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sane_cancel sane_cancel finished sane_read: buf is null! sane_read: len is null! sane_read sane_read: EOF LineartGrayfalsetrueonturn_lamp %s off(local only)sane_get_devices: end sane_close: handle=%p sane_start: handle is null! sane_start Colorcalibration: done send_gamma: done start_scan sane_start: finished getsetunknown action withTransparency Adapterattach: trying device %s attach: sending INQUIRY attach: inquiry output: %c%s %s Mustekflatbed scannerattach: scanner id: %.11s B06BearPaw 1200F(ADF)(TA)sane_open: handle is null! sane_open: devicename=%s Number of optionsScan ModemodeScan moderesolutionScan resolutionsourceScan sourcepreviewPreviewGeometrytl-xTop-left xtl-yTop-left ybr-xBottom-right xbr-yBottom-right yEnhancementthresholdThresholdcustom-gammaUse custom gamma tablered-gamma-tableRed intensitygreen-gamma-tableGreen intensityblue-gamma-tableBlue intensitysane-backends 1.0.19!===sane_init: authorize %s null ma1509.conf/dev/usb/scanner0optionwarmup-timeFlatbedsane_get_select_fd: handle is null! sane_get_select_fd: fd is null! sane_set_io_mode: handle is null! sane_set_io_mode: call sane_start before sane_set_io_modesane_get_option_descriptor: option %d >= NUM_OPTIONS or < 0 sane_get_option_descriptor: handle is null! sane_get_option_descriptor for option %s (%sactive%s) sane_get_option_descriptor for option "%s" (%sactive%s) ma1509_cmd: fd=%d, cmd=%p, data=%p, data_size=%ld ma1509_cmd: cmd = %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x ma1509_cmd: sanei_usb_write_bulk returned %s (size = %ld, expected %d) ma1509_cmd: trying to receive %ld bytes of data ma1509_cmd: sanei_usb_read_bulk returned %s ma1509_cmd: read %ld bytes, %ld bytes to go ma1509_cmd: sending %ld bytes of data ma1509_cmd: sanei_usb_write_bulk returned %s ma1509_cmd: wrote %ld bytes, %ld bytes to go ma1509_cmd: finished: data_size=%ld, status=%s stop_scan: ma1509_cmd failed: %s test_unit_ready: ma1509_cmd failed: %s sane_read: scan was cancelled sane_read: must call sane_start before sane_read sane_read: trying to read %d bytes read_data: sanei_usb_read_bulk failed: %s sane_read: read_data failed: %s sane_read: read %d/%d bytes (%d bytes to go, %d total) sane_get_parameters: handle is null! sane_get_parameters: frame = %d; last_frame = %s; depth = %d sane_get_parameters: lines = %d; ppl = %d; bpl = %d turn_lamp: ma1509_cmd set_window failed: %s sane_get_devices: %d devices %s sane_close: invalid handle %p sane_close: couldn't turn off lamp: %s sane_start: %s (%.1f mm) is bigger than %s (%.1f mm) -- aborting Warm-up in progress: please wait %2ld seconds set_window: tlx=%d (%d mm); tly=%d (%d mm); width=%d (%d mm); height=%d (%d mm) set_window: ma1509_cmd failed: %s sane_start: set window command failed: %s sane_start: test_unit_ready failed: %s calibration: couldn't malloc %lu bytes for calibration buffer calibration: ma1509_cmd read data failed: %s calibration: couldn't malloc %d bytes for calibration buffer calibration: ma1509_cmd send data failed: %s send_gamma: couldn't malloc %lu bytes for gamma buffer send_gamma: ma1509_cmd send data failed: %s start_scan: ma1509_cmd failed: %s sane_start: start_scan command failed: %s sane_start: start_read_data command failed: %s sane_start: calibration failed: %s sane_start: send_gamma failed: %s sane_control_option: option %d < 0 or >= NUM_OPTIONS sane_control_option: handle is null! sane_control_option: val is null! sane_control_option (%s option %s) sane_control_option (%s option "%s") sane_control_option: don't use while scanning (option %s) sane_control_option: option %s is inactive sane_control_option: option %s is not setable sane_control_option: constrain_value error (option %s) sane_control_option: unknown action for option %s attach: sanei_usb_open failed: %s attach: sanei_usb_get_vendor_product failed: %s attach: can't detect vendor/product, trying anyway attach: unknown vendor/product (0x%x/0x%x) attach: sending TEST_UNIT_READY attach: test_unit_ready device %s failed (%s) attach: inquiry for device %s failed (%s) attach: device %s doesn't look like a scanner at all (%d) attach: firmware revision %d.