ELF4(U] BÐU] JBÉ'U ]JJBÐU@] Í'U@] Q Q Ít&'US$ED$EE D$ D$D$E$$[]ÍUSE $D$ ED$D$zD$$d[]É'USE $D$ ED$D$D$$[]É'U(uu }]}EGt$$D$ D$1+w'G$D$D$UMD ]u}]É'UWVSE$D$%D$$U|$$D$MD|$$D$u܋E܃v$D$D$E؍UԍMЍE̍UȍMčEUMEUMEUMEUMEUMEU|xtplhd`EE\XTPLHUMD $D$E؉D$M܋UD $D$EԉD$U}܍4G }M$L$D$G ^$D$ẺD$G_U$T$D$xG@M$L$D$YG!$D$ED$:U܍t2F M$L$D$UMD $D$ED$UMD $D$ED$UMD $D$ED$UMD !$D$ED$UMD "$D$ED$jUMD #$D$ED$HUMD $$D$ED$&MET%$ЃD$ЉT$U%D$ T$FM$L$D$UMD ($D$ED$UMD )$D$ED$WMUB" $L$D$g}F"$D$ED$>uڋUMD 0$D$ED$UMD 1$D$ED$MET2$ЃD$ЃpD$ЉT$U%D$ T$MUD3M$D$L$UMD 4$D$ED$mUMD 5$D$ED$KUMD 6$D$ED$)UMD 7$D$ED$UMD 8$D$|D$UMD 9$D$ED$UMD :$D$xD$UMB3L$$D$}UMB3L$$D$\E u֋UEDt$L$#pE$T$D$MA@$D$lD$U苍hBAL$$D$DUEt@F yd$L$D$FW$D$`D$mF5\$T$D$KFX$L$D$)UMBRL$$D$ U苍hBSL$$D$U苍TBTL$$D$U苍hBUL$$D$U苍PBVL$$D$U苍LBWL$$D$fU苍HBXL$$D$EF! $D$hD$$t&Fh$D$T$u׃EE }EE@}D$$[^_] UWVS҉Et81EUt$$D$D$ ED$O9uӃ[^_]ÍvUVS $D$ƃfǃǃ4$D$D$ D$D$$ƍD$ [^]UWVS$ D$D$$nwLJ LJ D$$9ǃfǃ ǃƃƃ14$D$D$ D$ D$$ƍD$uHGvG$GD$$ [^_]ÐD$$j렐&U]uu$D$0 toD$$ ]u] U8]EE }}uΉUE荃D$$$(f%E舃&Et$D$D$ $D$E$$ƍD$;]u}]ÍUVS $D$fǃ"4$D$D$ D$D$$ƍD$ [^]U]uu}}$D$W $D$D$1 u u@f% tED$$]u}]ÍD$$֋ kU$9C‰EED$D$EO$D$MԉD$gE䍓ǃǃfǃƃƃ(EMԉD$E D$ $D$ D$Etp$$D$D$E$D$D$}D$$ E$D$D$oE) D$$N1]D$$1z;D$$ttGU9UEUv#M щMMEEE9EMu) ZELJ Fv'UWVSLED$ EЍ}U$D$D$]D$E$@D$EfEEEEEE$?E썃eD$E$E$D$ED$ ED$D$1 ED$D$D$D$D$ D$$XUЍED$E։EȉD$ D$|$$$$D$D$E$D$D$D$$%D$$EȺD$$EںD$$iL[^_]ËE$D$D$BED$D$$ED$ D$EUډT$D$Ẻ$rUWVS$D$$Eǃ$%ǃ(ǃ,ǃ0%ǃ4ǃ8fǃ<ƃ$~ ( *Ut$$D$ǃ*MD$D$ (<$L$D$$$D$D$D$$ED$$ED$$aM(A D$$9[^_] U8]uΉE}$D$tUD$$EU+D$D$$ED$EEEEE+$VEU[t%$$D$D$#vE$D$D$]u}]ÍvUWVS,UL$|$$D$ D$EEEEEthD$$|Uܹ'EUE1$D$D$4,[^_]ÍD$$UEEEE'EU܃EtD$D$$,[^_]Í&D$D$$,[^_]ÍU8]uEɉ}׉EEEEtdD$$-U ~EE1$D$D$]u}]EEEE EUEtD$D$$룐D$D$$v농t&UWVS} +CG Eu9EtD}D$$辺EE,[^_]EE,[^_]ËU D$$T$}} )U D$$T$VE떍D$$7GfM t$D$$L$ ECED$UT$M UɍD$E } )M 0M MD$E t$$D$ D$qsMxD$T$E$EM U8MEiU M8$D$D$U M8D$E$EU M8UEME` M U8M;tEMU 8`4$|$t9EtEU`t4$<$M`utMU M98t EUM U81M U8t$M $U M8MU`` T$$UmU @0ك@<DD ʋE… ˋM Eǀdǀh<}؋E fEm]mEU鉂l؋m]mEMpU M8$E$U M8E_UML;tEMULPTUMHL$$hEtE} U@߃߃  4 X |   Ƃ UH$M $UHMxD$E$D$UML$$U M8Et"UML$$tEU M8t$E$U M8U:B:B:B:8߃\߃߃UM|ߋUU &U؋\$M t$D$$L$ ED$U t$D$$T$ ӳM8 \   < E| Guu|EX߃  ǀMM } uuM߃Ɓ gMUUX ߃ǂ؋m]mE } EX4߃߃߃ @   ƀ dFUX$d$MXo} Y} ;>&UVSE $D$D$谱,t$ $ƅ, tH0t1ɍBuE0D$$31[^]Ív'UWVS ҉Ut.t mt>tыDP u؃ [^_] UWVS\ E$ D$耰u Pt&6tFF $T$uዽDžt1\[^_]Ë D$$ |$<D$ED$ D$<$t$$$D$D$路뀋E$ D$ D$D$莯D$$ xn׹ EEE$D$$9t2$D$D$$E$nU~vD$T$L$D$|$ $蟮u$D$rD$qD$pD$ oD$D$Rnt0D$$3E$Džu t6( t%w4$t$D$$uҍD$$ 諭E胼tt$D$pD$$ gEUċEEEEED$$4t$D$D$$E$D$D$ϬE$D$D$豬E$D$D$蓬E$D$D$uE$D$D$WE$D$D$9E$D$D$E$D$D$E襫$D$D$۫E$D$D$轫E$D$D$蟫E$D$D$聫E$D$D$cE $D$D$AD$$ +EUEEEEEEEfEED$$ݸD$}$親E$D$D$航E$D$D$jE$D$D$LE$D$D$.E$D$D$U谩$D$D$M膩$D$D$輩E$D$D$螩}>$D$D$tE$D$D$LU$D$D$"M¨$D$D$EU$ ЉD$D$Ѩ蔨$D$D$誨El$D$D$肨E$D$D$dE$D$D$F$,D$D$$ƀpD$$ϧu썃D$$t$貧U!D$D$$聧$$D$D$[D$$EEt"$$D$D$u썃D$$D$$U4D$D$$貦D$$蜦E蓾ut6$D$D$Jǁu썃D$$!D$$ UԹ>\ D$D$$ڥLJD$D$$謥LJE1st/t*D$D$$dLJE¼軾t;t*D$D$$ ǁE$D$D$ߤE$n<$D$ D$ D$ `D$D$L$ $D$D$|$ 4$ $B1 $t Ricof@hB $G $tshee@tfed@ sca@ nner@B1}1} 1}1}1}ƂƄuEʍ@ UˉЃ$(,08$4@ (u ,t&$ tHalf@tone@0 4 8< 0ENjDЉD$<DȅҍDDЍD$ t$2L$T$ D$|$D$4$4$BỦЃ<@DHLPUΉЃTX\`$t none@hdTbX!