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closing pipe do_stop Scanned %d bytes as expected do_stop: closing scanner do_stop: finished sane_cancel: handle is null! sane_cancel sane_cancel: finished sane_read: handle is null! sane_read: buf is null! sane_read: len is null! sane_read sane_read: IO error dev_open %s dev_open: can't open %s sane_close: handle=%p sane_close: finished (local only)sane_get_devices: end send_calibration_lines_pro sane_start: handle is null! sane_start Colorget_window: gamma length=%d paragon_2_get_adf_status: %s raw >= raw_endoutput_data: end reader_process: started wgetsetunknown action withattach: trying device %s attach: sending INQUIRY UnknownDirect-AccessSequential-AccessPrinterProcessorWrite-OnceCD-ROMScannerOptical MemoryMedium ChangerCommunicationsSftRe CmdQue Linked Sync WBus16 WBus32 RelAdr attach: inquiry output: %c%s %s MUSTEKTrustAashimaFlatbed ScannerTECOMustekflatbed scannerattach: scanner id: %.11s PROMFCM C LXCMFS-12000CXMFS-06000CXMFS-6000CXMSF-06000CZMSF-12000SPMFS-12000SPMSF-08000SPMFS-8000SPMSF-06000SPMFS-6000SPMFS-08000SPMFS-06000SPMFC-08000CZ800S/800 II SPMFC-06000CZ600 II N600 II EP600S/600 II CD C03ScanExpress 6000SP C06ScanExpress 12000SPXC06ScanExpress 12000SP Plus L03ScanExpress A3 SPMFS-1200SPPROMFS-1200A3PRO1200 A3 PROta_available_pro: failed: %s , SE, TA, ADF3-pass1-passsane_open: handle is null! sane_open: devicename=%s Number of optionsScan ModemodeScan modefast-gray-modeFast gray moderesolutionScan resolutiondepthBit depthspeedScan speedsourceScan sourceFlatbedpreviewPreviewfast-previewFast previewlamp-off-timeLamp off time (minutes)lamp-offTurn lamp offGeometrytl-xTop-left xtl-yTop-left ybr-xBottom-right xbr-yBottom-right yEnhancementbrightnessBrightnessbrightness-rRed brightnessbrightness-gGreen brightnessbrightness-bBlue brightnesscontrastContrastcontrast-rContrast red channelcontrast-gContrast green channelcontrast-bContrast blue channelcustom-gammaUse custom gamma tablegamma-tableImage intensityred-gamma-tableRed intensitygreen-gamma-tableGreen intensityblue-gamma-tableBlue intensityquality-calQuality calibrationhalftone-sizeHalftone pattern sizehalftone-patternHalftone patternsane_exit sane_exit: finished sane-backends 1.0.19!===sane_init: authorize %s null mustek.conf/dev/scanneroptionstrip-heightforce-waitdisable-double-bufferinglegal-sizeParagon 1200 LSlinedistance-fixdisable-backtrackinglineart-fixbuffersizeblocksizesane_init: end SlowestSlowerNormalFasterFastest8x8 coarse8x8 normal8x8 fine8x8 very fine6x6 normal5x5 coarse5x5 fine4x4 coarse4x4 normal4x4 fine3x3 normal2x2 normal8x8 custom6x6 custom5x5 custom4x4 custom3x3 custom2x2 custom8sane_get_select_fd: handle is null! sane_get_select_fd: fd is null! sane_get_option_descriptor: option %d >= NUM_OPTIONS or < 0 sane_get_option_descriptor: handle is null! sane_get_option_descriptor for option %s (%sactive%s) sane_get_option_descriptor for option "%s" (%sactive%s) sense_handler: no sense buffer sense_handler: got sense code %02x for fd %d (arg = null) sense_handler: got sense code %02x for fd %d (arg = %uc) sense_handler: ADF is out of documents sense_handler: transparency adapter cover open sense_handler: got unknown sense code %02x for fd %d sane_set_io_mode: handle is null! sane_set_io_mode: call sane_start before sane_set_io_modesane_set_io_mode: can't set io modemustek_scsi_pp_wait_for_status_bit_4_toggle: entering mustek_scsi_pp_wait_for_status_bit_4_toggle: waiting for set mustek_scsi_pp_wait_for_status_bit_4_set: entering mustek_scsi_pp_wait_for_status_bit_4_set: I/O error mustek_scsi_pp_wait_for_status_bit_4_set: returning success