%02x attach: this scanner (ID: %s) is not supported yet attach: please set the debug level to 5 and send a debug report attach: to henning@meier-geinitz.de (export SANE_DEBUG_MA1509=5 attach: scanimage -L 2>debug.txt). Thank you. attach: found Mustek %s %s %s%s sane_open: devicename is null! sane_open: %s doesn't seem to exist Read-only option that specifies how many options a specific devices supports.Selects the scan mode (e.g., lineart, monochrome, or color).Sets the resolution of the scanned image.Selects the scan source (such as a document-feeder).Request a preview-quality scan.Top-left x position of scan area.Top-left y position of scan area.Bottom-right x position of scan area.Bottom-right y position of scan area.Select minimum-brightness to get a white pointDetermines whether a builtin or a custom gamma-table should be used.Gamma-correction table for the red band.Gamma-correction table for the green band.Gamma-correction table for the blue band.sane_open: couldn't open %s: %s sane_open: couldn't turn on lamp: %s sane_open: finished (handle=%p) SANE ma1509 backend version %d.%d build %d from %s sane_init: couldn't find config file (%s), trying /dev/usb/scanner0 directly sane_init: reading config file `%s' sane_init: config file line %d: ignoring empty line sane_init: config file line %d: ignoring comment line sane_init: config file line %d: missing quotation mark? sane-init: config file line %d: warmup-time must have a parameter; using default (%d) sane-init: config file line %d: warmup-time `%s' is invalid (%s); using default (%d) sane_init: config file line %d: warmup-time set to %d seconds sane_init: config file line %d: ignoring unknown option `%s' sane_init: config file line %d: trying to attach `%s' attach_one_device: out of memory $0`%-ffffff9@7?BAGCC: (GNU) 4.2.3$.symtab.strtab.shstrtab.rel.text.data.bss.rodata.str1.1.rodata.str1.4.rel.rodata.rel.data.rel.local.rodata.cst8.rodata.cst4.comment.text.__i686.get_pc_thunk.bx.note.GNU-stack.group4@M< wp%<H +<$02<?2A.RUhN t^dVZ ( nV{VVVVVZ Pm  J",4`F0@Q]pgwLD &T-D (   \ !)5 E;   W\a(fkLp(uz1pRGSTVagdH4|s~ %+1 7=CI4O%U[Xagm2syH8  -=@NR_v`      !4'-( 39?EKQ\W]cxiL o<u {p    @   |    4D h      NP "| ) 07>EL S ZT a hgov}  4#-2<GW^j r(z%,H3:AlHOV]dkryX-?O` (oL !(/6=DKR0Y`Tghnu| "%$$$!$#P6<X}inv} p p '. @Pbh -d`6,  % 7 I a r y    ma1509.csanei_debug_ma1509_callfirst_devdevlistprint_data_bufferma1509_cmddebug_levelstop_scantest_unit_readyscsi_test_unit_readyturn_lampscsi_set_windownum_devicesfirst_handlewarmup_timeattachscsi_inquirymax_string_sizemode_listresolution_listta_source_listu8_rangenew_devnew_dev_lennew_dev_allocedattach_one_device.LC0.LC1.LC2.LC3.LC4.LC6.LC5.LC7.LC8.LC12.LC11.LC13.LC15.LC14.LC9.LC10.LC16.LC17.LC18.LC19.LC20.LC21.LC28.LC22.LC24.LC25.LC27.LC26.LC23.LC29.LC30.LC31.LC33.LC34.LC32.LC35.LC36.LC37.LC38.LC39.LC40.LC41.LC42.LC45.LC46.LC43.LC44.LC47.LC52.LC54.LC55.LC53.LC49.LC50.LC51.LC56.LC57.LC58.LC59.LC60.LC61.LC62.LC63.LC64.LC65.LC66.LC67.LC68.LC69.LC70.LC71.LC48.LC72.LC74.LC75.LC76.LC77.LC73.LC78.LC80.LC92.LC83.LC86.LC87.LC88.LC89.LC79.LC81.LC91.LC85.LC93.LC84.LC82.LC90.LC119.LC120.LC122.LC123.LC124.LC125.LC127.LC126.LC121.LC128.LC132.LC129.LC130.LC131.LC133.LC134.LC135.LC137.LC138.LC139.LC136.LC140.LC141.LC142.LC146.LC147.LC148.LC150.LC149.LC152.LC153.LC154.LC155.LC143.LC144.LC145.LC151.LC156.LC157.LC158.LC159.LC160.LC161.LC163.LC164.LC165.LC166.LC167.LC168.LC169.LC170.LC171.LC172.LC173.LC174.LC175.LC176.LC177.LC178.LC179.LC180.LC181.LC182.LC183.LC184.LC185.LC186.LC187.LC188.LC189.LC190.LC191.LC192.LC193.LC194.LC195.LC196.LC197.LC198.LC199.LC200.LC201.LC202.LC203.LC204.LC205.LC206.LC207.LC162.LC209.LC208.LC210.LC211.LC212.LC215.LC213.LC214.LC218.LC219.LC221.LC223.LC225.LC228.LC220.LC227.LC226.LC222.LC216.LC217.LC224.LC229.L378.L387.L388.L389.L390.L391.L392__i686.get_pc_thunk.bx_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_sanei_debug_ma1509sanei_debug_msgsane_ma1509_get_select_fdsane_ma1509_set_io_modesane_ma1509_get_option_descriptorsane_ma1509_exitfreesprintfstrcatsanei_usb_write_bulksane_strstatussanei_usb_read_bulksane_ma1509_cancelsane_ma1509_readmemcpysane_ma1509_get_parametersmemsetgettimeofdaysane_ma1509_get_devicesmallocsane_ma1509_closesanei_usb_closesane_ma1509_startsleepsane_ma1509_control_optionstrcpysanei_constrain_value__strdupstrcmpsanei_usb_opensanei_usb_get_vendor_productstrlensane_ma1509_opensane_ma1509_initsanei_init_debugsanei_usb_initsanei_config_opensanei_config_readsanei_config_get_string__errno_locationstrtolstrerrorsanei_usb_attach_matching_devicesfcloserealloc % &/@`f p ' ( )  *8 +> ,T -m .  / 0 1/ 2[ /a 0g 1 3 4 5  6  '1 =C M ms  7 8?E  9 :7 ;y < = >  U t ?  @ AJ[ Bx~  C D E06 @ F` G H D U I  J K L" MO N O P"  h Q   R 1 SB S T}  U VU W X Y7 Zb [ Q \  ] ^  _7 `A ^k  / a  b   % - [ c  d  e4JZk f   g h  6 Ze i Z! 3 jOa Q{ [ Z k l@ m n o pX y q r sFW tK\ um{ v \   w- x* y z { |h } ~! 5CT v  X i D   ! 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