\`EϋdEЃhEU ЉlyphtE‹xu|2!GOGɞG 軞1҉w(G$Ey LJ<@tDŽKE tDŽdEtDŽxEtDŽEtDŽEtDŽEtDŽEyDŽ@tDŽ,E tDŽ@EtDŽEtDŽEtDŽXEtDŽ EtDŽ҉uND$$'ǂǂǂ,ǂt,ǂp,贜Ƌ觜t$ $D$D$蹜~gZۇpٽ"؋" f ٭ ۝٭"D$D$$'-ktD$D$$pOۇR$ٽ"" f ܋؋٭ ۝٭"A0A,A4\$T$ D$ffffD$ff9@$D$D$61ҋt~KۇP$ٽ"" ؋f ٭ ۝٭"Q> print_window_data HEADER %#02x Window Identifier = %d AutoBit = %#x X-Axis Resolution = %lu Y-Axis Resolution = %lu X-Axis Upper Left = %lu Y-Axis Upper Left = %lu Window Width = %lu Window Length = %lu Brightness = %d Threshold = %d Contrast = %d Image Composition = %#0x Bits per Pixel = %d Halftone Code = %#0x Halftone Id = %#0x Bit Ordering = %lu Compression Type = %#x Compression Arg = %#x Reserved=%#x Ignored = %#x Binary Filtering = %#x Automatic Separation = %#x Automatic Binarization = %#x SECTION %d ignored = %d Upper Left X = %lu Upper Left Y = %lu Width = %lu Length = %lu Threshold = %#x Image Composition = %#x Halftone Id = %#x Halftone Code = %#x << print_window_data %3d: 0x%02x %d >> unit_cmd << unit_cmd >> do_cancel >> object_position << object_position << do_cancel >> sane_cancel << sane_cancel >> inquiry << inquiry >> test_unit_ready << test_unit_ready >> sane_read sane_read: cancelled! sane_read: read %ld bytes >> read_data %lu read_data: %s << read_data %lu sane_read: read error << sane_read PRINTING CMD BLOCK: PRINTING MP HEADER: PRINTING MP PAGES: <<<<< mode_sense >> mode_select ERROR: mode_select: %s << mode_select >> scan_wait_mode mode_select ERROR %s >> sane_get_parameters Lineart B/WHalftone<< sane_get_parameters >> max_string_size << max_string_size >> set_endorser_string %s CHAR=%c >> get_data_status %lu get_data_status: busy << get_data_status %lu >> sane_start << sane_start sane_start: device busy >> adf_control set_white_balance failed: %s >> teco_send_gamma << teco_send_gamma hs2p_send_gamma failed: %s 4-Bit Gray8-Bit Gray<< set_window_data >> set_window set_window_data failed: %s ********************* ERROR: set_window: %s PRINTING SWD CMD BLK: PRINTING SWD HEADER: PRINTING SWD DATA[0]: PRINTING SWD DATA[1]: << set_window SET WINDOW DATA failed: %s >> get_window >> get_window datalen = %lu << get_window, datalen = %lu GET WINDOW failed: %s >> read_adf_status read_adf_status ERROR: %s << read_adf_status sane_start: ADF cover open! >> trigger scan << trigger scan start of scan failed: %s GET DATA STATUS failed: %s TRUEFALSEANOTHER SIDE = %s >> sense_handler %02x sense_handler: sense=%s >> sane_close << sane_close >> sane_exit << sane_exit (nil)SETGETSTRING=%s UserADF6-Bit Gray<< sane_control_option << sane_get_devices >>> attach: >>> attach: opening "%s" >>> attach: open failed: %s >>> attach: opened %s fd=%d RICOH VPD IDENTIFIER C0H JIS IDENTIFIER F0H [00] devtype %#02x [01] Page Code %#02x [02] JIS Ver %#02x [03] reserved1 %#02x [04] Page Len %#02x [05] BasicXRes %lu [07] BasicYRes %lu [09] Resolution step %#02x [10] MaxXRes %lu [12] MaxYRes %lu [14] MinXRes %lu [16] MinYRes %lu [18] Std Res %#0x [20] Win Width %lu [24] Win Len %lu [28] function %#02x [29] reserved %#02x IS450IS420>> connection_parameters << connection_parameters >> service_mode << service_mode %-.5s%-.16s%-.4sRICOH Color B&W/IPU/Endorser/Duplex/ADF ScannerFlatbed%s%s%s%s%s%s<<< attach: > sane_open >> ScannerDump: unknown-devicereverse double-sidedduplexsimplexInstalled Not Installed Endorser :%s Image Processing Unit:%s Extended Board :%s Image Composition Support YesNo Image Compression:%s%s%s%s Marker Recognition: %s Size Recognition : %s X Maximum Output Pixels = %d Standard Resolutions: %d AbsoluteRelativeWhite Balance is %s OFFONScan Wait Mode is %s Self-DiagnosticsOptical AdjustmentSimplex ScannerDuplex Scannerduplex_default=%d bmu = %d mud = %d white balance = %#0x adf control = %#0x adf mode control = %#0x endorser control = %#0x endorser string = %s scan wait mode = %#0x service mode = %#0x BasicXRes = %d BasicYRes = %d XResStep = %d YResStep = %d MaxXres = %d MaxYres = %d MinXres = %d MinYres = %d Width = %d Height = %d << ScannerDump >> init_options Number of optionsScan ModepreviewPreviewinquiryInquiry DataDisplays scanner inquiry datamodeScan modestd-resolutionStd-Scan resolutionresolutionX-resolutiony-resolutionY-resolutioncompressionData CompressionGeometryauto-sizeAuto SizepaddingPaddingpaper-sizePaper Sizetl-xTop-left xtl-yTop-left ybr-xBottom-right xbr-yBottom-right yFeedersourceScan sourceDuplexprefeedPrefeedendorserEndorserendorser-stringEndorser StringEnhancementhalftone-typeHalftone TypeDither or Error Diffusionhalftone-patternHalftone patterngray-filterGray Filterscan-wait-modeScan Wait Mode brightnessBrightnessthresholdThresholdcontrastContrastgammaGammaGamma Correctioncustom-gammaUse custom gamma tablegamma-tableImage intensitysmoothingSmoothingBinary Smoothing Filternoise-removalNoise RemovalBinary Noise Removal Filterauto-separationAutomatic Separationauto-binarizationAutomatic BinarizationnegativeNegativeSwap black and whitewhite-balanceWhite BalanceMiscellaneouspadding-typePadding TypePADDINGTYPE =%s size=%d self-diagnosticsSelf Diagnosticsoptical-adjustment<< init_options < sane_open hs2p.conf>> parse_configuration_file scsi /dev/option<< parse_configuration_file < sane_init FBDitherError Diffusion8x4, 45 degree6x6, 90 degree4x4, spiral8x8, 90 degree70 lines95 lines180 lines16x8, 45 degree16x16, 90 degree8x8, BayerUser #1User #2Pad with 0's to byte boundaryPad with 1's to byte boundaryTruncate to byte boundarynoneaveragingMTF correctionNone3x34x45x5OffOnRemoval of background colorNO SENSERECOVERED ERRORInvalidNOT READYMEDIUM ERRORHARDWARE ERRORILLEGAL REQUESTUNIT ATTENTIONDATA PROJECTBLANK CHECKVENDOR UNIQUECOPY ABORTEDABORTED COMMANDEQUALVOLUME OVERFLOWMISCOMPARERESERVEDEnd of Medium detectedEnd of Data detectedUnrecovered read error.Read retries exhausted.Mechanical positioning error.Parameter list length error.Logical unit not supported.(MODE parameter changed.)Command sequence error.(Too many windows specified.(Rounded parameter.)Medium not present.(Read past end of medium.)Message error.Select/Reselect failure.(SCSI parity error)Invalid message error.Command phase error.Data phase error.