mustek_scsi_pp_wait_for_status_bit_4_set: bit 6 set mustek_scsi_pp_wait_for_status_bit_4_set: timed out mustek_scsi_pp_wait_for_status_bit_4_toggle: waiting for clear mustek_scsi_pp_wait_for_status_bit_4_clear: entering mustek_scsi_pp_wait_for_status_bit_4_clear: I/O error mustek_scsi_pp_wait_for_status_bit_4_clear: returning success mustek_scsi_pp_wait_for_status_bit_4_clear: bit 6 set mustek_scsi_pp_wait_for_status_bit_4_clear: timed out mustek_scsi_pp_wait_for_status_bit_5_clear: entering mustek_scsi_pp_wait_for_status_bit_5_clear: I/O error mustek_scsi_pp_wait_for_status_bit_5_clear: returning success mustek_scsi_pp_wait_for_status_bit_5_clear: timed out mustek_scsi_pp_wait_for_status_bit_5_set: entering mustek_scsi_pp_wait_for_status_bit_5_set: I/O error mustek_scsi_pp_wait_for_status_bit_5_set: returning success mustek_scsi_pp_wait_for_status_bit_5_set: timed out mustek_scsi_pp_select_register: selecting register %d on fd %d mustek_scsi_pp_wait_for_status_bit_7_clear: entering mustek_scsi_pp_wait_for_status_bit_7_clear: I/O error mustek_scsi_pp_wait_for_status_bit_7_clear: returning success mustek_scsi_pp_wait_for_status_bit_7_clear: timed out mustek_scsi_pp_wait_for_status_bit_7_set: entering mustek_scsi_pp_wait_for_status_bit_7_set: I/O error mustek_scsi_pp_wait_for_status_bit_7_set: returning success mustek_scsi_pp_wait_for_status_bit_7_set: timed out mustek_scsi_pp_read_response: entering mustek_scsi_pp_read_response: returning 0x%02X mustek_scsi_pp_check_response: response!=0xA5 mustek_scsi_pp_check_response: returning success mustek_scsi_pp_send_command byte: sending 0x%02X mustek_scsi_pp_send_command_byte: returning success mustek_scsi_pp_cmd: sending command 0x%02X to device %d mustek_scsi_pp_cmd: error enabling scanner mustek_scsi_pp_cmd: doing stop-specific stuff mustek_scsi_pp_cmd: error in readbegin for stop mustek_scsi_pp_cmd: error reading byte for stop mustek_scsi_pp_cmd: successfully read byte %d mustek_scsi_pp_cmd: error in readend for stop mustek_scsi_pp_cmd: doing read-specific stuff mustek_scsi_pp_cmd: source size is only %lu (<6) mustek_scsi_pp_send_command: sending SCSI command 0x%02X mustek_scsi_pp_send_command: timed out waiting for bit 5 to set mustek_scsi_pp_send_command: error sending byte %d (0x%02X) mustek_scsi_pp_send_command: error sending checksum (0x%02X) mustek_scsi_pp_cmd: sending command failed mustek_scsi_pp_cmd: sending data block of length %lu mustek_scsi_pp_send_data_block: sending block of length %d mustek_scsi_pp_send_data_block: timed out waiting for bit 5 to set mustek_scsi_pp_send_data_block: error sending byte %d (0x%02X) mustek_scsi_pp_send_data_block: error sending checksum (0x%02X) mustek_scsi_pp_cmd: sending data block failed mustek_scsi_pp_cmd: reading %d bytes mustek_scsi_pp_cmd: buffer (size %lu) not big enough for data (size %d) mustek_scsi_pp_read_data_block: reading block of length %d mustek_scsi_pp_read_data_block: timed out waiting for bit 5 to clear mustek_scsi_pp_read_data_block: checksums do not match mustek_scsi_pp_read_data_block: error waiting for bit 5 to set mustek_scsi_pp_read_data_block: error sending final 0 byte mustek_scsi_pp_read_data_block: returning success mustek_scsi_pp_cmd: error reading data block mustek_scsi_pp_cmd: doing start-specific stuff mustek_scsi_pp_wait_for_valid_status: entering mustek_scsi_pp_wait_for_valid_status: I/O error while getting status mustek_scsi_pp_wait_for_valid_status: returning success mustek_scsi_pp_wait_for_valid_status: timed out mustek_scsi_pp_cmd: error waiting for valid status after start mustek_scsi_pp_cmd: error disabling scanner mustek_scsi_pp_cmd: returning success dev_cmd: fd=%d, src=%p, src_size=%ld, dst=%p, dst_size=%ld dev_cmd: finished: dst_size=%ld, status=%s scsi_unit_wait_ready: sending TEST_UNIT_READY scsi_unit_wait_ready: TEST_UNIT_READY finished scsi_unit_wait_ready: test unit ready failed (%s) scsi_unit_wait_ready: timed out after %lu seconds scsi_sense_wait_ready: command size = %ld, sense size = %ld scsi_sense_wait_ready: failed: %s scsi_sense_wait_ready: sensebuffer: %s scsi_sense_wait_ready: timed out after %lu seconds start_scan returned status %s inquiry: ADF not ready (out of paper) scsi_inquiry_wait_ready: sending INQUIRY scsi_inquiry_wait_ready: INQUIRY finished scsi_unit_wait_ready: inquiry failed (%s) adf_and_backtrack: backtrack: %s; ADF: %s; TA: %s gamma_correction: sending dummy gamma table gamma_correction: nothing to do in lineart mode -- exiting gamma_correction: no custom table selected -- exititing gamma_correction: sending brightness information gamma_correction: sending gamma table of %d bytes mode_select: resolution_code=%d (0x%x) area_and_windows: tlx=%d (%d mm); tly=%d (%d mm); brx=%d (%d mm); bry=%d (%d mm) n_wait_ready: timed out after %lu seconds mustek_scsi_pp_test_ready: entering with fd=%d mustek_scsi_pp_test_ready: error enabling scanner mustek_scsi_pp_test_ready: error getting status mustek_scsi_pp_test_ready: error disabling scanner mustek_scsi_pp_test_ready: returning SANE_STATUS_GOOD mustek_scsi_pp_test_ready: returning SANE_STATUS_DEVICE_BUSY scsi_pp_wait_ready: timed out after %lu seconds scsi_area_wait_ready: failed (%s) scsi_area_wait_ready: timed out after %lu seconds encode_halftone: %s pattern type %x sane_get_parameters: handle is null! sane_get_parameters: frame = %d; last_frame = %s; depth = %d sane_get_parameters: lines = %d; ppl = %d; bpl = %d mustek_scsi_pp_close: closing fd %d Scanning time was %ld seconds, %ld kB/s Scanned %d bytes, expected %d bytes Warning: Scanned %d bytes, but expected only %d bytes do_stop: terminating reader process do_stop: sanei_thread_waitpid failed, already terminated? (%s) do_stop: reader process terminated with status %s do_stop: waiting for scanner to be ready get_image_status: resolution > x-max; enlarge %d bpl to %d bpl get_image_status: bytes_per_line=%d, lines=%d (offset = %d) sane_read: scan was cancelled sane_read: must call sane_start before sane_read sane_read: no more data at the moment--try again sane_read: read buffer of %d bytes (%d bytes total) sane_read: pipe was closed ... calling do_stop sane_read: pipe was closed ... finishing pass %d sane_read: read last buffer of %d bytes (%d bytes total) sane_read: read full buffer of %d bytes (%d total bytes) dev_open: %s is a SCSI device dev_open: wanted %d kbytes, got %d kbytes buffer dev_open: sanei_scsi_open buffer too small dev_open: %s: can't open %s as a SCSI device dev_open: %s is an AB306N device dev_open: %s: can't open %s as an AB306N device mustek_scsi_pp_open: device %s opened as fd %d dev_open: %s is a SCSI-over-parallel device mustek_scsi_pp_open: error opening device %s dev_open: %s: can't open %s as a SCSI-over-parallel device sane_close: invalid handle %p sane_get_devices: %d devices %s send_calibration_lines_se: %d bytes, color: %d send_calibration_lines_se: failed to malloc %ld bytes for sending lines send_calibration_lines_se: send failed calibration_se: doing calibration calibration_se: failed to malloc %d bytes for buffer get_calibration_lines_se: reading %d lines (%d bytes per color) get_calibration_lines_se: read failed calibration_pro: doing calibration get_calibration_size_pro: bytes=%d, lines=%d calibration_pro: calibration not necessary calibration_pro: failed to malloc %d bytes