Medium error: cover open Medium error: hopper empty Medium error: unusual paper Medium error: double feed Medium error: unknown ascq Hardware error: unknown asc Hardware error: EEPROM error Hardware error: heater fuse Hardware error: Fan error Offending byte is %#02x Unit attention: device reset Unit attention: power saving Unknown Sense Code do_cancel: start do_cancel: finish sane_cancel: start sane_cancel: finish sane_get_parameters: start sane_get_parameters: finish disconnect_fd: start disconnecting usb device disconnecting scsi device disconnect_fd: finish sane_exit: start sane_exit: finish sane_close: start sane_close: finish %s %3.3x: %2.2xcopy_buffer: start copy_buffer: finish copy_3091: start copy_3091: finish do_scsi_cmd: start cmd: writing %d bytes cmd: >>out: writing %d bytes out: >>in: reading %d bytes do_scsi_cmd: return '%s' in: <<in: read %d bytes do_scsi_cmd: finish do_usb_cmd: start cmd: return error '%s' cmd: wrong size %d/%d out: return error '%s' out: wrong size %d/%d in: retVal %d in: got EOF, continuing in: return error '%s' in: read %lu bytes in: short read, %lu/%lu stat: <<stat: return error '%s' stat: wrong size %d/%d stat: busy stat: value %d rs sub call >> rs sub call << rs: return error '%s' do_usb_cmd: Not calling rs! do_usb_cmd: finish wait_scanner: start wait_scanner: error '%s' wait_scanner: finish read_from_scanner: start read_from_scanner: finish sane_read: start sane_read: returning eof read_from_JPEGduplex: start read_from_JPEGduplex: finish read_from_3091duplex: start read_from_3091duplex: finish sane_read: 3091 returning %d sane_read: back returning %d read_from_buffer: start read_from_buffer: finish sane_read: finish start_scan: start start_scan: finish object_position: start loaddischargeobject_position: %s object_position: finish mode_select_df: start mode_select_df: finish sane_start: start set_window: start set_window: finish scanner_control: start scanner_control: finish setup_buffers: start setup_buffers: finish sane_start: finish get_hardware_status: start get_hardware_status: running get_hardware_status: finish send_lut: start send_lut: %d %f %d %f %f LUT:send_lut: skipping send_lut: finish mode_select_bg: start mode_select_bg: finish mode_select_dropout: start mode_select_dropout: finish mode_select_buff: start mode_select_buff: finish mode_select_prepick: start mode_select_prepick: finish mode_select_overscan: start mode_select_overscan: finish set_sleep_mode: start set_sleep_mode: finish Scan ModesourceScan sourcemodeScan moderesolutionX-resolutiony-resolutionY-resolutionGeometrytl-xTop-left xtl-yTop-left ybr-xBottom-right xbr-yBottom-right ypagewidthADF paper widthpageheightADF paper lengthEnhancementbrightnessBrightnesscontrastContrastgammaGamma function exponentChanges intensity of midtonesthresholdThresholdrifRIFReverse image formatAdvancedcompressionCompressioncompression-argCompression argumentdfdetectDF detectionEnable double feed sensorsdfdiffDF length differencebgcolorBackground colordropoutcolorDropout colorbuffermodeBuffer modeprepickPrepickoverscanOverscansleeptimerSleep timerduplexoffsetDuplex offsetAdjust front/back offsetgreenoffsetGreen offsetAdjust green/red offsetblueoffsetBlue offsetAdjust blue/red offsetswapfileSwap fileSensors and Buttonsbutton-topedgeTop edgebutton-a3A3 paperA3 paper detectedbutton-b4B4 paperB4 paper detectedbutton-a4A4 paperA4 paper detectedbutton-b5B5 paperB5 paper detectedbutton-adfloadedADF loadedPaper in adf hopperbutton-omrdfOMR or DFOMR or double feed detectedbutton-adfopenADF openADF cover openbutton-powersavePower savingScanner in power saving modebutton-send'Send to' button'Send to' button pressedbutton-manualfeedManual feedManual feed selectedbutton-scan'Scan' button'Scan' button pressedbutton-functionFunctionFunction character on screenbutton-inklowInk lowImprinter ink running lowbutton-doublefeedDouble feedDouble feed detectedbutton-errorcodeError codeHardware error codebutton-skewangleSkew anglebutton-inkremainInk remainingImprinter ink