(Media Load/Eject failed)Lamp failure(Shading Error)White adjustment errorReverse Side Lamp FailureScan head positioning errorDocument Waiting Cancel(PSU overheat)(PSU 24V fuse down)(ADF 24V fuse down)(5V fuse down)(-12V fuse down)(ADF 24V power off)(Base 12V power off)(SCSI 5V power off)(-12V power off)(Endorser 6V power off)SCU 3.3V power down errorRCU 3.3V power down errorOIPU 3.3V power down errorMemory Error (Bus error)(Interfac LSI error)(SCSI controller error)(Compression unit error)(Marker detect unit error)Endorser error(Origin Positioning error)(Heater error)(Thermistor error)ADF cover open(ADF lift up)Document jam error for ADFDocument misfeed for ADF(Interlock open)(Not enough memory)Size detection failedCustomLetterLegalLedgerA3A4A4RA5A5RA6B4B5FullIS430IS01IS02disktapeprinterprocessorCD-writerCD-drivescanneroptical-drivejukeboxcommunicatorNormalSoftSharpLinear>> sane_get_select_fd (handle = %p, fd = %p) >> sane_set_io_mode (handle = %p, non_blocking = %d) >> sane_get_option_descriptor: %d name=%s << sane_get_option_descriptor: name=%s Window Descriptor Length=%lu Byte29 = %#0x RIF=%d PaddingType=%d Byte42 = %#x MRIF=%d Filtering=%d GammaID=%d Section Enable Flat (sef bit) = %#x cancel: sending OBJECT POSITION cancel: OBJECT POSTITION failed sane_read: bytes left to read: %ld << sane_read: getting another side sane_read: scanning is false! sane_read: End-Of-Medium detected >>>>> mode_sense: fd=%d, page_code=%#02x >>>>> mode_sense: Zero'ing ModeSenseCommand msc and msp structures >>>>> mode_sense: Initializing Mode Sense cmd >>>>> mode_sense: sanei_scsi_cmd >>>>> cmd.opcode=%#0x cmd.dbd=%#02x, cmd.pc=%#02x >>>>> sizeof(cmd)=%lu sizeof(msp)=%lu sizeof(hdr)=%lu sizeof(page)=%lu requesting %lu bytes ERROR mode_sense: sanei_scsi_cmd error "%s" >>>>> mode sense: number of bytes received from scanner: %lu >> >> got %lu bytes from scanner >>>>> copying from msp to calling function's buf >>>>> msp.page_size=%lu bytes=%lu buf_size=%lu >> GET scan_wait_mode >> calling mode_sense get_scan_wait_mode: MODE_SELECT failed with status=%d >> SET scan_wait_mode >> calling mode_sense << scan_wait_mode: buf.swm=%#02x >> endorser_control: fd=%d val=%d flag=%d >> GET endorser control >> calling mode_sense get_endorser_control: MODE_SELECT failed with status=%d >> SET endorser control >> calling mode_select set_endorser_control: MODE_SELECT failed with status=%d << endorser_control: endorser_control=%#02x >> GET white_balance>> calling mode_sense get_white_balance: MODE_SELECT failed with status=%d set_white_balance: MODE_SELECT failed with status=%d << white balance: buf.white_balance=%#02x >> set_basic_measurement_unit: %d SET_BASIC_MEASUREMENT_UNIT: bmu=%d mud=%d set_basic_measurement_unit: MODE_SELECT failed with status=%d << set_basic_measurement_unit: opcode=%d len=%d bmu=%d mud=%ld >>sane_get_parameters: (W/L)=(%d/%d) (xres/yres)=(%d/%d) mud=%d sane_get_parameters: scanning, so can't get params %d pixels per line, %d bytes per line, %d lines high, total %lu bytes, dpi=%ld << set_endorser_string s="%s" len=%d scsi_wait_ready: get datat status failed (%s) hs2p_wait_ready: timed out after %lu seconds hs2p_wait_ready: %d bytes ready SIDE#2 %d pixels per line, %d bytes, %d lines high, dpi=%d sane_start: sane_get_parameters