for buffer get_calibration_lines_pro: please wait for warmup get_calibration_lines_pro: read failed get_calibration_lines_pro finished. Assuming 12 bits per color send_calibration_lines_pro: failed to malloc %ld bytes for sending lines send_calibration_lines_pro: send failed sane_start: %s (%.1f mm) is bigger than %s (%.1f mm) -- aborting encode_resolution: code = 0x%x (%d); mode = %x sane_start: use fast preview (res=%d dpi) sane_start: wait_ready() failed: %s sane_start: inquiry command failed: %s sane_start: automatic document feeder is out of documents set_window_se: hardware resolution is %d dpi; offset is %d set_window_se: added offset for transparency adapter set_window_se: tlx=%d (%d mm); tly=%d (%d mm); width=%d (%d mm); height=%d (%d mm) sane_start: set window command failed: %s get_window: resolution: %ld dpi (hardware: %d dpi) get_window: calibration bpl=%d, lines=%d get_window: scan bpl=%d, lines=%d get_window: oops, none of these values should be 0 -- exiting get_window: LD res=%d, (r/g/b)=(%d/%d/%d) get_window: bpl = %d (hardware: %d), lines = %d (hardware: %d) sane_start: get window command failed: %s send_gamma_table_se: sending table for color %d send_gamma_table_se: sending lineart threshold %2X mode_select_pro: resolution_code=%d (0x%x), mode=0x%x sane_start: set scan area command failed: %s line_distance: got factor=%d, (r/g/b)=(%d/%d/%d) don't know how to fix up line-distance for %d dpi line_distance: fixed up to factor=%d, (r/g/b)=(%d/%d/%d) line_distance: max_value = %d, peak_res = %d, ld.quant = (%d, %d, %d) paragon_2_get_adf_status: sense_buffer: %x %x %x %x sane_start: sanei_thread_begin failed (%s) fix_line_distance_block: allocating temp buffer of %d*%d bytes fix_line_distance_block: failed to malloc temporary buffer fix_line_distance_block: s->ld.index = {%d, %d, %d}, s->ld.lmod3 = %d fix_line_distance_block: s->ld.quant = {%d, %d, %d}, s->ld.max_value = %d fix_line_distance_block: s->ld.peak_res = %d, s->ld.ld_line = %d fix_line_distance_block: copied %d lines from ld.buf to buffer (max=%d, min=%d) fix_line_distance_block: copied line %d (color %d) fix_line_distance_block: got num_lines: %d fix_line_distance_block: num_saved_lines = %d; num_lines = %d; bpl = %d fix_line_distance_block: copied %d lines to ld.buf fix_line_distance_block: lmod3=%d, index=(%d,%d,%d), line = %d, lines = %d output_data: data=%p, lpb=%d, bpl=%d, extra=%p fix_line_distance_pro: res=%d; halfres=%d; num_lines=%d; bpl=%d fix_line_distance_pro: res > half_res --> need to enlarge x fix_line_distance_se: allocating temp buffer of %d*%d bytes fix_line_distance_se: failed to malloc temporary buffer fix_line_distance_se: start color: %d; %d lines fix_line_distance_se: saved lines: %d/%d/%d fix_line_distance_se: available: %d/%d/%d --> triples: %d fix_line_distance_se: got saved line: %d; line: %d; color: %d; raw bytes: %lu; out bytes: %d fix_line_distance_se: got saved line: %d; line: %d; color: %d fix_line_distance_se: got line: %d; color: %d; raw bytes: %lu; out bytes: %d fix_line_distance_se: got line: %d; color: %d fix_line_distance_se: saved line %d; color %d fix_line_distance_se: ignored line; color: %d fix_line_distance_n_2: allocating temp buffer of %d*%d bytes fix_line_distance_n_2: failed to malloc temporary buffer fix_line_distance_n_2: lmod3=%d, index=(%d,%d,%d) fix_line_distance_n_1: allocating temp buffer of %d*%d bytes fix_line_distance_n_1: failed to malloc temporary buffer fix_line_distance_n_1: got %d lines, %d bpl fix_line_distance_n_1: num_saved_lines = %d; peak_res = %d; max_value = %d fix_line_distance_n_1: copied line %d (color %d) fix_line_distance_n_1: lmod3=%d, index=(%d,%d,%d)%s fix_line_distance_n_1: lines ready: %d fix_line_distance_n_1: copied %d lines to ld.buf fix_line_distance_normal: %d lines, %d bpl fix_line_distance_none: no ld correction necessary (%d lines) fix_line_distance_none: using %d lines (ld_line = %d, s->params.lines = %d) output_data: ADF found, mirroring lines output_data: write %d lpb; %d bpl output_data: enlarge lines from %d bpl to %d bpl reader_process: using fork () reader_process: using threads reader_process: disable_double_buffering is set, this may be slow reader_process: limiting strip height to %g inches (%d lines) reader_process: bpl (%d) > SCSI buffer size / 2 (%d) reader_process: %d lines per buffer, %d bytes per line, %d bytes per buffer reader_process: failed to malloc %ld bytes for data buffer reader_process: failed to malloc %d bytes for command buffer reader_process: failed to malloc extra buffer reader_process: buffersize > blocksize! reader_process: limiting block read to %d buffers (%d lines) dev_block_read_start: entering block for %d lines reader_process: buffer %d: waiting for request to be ready reader_process: buffer %d is ready, wanted %d, got %ld bytes reader_process: buffer %d: sending %ld bytes to output_data reader_process: failed to read data, status: %s, buffer: %d Probably the size of the kernel SCSI buffer is too small for the selected buffersize in mustek.conf. Either decrease buffersize in mustek.conf to e.g. 32, increase SG_BIG_BUF in kernel to 130560, or use SANE_SG_BUFFERSIZE variable. See man sane-scsi and README for details. reader_process: buffer %d: entering read request for %d bytes (buffer %d) mustek_scsi_pp_rdata: reading %d lines at %d bpl, %d planes from %d mustek_scsi_pp_rdata: error enabling scanner mustek_scsi_pp_rdata: error waiting for bit 4 toggle for red, line %d mustek_scsi_pp_rdata: error in readbegin for red, line %d mustek_scsi_pp_rdata: error reading red byte, line %d, byte %d mustek_scsi_pp_rdata: error in readend for red, line %d mustek_scsi_pp_rdata: error waiting for bit 4 toggle for green, line %d mustek_scsi_pp_rdata: error in readbegin for green, line %d mustek_scsi_pp_rdata: error reading green byte, line %d, byte %d mustek_scsi_pp_rdata: error in readend for green, line %d mustek_scsi_pp_rdata: error waiting for bit 4 toggle for blue, line %d mustek_scsi_pp_rdata: error in readbegin for blue, line %d mustek_scsi_pp_rdata: error reading blue byte, line %d, byte %d mustek_scsi_pp_rdata: error in readend for blue, line %d mustek_scsi_pp_rdata: error waiting for bit 4 toggle, line %d mustek_scsi_pp_rdata: error in readbegin, line %d mustek_scsi_pp_rdata: error reading byte, line %d, byte %d mustek_scsi_pp_rdata: error in readend, line %d mustek_scsi_pp_rdata: returning success reader_process: buffer %d: entered (line %d of %d, buffer %d) reader_process: buffer %d: failed to enter read request, status: %s sigterm_handler: started, signal is %d, starting sanei_scsi_req_flush_all() sigterm_handler: sanei_scsi_req_flush_all() finisheshed, _exiting() sane_control_option: option %d < 0 or >= NUM_OPTIONS sane_control_option: handle is null! sane_control_option: val is null! sane_control_option (%s option %s) sane_control_option (%s option "%s") sane_control_option: don't use while scanning (option %s) sane_control_option: option %s is inactive sane_control_option: option %s is not setable constrain_value: %s = %.2f (was %.2f) sane_control_option: constrain_value error (option %s) sane_control_option: unknown action for option %s attach: inquiry for device %s failed (%s) attach: device %s doesn't look like a scanner at all (%d) attach: SCSI Vendor: `%-8s' Model: `%-16s' Rev.: `%-4s' attach: SCSI Type: %s; ANSI rev.: %d attach: SCSI flags: %s%s%s%s%s%s%s attach: found Mustek scanner (pro series firmware format) attach: found Mustek scanner (new firmware format) attach: found Mustek scanner (old firmware format) attach: this is a real Trust scanner. It is not supported by this backend. attach: this is an Aashima/Teco scanner. It is not supported by this backend. attach: this is a Relysis/Teco scanner. It is not supported by this backend. attach: device %s doesn't look like a Mustek scanner attach: old firmware revision system attach: new firmware revision system attach: firmware revision %d.%02x attach: this is probably a Paragon Pro series scanner attach: this is probably a Paragon series II scanner attach: this is probably a Paragon series I or 3-pass scanner attach: this is probably a ScanExpress series A4 scanner attach: this is probably a ScanExpress series A3 scanner attach: this is probably a ScanExpress Plus series A4 scanner attach: I am not sure what type of scanner this is ScanExpress 12000 FS (untested)attach: this Mustek scanner (ID: %s) is not supported yet attach: please set the debug level to 5 and send a debug report attach: to henning@meier-geinitz.de (export SANE_DEBUG_MUSTEK=5 attach: scanimage -L 2>debug.txt). Thank you. attach: this is a single-pass scanner attach: scanner supports transparency adapter (TA) attach: scanner doesn't need line-distance correction attach: scanner has N1 line-distance correction attach: scanner has N2 line-distance correction attach: scanner has block line-distance correction attach: scanner has normal line-distance correction attach: this is a three-pass scanner attach: this is a professional series scanner ta_available_pro: sense_buffer[2] = %x attach: found transparency adapter (TA) attach: couldn't open device: %s attach: found automatic document feeder (ADF) attach: automatic document feeder is ready attach: automatic document feeder is out of documents attach: scanner cover is closed attach: scanner cover is open WARNING: Your scanner was detected by the SANE Mustek backend, but it is not fully tested. It may or may not work. Be carefull and read the PROBLEMS file in the sane directory. Please set the debug level of this backend to maximum (export SANE_DEBUG_MUSTEK=255) and send the output of scanimage -L to the SANE mailing list sane-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org. Please include the exact model name of your scanner and to which extend it works. attach: found Mustek %s %s, %s%s%s%s sane_open: devicename is null! Read-only option that specifies how many options a specific devices supports.Selects the scan mode (e.g., lineart, monochrome, or color).Scan in fast gray mode (lower quality).Sets the resolution of the scanned image.Number of bits per sample, typical values are 1 for "line-art" and 8 for multibit scans.Determines the speed at which the scan proceeds.Selects the scan source (such as a document-feeder).Request a preview-quality scan.Request that all previews are done in the fastest (low-quality) mode. This may be a non-color mode or a low resolution mode.Set the time (in minutes) after which the lamp is shut off.Turns the lamp off immediately.Top-left x position of scan area.Top-left y position of scan area.Bottom-right x position of scan area.Bottom-right y position of scan area.Controls the brightness of the acquired image.Controls the brightness of the red channel of the acquired image.Controls the brightness of the green channel of the acquired image.Controls the brightness of the blue channel of the acquired image.Controls the contrast