ELF44(UW1Vu E8ttu^1_]@^_]Í&UWVu }UEt&8tE}tu^_]ÉB^_]U]uƉ}D$2$4$D$3E4$D$0E4$D$1U]u})E])‰ÐU]uƉ}D$,$4$D$-]uы}]Í&UWE1Vu 8ttu1^_] UWVEuM}@E }RE$u fEm]mE9L9~FEσ^_] UEHtttXÍvAU $P} }f}t}}X4!Í&AU $Pf~}*sɸg+fËAU $Ptf}tt}Kuɸ|Á}t~Q}t&t},&u9΁}XKu}ft ]}KjɸÃ}2t:ɸ*Ã}dd~}r}uҍ&]ɸ.t&Á},vu}Xvɸ!Á}, uɍt& UWVEEUfMfUte҉EEU1f}t$U1E PAM9uu1҉uUBEE9EtU뭃^_]ÍvUU]BÍvUM4$|$} Q A)9r f1A |$4$]ÍUMVE Q 9r A)f1Q ^]Ív'UWV 1օt ut"1ҍ&)Ѓ u^1_]ÐUS$ED$EE D$ D$D$E$$[]ÍU]E uu$D$ t$D$uvuD$$S]u]Ít&UVSu} $t$E‰D$ D$Fu"D$$[^]1} t&U1U ]uw2T$ 4ҋUD2 $D$D$tUD2 ]u]ÍvUWVSEUT$$D$ D$$0EtTE1~1G};Mu}$ƉD$D$[^_]ËEE@D$ $PhtE$$D$D$G[^]ËPA D$D$ $RluFPRD$$R@tY$$D$D$[^]É$$D$D$[^]Í&D$$[^]ÍvU8]uu}} $ƉD$ ‰D$D$IUUEfEQE:EE;BPED$ED$$Rpt3$$D$D$]u}]fD$$א&UM$t$Ah@hBFBFB F $t$]Í&Uuu]FxkT$D$TD$V kp4$D$p@D$]u]ÍvUWVS4ExUME؋E|uU܋UMME䋒ǁU苁ہكہEЋM̉ωɉU󦍋M8Eǀuظ}ȉ‰Ƹ8ыUEEJEMĉT1dx9E~d)MUĉ4EكɋEċUM≐8ۀ8}E݃ɴ fEEmۙmEۀ4m]mUѡǁM+uغɋEǀ0uܺэM(ЋUЃ,ݚ<ݚDLPہ؋܋mۚ`mU:u:Bu(ЋUЃ\41[^_]ÃҋMBI‹U@:Bg:BWMǁ\t4vuظω@Uǂ;uظ}̉uɋEǀ0Wɋuغ ыUč0.t&'U]uu}} $D$EuOt5GGG GGD$$ME]u}]Í'U]}} uu<$ tF 0F~]Ћu}]Ít&'UWVS $D$t_Tt6t$t$t$G$<$uǃǃt$ǃD$$ [^_] USE@ @@t$1[]Ív'UWVS} $E‰D$D$Ot$ $ 1ҋEbGWBFBF$tflat@bed @scan@ nerUF 49 U~$u [^_]UD$$V1[^_]ÍU8]U uu}}҅L ttEЋE EL$ T$D$D$$Et UMAt<} |$ D $D$D$|]u}]Ã} v$E $D$D$ENjU MҍD$ t$} D$$|$ 닅ueM q tx} UMp $D$}tEU1D$$"ta} t$D$$|$ s} D$$|$Q녋} UMpnu&E f$D$D$}EMD$D L$$uU $$D$D$:Ut$M $U} p}E;UBPRL$$R<oM D$$L$HMU} p9sMM}||$4$t4$E$U|MMxt$}<$UƋE pu3E߃ dߋE|M_UM  pu3Edߋ@PE|}~+E댋MAd PȁŒcɃ at&UWVS }$D$st9u 9t*0u|$D$$: [^_]ÉNjFd$Ft$F$F$FDt $FHt$$|$x$t7F$4$D$$i [^_]ËÉ1&'UWVS<҉UD$D$L$ $Eu(D$$EE<[^_]Ëu ~ttF|$$uEԅtUԉ2|$D$$wEE<[^_]ÍD$L$ D$$AJD$|$$"ED$<$Et+$|$$D$ D$D$|$$ED$ED$E$EE荓ME؍BEEЃ p929JuދE9Bu$E<$U܉rǂTBD$FD$ F$D$D$U܃ EԉtEԉE$D$$U؍L$D$$T$ EU$|$$D$ D$dE vUW1VS tf$V9Bu [^_]ÍUWVS,}$|$D$?HuuF|$D$$UPtIt&utF|$$uF$D$D$AuFt$F$$ U@PTǂdǂtE ǂǂǂ`ǂDǂH0F@$E܍D$_F D$dD$$pD$DD$$$F F$vD0 D0$$=du捃FFF4FTFXU؉V V8F\FF$džpF<FDFHFLF`FpFhFt$t Gray@xFxF|dždž$t Flat@bed|džU܃ dž|dždždždždždž8:}ܸEOHtEEU܋THu$ Q}U܉8BHt1ҋ}܉DDHu dž,U܉ Edž @dždždždždždž$dž8dž<,04PTXLdžHdždž\dž`džltxpdž|dždždž }؉ ddždždždždž@dždždždždž $(,0LPTdž2dž4dž8džDdždžXdžh`l$t Greef@ndždždždžuhD$$VB@ =S=I D$$u,[^_]ÍD$$HD$$2D$$D$$D$$D$$u$G F$D$D$V$EPR$RD$$X$뺉$D$ E@$D$D$&UWVS<uD$$D$D$ D$ D$D$$t U $ҍD‰D$D$hǃ ǃǃǃǃǃǃ4$1D$D$$t$D$$D$4$D$EED$4$Utg9tc:#D$ǃt$ |$$B+D$4$Et$E\t&|$$D$E2$%D$|$$Eԋ~"ǃǃ$$D$$o<1[^_]$t$$D$ D$511<1[^_]É'U1ɉVS EUubEt[9|VtgD$$u$ D$$ [^]ËM  [^]$뛐&U1ɉ}}]E uw W9wO1E 9r]ȋu}]ft$ D$$w 1Gȍ'Uuu]}u,fD$$]u}]ÍvE uD$$NʋEuD$$*릋EFu D$$vD$$vD$$(`t'D$$1M((DЉL$4T$,t$0ه\$$ه\$D$D$D$D$ $D$D$|ƒ|tDž u|!Ѓ „t1t>(FuE t |d((19P1|| Dž$$DɍDDʃ t$D‹ D$L$ D$T$|$iMD$$L$L(D$ $D$D$9rXD$$1M(GE f|)(P$1D$D$m(p1҉|$D$D$((Dž\v8E8E8(EuME̍D$$V(h+pd$t$(9v%4 |(tp$(pƋx+<$9G1@D$$NjD$D$p|(„t $O Ƌ(19r)щʋ(+9F1D|$t<$$TD$D$|M1ҍM9\w⋍TDž`t_11Dž0 ;t'Gf;\u΋\01ҋ09w`9`uDtT$ $ƋE[Dt$<$ƋE6t#(”x $1ҋxxF Ƌ(P‹+1҉ $9F׉HT$t$$ǍD$j| |(xP9<t1U9uuDž鉍KDžDžT98Džt,1ɋ1fO9uߋUE$E U)UvU9Uv3Et&'UWVSUu}E BB<3|$t$UT$ MD$$L$ݝh݅h\$D$$ӵMEeVE$݅h]ۀ}}E fEm}mE=wL1uɉEA؋E1~JE1U MfTȋL)D ) >)1),=vH1‰pOW; DHHDNM؋LVU܍xTDD‰T: l:D :}ȋM <:L})DLuȋT)1 9)1),=vH1‰pOW T TDTDHD9L9ȍ R)))1),=vH1‰pO"W#4ű4lp 9\ lpHTBHDB;\ TpHGHDGHG HDG!GpAQA"Q#+$$D$D$o< F GfU]}}u$D$n;|*D$$n]u}]Ë;|D$$YnƉvuG$D$+nB@D$$P@A@tPD$ D$$RlƅǁX$$D$D$^m$$D$D$7mD$$mBPED$ ED$L$$RE$E$ݕDžݝDžxx$T$plA@D$T$ $PLMD$$Eu$E䋍D$L$$t)E䋕D$T$ $1$0uB@D$L$$PP$B@D$L$$PLD$$EuE䋍D$L$$uB@D$L$$PPG$E䃅F2P$܅ݝ1$$܅ݝ9u~YB@ $P tD2P$܅ݝD1V$ݝB@ $P ݅ܵ8ݝ݅ܵݝ~~UD$D$ЋD$ET$D$ $U䋍D$D$D$EL$D$ $݅\$݅\$D$$iٽ݅ܥ f٭۝٭wك݅.0 $D$D$h$ $B@$P$$D$D$2h@D$$Phb tۅܵD$$ك\$݅؋\$g݅ܵٽ fݕ݅ܵݕ٭۝٭كɉ1)ىvuۅ݃u,u$D$D$ g$ $B4$$D$D$fA@ppP4 D$T$ $օD$D$$Uf@ $PXBPD$ D$ $RlIݝB@D$L$$PLtS$ $D$D$e$$D$D$seD$=$D$>$D$? 