levelbutton-densityDensityDensity dialbutton-duplexDuplex switchfind_scanners: start fujitsu.confoptionbuffer-sizeusbscsiscsi FUJITSUusb 0x04c5 0x1041usb 0x04c5 0x1042usb 0x04c5 0x1095usb 0x04c5 0x1096usb 0x04c5 0x1097usb 0x04c5 0x10adusb 0x04c5 0x10aeusb 0x04c5 0x10afusb 0x04c5 0x10e0usb 0x04c5 0x10e1usb 0x04c5 0x10e2usb 0x04c5 0x10e7usb 0x04c5 0x10f2usb 0x04c5 0x10feusb 0x04c5 0x1135usb 0x04c5 0x1155find_scanners: finish sane_get_devices: start sane_get_devices: finish connect_fd: start connect_fd: already open connect_fd: finish sane_open: start sane_open: no device found sane_open: device %s found sane_open: finish attach_one: start attach_one: looking for '%s' init_inquire: start FUJITSUinquiry options color offset: %d lines long color scan: %d long gray scan: %d 3091 duplex: %d background front: %d background back: %d emulation mode: %d duplex offset: %d lines init_inquire: finish init_vpd: start M3099attach_one: inquiry failed init_vpd: 3099 repair init_vpd: length=%0x standard options basic x res: %d dpi basic y res: %d dpi step x res: %d dpi step y res: %d dpi max x res: %d dpi max y res: %d dpi min x res: %d dpi min y res: %d dpi 60 dpi: %d 75 dpi: %d 100 dpi: %d 120 dpi: %d 150 dpi: %d 160 dpi: %d 180 dpi: %d 200 dpi: %d 240 dpi: %d 300 dpi: %d 320 dpi: %d 400 dpi: %d 480 dpi: %d 600 dpi: %d 800 dpi: %d 1200 dpi: %d max width: %2.2f inches max length: %2.2f inches overflow: %d monochrome: %d halftone: %d grayscale: %d color_monochrome: %d color_halftone: %d color_grayscale: %d vendor options operator panel: %d barcode: %d imprinter: %d duplex: %d transparency: %d flatbed: %d adf: %d A/D bits: %d buffer bytes: %d mode_sense cmd: %d subwindow cmd: %d endorser cmd: %d hardware status cmd: %d scanner control cmd: %d brightness steps: %d threshold steps: %d contrast steps: %d black and white rif: %d automatic binary DTC: %d simplified DTC: %d outline extraction: %d image emphasis: %d automatic separation: %d mirror image: %d white level follower: %d subwindow: %d compression MH: %d compression MR: %d compression MMR: %d compression JBIG: %d compression JPG1: %d compression JPG2: %d compression JPG3: %d imprinter mech: %d imprinter stamp: %d imprinter elec: %d imprinter max id: %d imprinter size: %d connection type: %d horizontal overscan: %d vertical overscan: %d init_vpd: finish attach_one: vpd failed init_ms: start init_ms: unsupported prepick: %d sleep: %d rand: %d bg: %d df: %d dropout: %d buff: %d auto: %d lamp: %d jobsep: %d init_ms: finish init_model: start M3091M3092M3093M309M409fi-4120C2fi-4220C2fi-4340fi-4750fi-5650fi-5750Fi-5900fi-5900init_model: finish init_user: start init_user: finish init_options: start fillerNumber of optionsinit_options: finish scannerattach_one: finish sane_init: start sane-backends 1.0.19sane_init: finish Sense=%#02x, ASC=%#02x, ASCQ=%#02x, EOM=%d, ILI=%d, info=%#08x No sense: hardware status bits? Medium error: no ink cartridge Medium error: temporary no data Medium error: imprinter error Hardware error: FB motor fuse Hardware error: ADF motor fuse Hardware error: mechanical error Hardware error: optical error Hardware error: IPC option error Hardware error: imprinter error Hardware error: unknown asc/ascq Illegal request: paper edge detected too soon Illegal request: Parameter list error Illegal request: invalid command Illegal request: invalid CDB field Illegal request: unsupported logical unit Illegal request: invalid field in parm list Window desc block? byte %#02x Illegal request: command sequence error Illegal request: wrong window combination Illegal request: unknown asc/ascq Unit attention: unknown asc/ascq Aborted command: message error Aborted command: select failure Aborted command: SCSI parity error Aborted command: initiator error message Aborted command: overlapped commands Aborted command: image transfer error Aborted command: JPEG overflow error Aborted command: unknown asc/ascq sane_get_parameters: xres=%d, tlx=%d, brx=%d, pw=%d, maxx=%d sane_get_parameters: yres=%d, tly=%d, bry=%d, ph=%d, maxy=%d