failed: %s >> sane_start: trying to open: name="%s" fd=%d sane_start: open of %s failed: %d %s >>sane_start: OPENED "%s" fd=%d sane_start: test_unit_ready() failed: %s sane_start: reserve_unit() failed: %s sane_start: setting basic measurement unit to mm set_basic_measurment_unit failed: %s sane_start: setting scan source to %d %s sane_start: setting prefeed to %d set_adf_control: MODE_SELECT failed with status=%d sane_start: error set_adf_control: %s sane_start: setting endorser control to %d set_endorser_control failed: %s sane_start: setting endorser string to %s set_endorser_string failed: %s sane_start: setting scan_wait_mode to %d set_scan_wait_mode failed: %s sane_start: setting white_balance to %d sane_start: setting custom gamma sane_start: filling in window data buffer >> set_window_data: sizeof(*wbuf)=%lu; window len=%lu >> set_window_data: CLEARING wbuf >> set_window_data: writing Window Descriptor Length =%lu XRESOLUTION %d IS NOT WITHIN [%d, %d] YRESOLUTION %d IS NOT WITHIN [%d, %d] set_window_data: upperleft=(%ld,%ld) set_window_data: WxL= %ld x %ld width in pixels too large: width=%ld x-resolution=%d bytes=%ld set_window_data: ADF origin offset=%f NOT WITHIN BOUNDS: ulx=%ld width=%ld sum=%ld NOT WITHIN BOUNDS: uly=%ld length=%ld sum=%ld sane_start: sending SET WINDOW DATA set_window: SET WINDOW COMMAND Transfer Length = %lu (should be 648) set_window: COPYING %lu bytes from settings to Set Window Command (%lu) set_window: error with memcpy set_window: SET WINDOW COMMAND Window Descriptor Length = %lu (should be 640) set_window: calling sanei_scsi_cmd(%d,&win,%lu, NULL, NULL) sane_start: sending GET WINDOW sane_start: error with read_adf_status: %s trigger_scan: sending %d Window Id to scanner %d pixels per line, %d bytes, %d lines high, dpi=%d sense_handler: result=%#x, sense=%#x, asc=%#x, ascq=%#x sense_handler: ErrorCode %02x ValidData: %d EOM: %d ILI: %d InvalidBytes: %lu sense_handler: error code is invalid. sense_handler: sense_key=%#x '%s - %s' Looking up ascq=(%#x,%#x)=%#x sense_handler: ascq=(%#x,%#x): %#x '%s' sense_handler: 'Undocumented code': ascq=(%#x,%#x) sense_handler %s: '%s'-'%s' '%s' return:%d >> sane_control_option: %s option=%d name=%s sane_control_option get_value option=%d sane_control_option:invalid option number %d sane_control_option set_value sane_control_option: set_value %s [#%d] to %d sane_control_option: set_value %s [#%d] to %f sane_control_option: set_value %s [#%d] to %s sane_control_option: set_value %s [#%d] >> sane_get_devices (local_only = %d) >>> attach: sending INQUIRY (standard data) >>> attach: inquiry failed: %s >>> attach: reported devtype='%d', vendor='%.8s', product='%.16s', revision='%.4s' >>> attach: reported RMB=%#x Ver=%#x ResponseDataFormat=%#x Length=%#x Byte7=%#x >>> attach: device is not a RICOH scanner >>> attach: sending TEST_UNIT_READY >>> attach: test unit ready failed (%s) >>> attach: sending INQUIRY (vpd data) >>> attach: inquiry (vpd data) failed: %s [00] Peripheral %#02x [01] Page Code %#02x [02] reserved %#02x [03] Page Length %#02x [04] ADF ID %#02x [05] Endorser ID %#02x [06] Image Processing Unit %#02x [07] Image Composition %#02x [08] Image Data Processing %lu [10] Compression %#02x [11] Marker Recognition %#02x [12] Size Recognition %#02x [13] reserved %#02x [14] X Maximum Output Pixel %lu >>> attach: sending INQUIRY (jis data) >>> attach: inquiry (jis data) failed: %s >>> attach: get_basic_measurement_unit >> get_basic_measurement_unit: fd="%d" >>> attach: get_basic_measurement_unit failed (%s) >>> attach: setting to defaults << get_basic_measurement_unit: bmu=%d mud=%d >>> attach: set_basic_measurement_unit failed (%s) >> GET connection_parameters >> calling mode_sense get_connection_parameters: MODE_SELECT failed with status=%d >>> attach: get_connection_parameters failed >>> attach: get_endorser_control failed: return value=%#02x >> GET service_mode >> calling mode_sense get_service_mode: MODE_SELECT failed with status=%d >>> attach: get_service_mode failed %#02x >>> attach: get_scan_wait_mode failed: return value=%#02x >>> attach: get_white_balance failed: return value=%#02x >>> attach: flushing and closing fd=%d attach: no standard resolutions reported attach: Window(W/L) = (%lu/%lu) attach: invalid window width reported, using %d attach: invalid window height reported, using %d attach: winWidth=%d resBasicX=%d mm/in=%f mm=%f attach: RANGE x_range.max=%f, y_range.max=%f SANE Device: '%s' Vendor: '%s' Model: '%s' Type: '%s' Type: '%s' Vendor: '%s' Product: '%s' Revision: '%s' Automatic Document Feeder: %s%s%s%s Line Art (B/W) Support : %s Dithering (Halftone) Support: %s Error Diffusion Support : %s Color Support : %s 4 Bit Gray Support : %s 5-8 Bit Gray Support : %s Image Data processing:%s%s%s%s%s%s Max bytes per scan-line: %d (%d pixels) Basic resolution (X/Y) : %d/%d Maximum resolution (X/Y) : %d/%d Minimum resolution (X/Y) : %d/%d Window Width/Height (in basic res) %d/%d (%.2f/%.2f inches) Buffer Full Ratio = %#02x Buffer Empty Ratio = %#02x Bus Inactive Limit = %#02x Disconnect Time Limit = %#04x Connect Time Limit = %#02x Maximum Burst Size = %#04x DTDC = %#02x Medium Wait Timer is Service Mode is in Select %s Mode Vendor: %s Product: %s Rev: %s %s%s Read-only option that specifies how many options a specific devices supports.Request a preview-quality scan.Selects the scan mode (e.g., lineart, monochrome, or color).Std Sets the resolution of the scanned image.X Sets the resolution of the scanned image.Y Sets the resolution of the scanned image.Sets the compression mode of the scannerAutomatic Paper Size DeterminationPad if media length is less than requestedSpecify the scan window geometry by specifying the paper size of the documents to be scannedTop-left x position of scan area.Top-left y position of scan area.Bottom-right x position of scan area.Bottom-right y position of scan area.INIT_OPTIONS: ul(x,y) = (%d,%d) br(x,y) = (%d,%d) Selects the scan source (such as a document-feeder).Enable Duplex (Dual-Sided) ScanningPrint up to 19 character string on each sheetvalid characters: [0-9][ :#`'-./][A-Z][a-z]Defines the halftoning (dithering) pattern for scanning halftoned images.Enables the scanner's start buttonControls the brightness of the acquired image.Select minimum-brightness to get a white pointControls the contrast of the acquired image.Determines whether a builtin or a custom gamma-table should be used.Gamma-correction table. In color mode this option equally affects the red, green, and blue channels simultaneously (i.e., it is an intensity gamma table).