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Please be careful and report any failure/success to sane-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org. Please provide as many details as possible, e.g. the exact name of your scanner and what does (not) work. sane_open: couldn't open device `%s': %s Read-only option that specifies how many options a specific devices supports.Selects the scan mode (e.g., lineart, monochrome, or color).Selects the scan source (such as a document-feeder).Request a preview-quality scan.Number of bits per sample, typical values are 1 for "line-art" and 8 for multibit scans.Sets the resolution of the scanned image.Top-left x position of scan area.Top-left y position of scan area.Bottom-right x position of scan area.Bottom-right y position of scan area.Select minimum-brightness to get a white pointWhen using high resolutions where the horizontal resolution is smaller than the vertical resolution this disables horizontal interpolation.When using gray or lineart this option selects the used color.The lamp will be turned off after the given time (in minutes). A value of 0 means, that the lamp won't be turned off.This device doesn't have a valid command set!! SANE Genesys backend version %d.%d build %d from %s sane_init: couldn't open config file `%s': %s. Using /dev/usb/scanner directly sane_init: reading config file `%s' sane_init: config file line %d: ignoring empty line sane_init: config file line %d: ignoring comment line sane_init: config file line %d: trying to attach `%s' attach_one_device: out of memory sane_read: scan was cancelled, is over or has not been initiated yet genesys_read_ordered_data: read not active! genesys_read_ordered_data: dumping current_setup: pixels: %d lines: %d depth: %d channels: %d exposure_time: %d xres: %g yres: %g half_ccd: %s stagger: %d max_shift: %d genesys_read_ordered_data: using filters:%s%s%s%s%s genesys_read_ordered_data: frontend requested %lu bytes genesys_read_ordered_data: bytes_to_read=%lu, total_bytes_read=%lu genesys_read_ordered_data: nothing more to scan: EOF genesys_read_ordered_data: %lu lines left by output genesys_read_ordered_data: %lu lines left by input genesys_fill_read_buffer: start genesys_fill_read_buffer: reading %lu bytes genesys_fill_read_buffer: failed to read %lu bytes (%s) Can't reorder single bit data genesys_read_ordered_data: reordering %d lines Can't reverse ccd for single bit data genesys_read_ordered_data: un-ccd-ing %d lines genesys_read_ordered_data: shrinking %d lines Cannot convert from 16bit to lineart genesys_read_ordered_data: completed, %lu bytes read genesys_read_ordered_data: genesys_fill_read_buffer failed sanei_genesys_create_gamma_table: size = %d, maximum = %g, gamma_max = %g, gamma = %g sanei_genesys_create_gamma_table: gamma_table[%.3d] = %.5d sanei_genesys_create_gamma_table: completed genesys_generate_slope_table: table size: %d genesys_generate_slope_table: stop at time: %d, use %d steps max genesys_generate_slope_table: target slope: vstart: %d, vend: %d, steps: %d, g: %g Can not reach target speed(%d) in %d steps. Expect image to be distorted. Ignore this if only feeding. sanei_genesys_generate_slope_table: returns sum=%d, used %d steps, completed sanei_genesys_create_slope_table: %d steps, step_type = %d, exposure_time = %d, same_speed = %d, yres = %.2f, power_mode = %d sanei_genesys_create_slope_table: returns sum_time=%d, completed sanei_genesys_create_slope_table2: %d steps, step_type = %d, exposure_time = %d, same_speed = %d, yres = %.2f, power_mode = %d sanei_genesys_create_slope_table2: returns sum=%d, completed sanei_genesys_create_slope_table: %d steps, step_type = %d, exposure_time = %d, same_speed =%d sanei_genesys_create_slope_table: yres = %.2f sanei_genesys_create_slope_table: step_type = %d, exposure_time = %d, yres = %g, power_mode = %d sanei_genesys_read_register (0x%02x, 0x%02x): failed while setting register: %s sanei_genesys_read_register (0x%02x, 0x%02x): failed while reading register value: %s sanei_genesys_read_register (0x%02x, 0x%02x) completed sanei_genesys_read_feed_steps sanei_genesys_read_feed_steps: %d steps genesys_read_valid_words: %d words sanei_genesys_read_data_from_scanner (size = %lu bytes) WARNING sanei_genesys_read_data_from_scanner: odd number of bytes sanei_genesys_read_data_from_scanner: checking for empty buffer failed: %s sanei_genesys_read_data_from_scanner: timeout, buffer does not get filled sanei_genesys_read_data_from_scanner: reading bulk data failed: %s sanei_genesys_read_data_from_scanner: completed sanei_genesys_test_buffer_empty: failed to read buffer status: %s sanei_genesys_test_buffer_empty: buffer is empty sanei_genesys_test_buffer_empty: buffer is filled sanei_genesys_write_register (0x%02x, 0x%02x): failed while setting register: %s sanei_genesys_write_register (0x%02x, 0x%02x): failed while writing register value: %s sanei_genesys_write_register (0x%02x, 0x%02x) completed sanei_genesys_set_buffer_address: setting address to 0x%05x sanei_genesys_set_buffer_address: failed while writing low byte: %s sanei_genesys_set_buffer_address: failed while writing high byte: %s sanei_genesys_set_buffer_address: completed genesys_send_offset_and_shading (size = %d) genesys_send_offset_and_shading: failed to set buffer address: %s genesys_send_offset_and_shading: failed to send shading table: %s genesys_send_offset_and_shading: completed sanei_genesys_init_shading_data (pixels_per_line = %d) sanei_genesys_init_shading_data: failed to allocate memory sanei_genesys_init_shading_data: failed to send shading data: %s sanei_genesys_init_shading_data: completed sanei_genesys_write_pnm_file: depth=%d, channels=%d, ppl=%d, lines=%d sanei_genesys_write_pnm_file: could nor open %s for writing: %s sanei_genesys_write_pnm_file: finished genesys_black_white_shading_calibration (lines = %d) genesys_dark_white_shading_calibration: failed to allocate average memory genesys_dark_white_shading_shading_calibration: failed to allocate average memory genesys_dark_white_shading_calibration: failed to allocate calibration memory genesys_dark_white_shading_calibration: failed to bulk write registers: %s genesys_dark_white_shading_calibration: Failed to begin scan: %s genesys_dark_white_shading_calibration: Failed to read data: %s genesys_dark_white_shading_calibration: Failed to end scan: %s genesys_dark_white_shading_calibration: completed genesys_white_shading_calibration (lines = %d) genesys_white_shading_calibration: failed to allocate average memory genesys_white_shading_calibration: failed to allocate calibration memory genesys_white_shading_calibration: failed to bulk write registers: %s genesys_white_shading_calibration: Failed to begin scan: %s genesys_white_shading_calibration: Failed to read data: %s genesys_white_shading_calibration: Failed to end scan: %s genesys_dummy_dark_shading: failed to allocate average memory genesys_white_shading_calibration: failed to do dummy dark shading calibration: %s genesys_dummy_dark_shading: dummy1=%d, dummy2=%d, dummy3=%d genesys_dummy_dark_shading: completed genesys_white_shading_calibration: completed genesys_dark_shading_calibration genesys_dark_shading_calibration: failed to allocate average memory genesys_dark_shading_calibration: failed to allocate calibration data memory genesys_dark_shading_calibration: Failed to bulk write registers: %s genesys_dark_shading_calibration: Failed to begin scan: %s genesys_dark_shading_calibration: Failed to read data: %s genesys_dark_shading_calibration: Failed to end scan: %s genesys_dark_shading_calibration: completed genesys_coarse_calibration (scan_mode = %d) channels %d y_size %d xres %d genesys_coarse_calibration: failed to allocate memory(%d bytes) genesys_coarse_calibration: failed to set frontend: %s genesys_coarse_calibration: Failed to write gain[0]: %s genesys_coarse_calibration: Failed to write gain[1]: %s genesys_coarse_calibration: Failed to write gain[2]: %s genesys_coarse_calibration: Failed to write offset[0]: %s genesys_coarse_calibration: Failed to write offset[1]: %s genesys_coarse_calibration: Failed to write offset[2]: %s genesys_coarse_calibration: doing scan: sign: %d/%d/%d, gain: %d/%d/%d, offset: %d/%d/%d genesys_coarse_calibration: Failed to begin scan: %s genesys_coarse_calibration: Failed to read data: %s genesys_coarse_calibration: sanei_genesys_write_pnm_file failed: %s genesys_coarse_calibration: Failed to end scan: %s genesys_coarse_calibration: white[%d]=%d, black[%d]=%d genesys_coarse_calibration: final: sign: %d/%d/%d, gain: %d/%d/%d, offset: %d/%d/%d genesys_coarse_calibration: completed genesys_flatbed_calibration: failed to init gamma table: %s genesys_flatbed_calibration: offset calibration failed: %s genesys_flatbed_calibration: coarse gain calibration: %s genesys_flatbed_calibration: failed to send calibration registers: %s genesys_flatbed_calibration: failed to do static calibration: %s genesys_flatbed_calibration: led calibration failed: %s genesys_flatbed_calibration: failed to init shading process: %s genesys_flatbed_calibration: failed to send shading registers: %s genesys_flatbed_calibration: failed to do dark+white shading calibration: %s genesys_flatbed_calibration: failed to do dark shading calibration: %s genesys_flatbed_calibration: failed to do white shading calibration: %s genesys_send_shading_coefficient genesys_send_shading_coefficient: failed to allocate memory genesys_flatbed_calibration: failed to send shading calibration coefficients: %s genesys_send_shading_coefficient: averaging over %d pixels genesys_send_shading_coefficient: failed to send shading data: %s genesys_send_shading_coefficient: completed genesys_flatbed_calibration: failed to send specific gamma tables: %s genesys_flatbed_calibration: completed sane_start: top left x >= bottom right x --- exiting sane_start: top left y >= bottom right y --- exiting genesys_start_scan: failed to disable power saving mode: %s genesys_warmup_lamp: one more loop genesys_warmup_lamp: average = %.2f %%, diff = %.3f %% genesys_warmup_lamp: average 1 = %.2f %%, average 2 = %.2f %% genesys_warmup_lamp: warmup timed out after %d seconds. Lamp defective? genesys_warmup_lamp: warmup succeeded after %d seconds genesys_start_scan: failed to search start position: %s genesys_start_scan: failed to move scanhead to home position: %s genesys_start_scan: failed to do flatbed calibration: %s genesys_start_scan: failed to do init registers for scan: %s genesys_start_scan: Failed to bulk write registers, status = %d genesys_start_scan: failed to begin scan: %s genesys_start_scan: Failed to read feed steps: %s genesys_start_scan: Failed to read valid words: %s genesys_start_scan: completed sanei_genesys_search_reference_point: failed to allocate memory sanei_genesys_search_reference_point: black stripe y_offset = %f mm sanei_genesys_search_reference_point: white corner y_offset = %f mm sanei_genesys_search_reference_point: CCD_start_xoffset = %d, left = %d, top = %d, bottom=%d d8 @"@"@ @ @@@@aw@cV[rz'~-=BX,K` X,K+ddM[aIX,K` X,Kkf+dd4o[}IX,K` X,Kkf+dd4,X,KX,Kf'dd X,K` X,Kf33)dd X,K` X,Kf33)dd/7X,KX,K+ddE/[X,K` X,K+ddi}X,dK2` X,d2fff(0~ >?@7@?@~CB~BFBGffffff9@ffffff@?S\U]?w/?W2?ŏ1w?'1Z??{Gz??Q?ffffff?{Gz?333333?{Gz?q= ףp?Af?@@Dl?~jt@x&1?+w@)\(@S㥛?Gz?K7AH@$(~k?Fx $T@TR'?[ AC@[ AC@Mb`?GCC: (GNU) 4.2.3$.symtab.strtab.shstrtab.rel.text.data.bss.rodata.str1.1.rodata.str1.4.rel.rodata.rel.data.rel.ro.local.rel.data.rel.local.rodata.cst4.rodata.cst8.comment.text.__i686.get_pc_thunk.bx.note.GNU-stack.group4@ 3%@ + 02 ?24RpN P^@x Z PH u8 q Q 80@RVV! d # Y20G@OWJp0G0 @pL @  P x #@D3 =  I Q Yd t  +L@]ckhhDmgf`t x  @ @ @ @ @ @ &@ 9@ L@  `ej,o tyP~@ /d<CP V[ crz"~(i.4:@FxLRX^djpv4|tp<)<Vhk(P|(P \ $*06< BHN TZ`$ flrD y  $-2 =B MR af< u|d   !( /6=` DK RX^Tdjp v|0  J,ho  ( @ W`#*1.87??FDMT[$bhipw ~D0`t hH M<&e-4;XBI@PWH^Pelshzp X`08x(l$ |   {" ) $0 7 > <E `L S Z a ,h `o v } H    H  x  , d     X     H    8! |!% , 3 : "A !H 4"O d"V "] @#d #k "r y # 8$ $ $ $ #  $% H% % (& % d& & &  ! 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