sane_get_parameters: user_x=%d, user_y=%d sane_get_parameters: updating sane_get_parameters: scan_x=%d, Bpl=%d, depth=%d sane_get_parameters: scan_y=%d, frame=%d, last=%d sane_get_parameters: copying to caller cmd: writing %d bytes, timeout %d cmd: wrote %d bytes, retVal %d cmd: got EOF, returning IO_ERROR out: writing %d bytes, timeout %d out: wrote %d bytes, retVal %d out: got EOF, returning IO_ERROR in: reading %lu bytes, timeout %d stat: reading %d bytes, timeout %d stat: read %d bytes, retVal %d stat: got EOF, returning IO_ERROR rs: got EOF, returning IO_ERROR do_usb_cmd: short read via rs, %lu/%lu WARNING: Brain-dead scanner. Hitting with stick WARNING: Brain-dead scanner. Hitting with stick again read_from_scanner: ERROR: no bytes this pass read_from_scanner: si:%d to:%d rx:%d re:%d bu:%d pa:%d read_from_scanner: not enough mem for buffer: %d read_from_scanner: got GOOD, returning GOOD read_from_scanner: got EOF, finishing read_from_scanner: got BUSY, returning GOOD read_from_scanner: error reading data block status = %d sane_read: not started, call sane_start read_from_JPEGduplex: ERROR: no bytes this pass read_from_JPEGduplex: fto:%d frx:%d bto:%d brx:%d re:%d pa:%d read_from_JPEGduplex: not enough mem for buffer: %d read_from_JPEGduplex: got GOOD/EOF, returning GOOD read_from_JPEGduplex: got BUSY, returning GOOD read_from_JPEGduplex: error reading data block status = %d read_from_JPEGduplex: stage head read_from_JPEGduplex: stage sof read_from_JPEGduplex: stage sos read_from_JPEGduplex: stage back read_from_JPEGduplex: stage back jump read_from_JPEGduplex: stage front read_from_JPEGduplex: stage eoi %d %d sane_read: jpeg duplex returning %d read_from_3091duplex: ERROR: no bytes this pass read_from_3091duplex: to:%d rx:%d li:%d re:%d bu:%d pa:%d of:%d read_from_3091duplex: not enough mem for buffer: %d read_from_3091duplex: got GOOD/EOF, returning GOOD read_from_3091duplex: got BUSY, returning GOOD read_from_3091duplex: error reading data block status = %d sane_read: side %d returning %d sane_read: front returning %d read_from_buffer: si:%d to:%d tx:%d re:%d bu:%d pa:%d read_from_buffer: nothing to do started=%d, img_count=%d, source=%d sane_start: ERROR: cannot get params set_window: Increasing length to %d sane_start: ERROR: cannot set window scanner_control: power up lamp... scanner_control: lamp on, tries %d, ret %d scanner_control: lamp error, tries %d, ret %d sane_start: ERROR: cannot start lamp setup_buffers: closing old tempfile %d. setup_buffers: attempt to close tempfile %d returned %d. setup_buffers: free buffer %d. setup_buffers: Error, no buffer %d. sane_start: ERROR: cannot load buffers sane_start: ERROR: cannot load page sane_start: ERROR: cannot start_scan sane_start: previous transfer not finished?sane_start: using buffered duplex backside get_hardware_status: calling ghs get_hardware_status: calling rs sane_control_option: %d too big sane_control_option: %d inactive sane_control_option: get value for '%s' (%d) missing option val for source sane_control_option: set value for '%s' (%d) sane_control_option: cant set, device busy sane_control_option: not settable sane_control_option: bad value sane_get_option_descriptor: %d Selects the scan source (such as a document-feeder).Selects the scan mode (e.g., lineart, monochrome, or color).Sets the horizontal resolution of the scanned image.Sets the vertical resolution of the scanned image.Top-left x position of scan area.Top-left y position of scan area.Bottom-right x position of scan area.Bottom-right y position of scan area.Must be set properly to align scanning windowMust be set properly to eject pagesControls the brightness of the acquired image.Controls the contrast of the acquired image.Select minimum-brightness to get a white pointEnable compressed data. May crash your front-end programLevel of JPEG compression. 