> sane_init: hs2p backend version %d.%d-%d (sane-backends 1.0.19) >> parse_configuration_file: parsing config line "%s" >> parse_configuration_file: config file line %d: trying to attach SCSI: %s' >> parse_configuration_file: config file line %d: OBSOLETE !! use the scsi keyword! >> parse_configuration_file: (see man sane-avision for details): trying to attach SCSI: %s' > sane_init: No config file "%s" present! Enhancement of light charactersIndicates that there is no Sense Key informationIndicates that the scanner is not ready, e.g. ADF cover not closedError regarding document such as paper jamError relating to hardware, e.g. CCD line clock errorUsed such as when illegal parameter exists in data or commandUsed when power on, BUS DEVICE RESET message or hardware resetUsed when scanner aborts a command executionNo additional sense informationLogical unit not ready. Don't know why.Logical unit is in process of becoming ready.Logical unit not ready. Manual intervention required.Logical unit does not respond to selection.Multiple peripheral devices selected.Invalid command operation mode.Invalid field in CDB (check field pointer).Invalid field in parameter list (check field pointer).Power on, reset, or BUS DEVICE RESET occurred.(Invalid combination of windows specified.(Saving parameters not supported.)(Position past end of medium.)Invalid bits in IDENTIFY message.Initiator detected error message received.Lamp cover open (Lamp 24V power off)Reverse-side memory error (Bus error)(Image data processing LSI error)Mechanical Time Out error (Pick Up Roller error)x  (8IT\ds 's '%-'70(D\(S(c(r%% % % ) % %%%D)d)))) * $<Z H*$h*%w&*)**,,,*79(+: ;  ;L+=l+C&E5GNH+IbJyKS````bc$<K_s+-H+ ,av0,+F_p& & & & & >EJPs j@fffffvq@j@9v@fffffvq@z@r@@z@@j@r@r@@j@b@@j@@j@b@@Z@b@@o@v@f@p@ )17>?GAffffff9@GCC: (GNU) 4.2.3$.symtab.strtab.shstrtab.rel.text.data.bss.rodata.str1.1.rodata.str1.4.rel.rodata.rel.data.rel.local.rel.data.rel.ro.local.rodata.cst4.rodata.cst8.comment.text.__i686.get_pc_thunk.bx.note.GNU-stack.group4@ X$0%@? +| 02W?2ةa,R<N C^h Z F@ r`H n K ,, 0P$p%+JA@ S ]_` hq H{ $ $-d  0 V/n?` S "Xc l  u<5  T t   `@Dd <#  1 4 GQ aP md~@$8  , OQO 0 @P    ( '  7<AF0KPhUZ1_OdGioVun{} ->Zo0N Q4]k#)/5;AGMSY&_3e@k\qNwb}v $6EWn 0\ (%|+17=CIOU[agmsy<h@p 8\-L ZEQ&r-4;BIPW^e( lX sz#|    < `     < <`    X    8   "j)~0 7 >X E| L SZLah ov0} DH1H^u %,3,:GAHOTV][dxkry<x  8 d  /  >  L  Z ! ` ( d / 6 = D K PR Y p` h g n x u |  s  |  ,      T    L   x       D h $ + 2 9 @ @G dN U \ c j q 2 x F  \  r          4  H  ]  q     l    D  x' . 5 < C \J Q X _ (f dm  t  {  &  ,  8  3  =  G  O  T  ]       D x q       @ ~ # * 1 8 ? 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