of the acquired image.Controls the contrast of the red channel of the acquired image.Controls the contrast of the green channel of the acquired image.Controls the contrast of the blue channel of the acquired image.Determines whether a builtin or a custom gamma-table should be used.Gamma-correction table. In color mode this option equally affects the red, green, and blue channels simultaneously (i.e., it is an intensity gamma table).Gamma-correction table for the red band.Gamma-correction table for the green band.Gamma-correction table for the blue band.Do a quality white-calibrationSets the size of the halftoning (dithering) pattern used when scanning halftoned images.Defines the halftoning (dithering) pattern for scanning halftoned images.sane_open: finished (handle=%p) mustek_scsi_pp_exit: entering SANE mustek backend version %d.%d build %d from %s sane_init: using sanei_scsi_open_extended sane_init: couldn't find config file (%s), trying /dev/scanner directly sane_init: reading config file `%s' sane_init: config file line %d: ignoring empty line sane_init: config file line %d: ignoring comment line sane_init: config file line %d: missing quotation mark? sane-init: config file line %d: strip-height must have a parameter; using 1 inch sane-init: config file line %d: strip-height `%s' is invalid (%s); using 1 inch sane_init: config file line %d: strip-height set to %g inches sane_init: config file line %d: enabling force-wait sane_init: config file line %d: disabling double-buffering sane_init: config file line %d: enabling legal-size for %s sane_init: config file line %d: option legal-size ignored, device %s is not a Paragon 1200 LS sane_init: config file line %d: option legal-size ignored, was set before any device name sane_init: config file line %d: enabling linedistance-fix for %s sane_init: config file line %d: option linedistance-fix ignored, was set before any device name sane_init: config file line %d: disabling backtracking for %s sane_init: config file line %d: option disable-backtracking ignored, was set before any device name sane_init: config file line %d: enabling lineart-fix for %s sane_init: config file line %d: option lineart-fix ignored, was set before any device name sane-init: config file line %d: buffersize must have a parameter; using default (%d kb) sane-init: config file line %d: buffersize `%s' is invalid (%s); using default (%d kb) sane_init: config file line %d: buffersize set to %ld kb for %s sane_init: config file line %d: option buffersize ignored, was set before any device name sane-init: config file line %d:: blocksize must have a parameter; using default (1 GB) sane-init: config file line %d: blocksize `%s' is invalid (%s); using default (1 GB) sane_init: config file line %d: blocksize set to %ld kb for %s sane_init: config file line %d: option blocksize ignored, was set before any device name sane_init: config file line %d: ignoring unknown option `%s' sane_init: config file line %d: trying to attach `%s' attach_one_device: out of memory `$,X%0d   ( 3 > G U ` k t   Q3533B@AHAB?7C BBpBBC>ffffff9@ BP(??GCC: (GNU) 4.2.3 $Ë$.symtab.strtab.shstrtab.rel.text.data.bss.rodata.str1.1.rodata.str1.4.rel.rodata.rel.data.rel.local.rel.data.rel.ro.local.rodata.cst4.rodata.cst8.comment.text.__i686.get_pc_thunk.cx.text.__i686.get_pc_thunk.bx.note.GNU-stack.group4<Pf P)%+802 ?2ZRT|N H  ^ V Z h  rVn  V8W 8WJWNWRWRW \4   *JBdPIh`@  g9Q |p P 0  '/ ;$P" e0{ 0I pp !?&] '  +(6,4G1V5f L tP:Z{:@;M 0?q^ D( $IK,M<L  F( [X m@  }ЖqS`uj!V @Dl     -d  6p  G| Y e  t,|04   (&'L0  P%*+X1H7U=^C|IOU[Ta8gpmsy `@d$Lp 0     0 d ! 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