1 is small file, 7 is large file. 0 (default) is same as 4Difference in page length to trigger double feed sensorSet color of background for scans. May conflict with overscan optionOne-pass scanners use only one color during gray or binary scanning, useful for colored paper or inkRequest scanner to read pages quickly from ADF into internal memoryRequest scanner to grab next page from ADFCollect a few mm of background on top side of scan, before paper enters ADF, and increase maximum scan area beyond paper size, to allow collection on remaining sides. May conflict with bgcolor optionTime in minutes until the internal power supply switches to sleep modeSave memory by buffering data in a temp filePaper is pulled partly into adfRequires black background for scanningfind_scanners: reading config file %s find_scanners: config option "buffer-size" (%d) is < 4096, ignoring! find_scanners: config option "buffer-size" (%d) is > %d, warning! find_scanners: setting "buffer-size" to %d find_scanners: config option "%s" unrecognized - ignored. find_scanners: looking for '%s' find_scanners: config line "%s" unrecognized - ignored. find_scanners: no config file '%s', using defaults find_scanners: looking for 'scsi FUJITSU' find_scanners: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x1041' find_scanners: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x1042' find_scanners: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x1095' find_scanners: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x1096' find_scanners: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x1097' find_scanners: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x10ad' find_scanners: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x10ae' find_scanners: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x10af' find_scanners: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x10e0' find_scanners: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x10e1' find_scanners: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x10e2' find_scanners: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x10e7' find_scanners: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x10f2' find_scanners: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x10fe' find_scanners: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x1135' find_scanners: looking for 'usb 0x04c5 0x1155' find_scanners: found scanner %s find_scanners: found %d scanner(s) connect_fd: opening USB device connect_fd: opening SCSI device connect_fd: cannot get requested buffer size (%d/%d) connect_fd: could not wait_scanner connect_fd: could not open device: %d sane_open: searching currently attached scanners sane_open: no scanners currently attached, attaching sane_open: no device requested, using default sane_open: device %s requested attach_one: already attached! The device at '%s' is not a scanner. The device at '%s' is reported to be made by '%s' This backend only supports Fujitsu products. init_inquire: Found %s scanner %s version %s at %s built in gamma patterns: %d download gamma patterns: %d built in dither patterns: %d download dither patterns: %d init_vpd: Your scanner supports only partial VPD? init_vpd: Please contact kitno455 at gmail dot com init_vpd: with details of your scanner model. init_vpd: Your scanner does not support VPD? Read-only option that specifies how many options a specific devices supports.sane_init: fujitsu backend %d.%d.%d, from %s FlatbedADF FrontADF BackADF DuplexLineartHalftoneGrayColorJPEGNoneDefaultThicknessLengthBoth10mm15mm20mmWhiteBlackRedGreenBlueOnOff~C?CB`<G7-DT! @_@?@GCC: (GNU) 4.2.3$.symtab.strtab.shstrtab.rel.text.data.bss.rodata.str1.1.rodata.str1.4.rel.rodata.rodata.cst4.rodata.cst8.comment.text.__i686.get_pc_thunk.bx.note.GNU-stack.group4'@ M"%@ +@* 02@?2T!RCN oPZ, gP tp}5$ 2=  #0),`#5JN \ ^fpt0P#  !d" 3 4. .5=J ] w `  B- GI  <?)!6B'O[g x-1 7    "cD0=L.Zm|0P@&   #5<wRP ;t!Y'-@28>iCIO U[pagm%sy?4,[LX0,"Xxd !'-39$?pEKQWP]c]iBo(ut{ K$hj+ D"B)06= C4ISOU\cj$qx~8jXrQ;\lD|8 $ +29t @GN U\cjh q x L   ML , j /    X      |  4   ' . 5<1CNJIQXXm_fmt{0xX  P6 (M  | P  ( a # } * 1 8 ? 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