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OpenScanChip:Enter OpenScanChip: Exit RegisterBankStatus=%d Mustek_SendData: write error Asic_TurnTA: Enter Lamp1 PWM = %d Asic_TurnTA: Exit Asic_TurnLamp: Enter Lamp0 PWM = %d Asic_TurnLamp: Exit SetExtraSetting:Enter FF_SCAN_IMAGE_OPTION=0x%x wCCD_PixelNumber=%d bThreshold=%d SetExtraSetting:Exit SetPackAddress:Enter ValidPixelNumber=%d channel gap=%d CISPackAreaStartAddress=%d InValidPixelNumber=%d Set Invalid Pixel ok F5_ScanDataFormat=0x%x SetScanMode():Exit SetLEDTime:Enter SetLEDTime:Exit GetChipStatus:Enter Mustek_ReceiveData GetChipStatus:Exit Asic_IsTAConnected: Enter hasTA=%d Asic_IsTAConnected():Exit Asic_WaitUnitReady:Enter WaitChipIdle:Error! Wait %d s Asic_WaitUnitReady: Exit IsCarriageHome:Enter IsCarriageHome:Error! LampHome=%d IsCarriageHome:Exit CCDTiming:Enter Dpi=%d CCDTiming:Exit SetLineTimeAndExposure:Enter SetLineTimeAndExposure:Exit LLFMotorMove:Enter Set start/end pixel AccStep=%d FixMoveSteps=%d DecStep=%d FixMoveSpeed=%d ACTION_TYPE_BACKTOHOME Forward or Backward ACTION_TYPE_BACKWARD ACTION_TYPE_TEST_MODE motor_steps=%d LOBYTE(motor_steps)=%d HIBYTE(motor_steps)=%d Asic_WaitCarriageHome:Enter Asic_WaitCarriageHome: Exit LLFMotorMove:Exit SetRWSize: Enter SetRWSize: Exit Mustek_ClearFIFO:Enter Mustek_ClearFIFO:Exit Asic_ScanStart: Enter Asic_ScanStart: Exit LLFSetRamAddress:Enter LLFSetRamAddress:Exit SetAFEGainOffset:Enter SetAFEGainOffset:Exit Asic_SetAFEGainOffset:Enter Asic_SetAFEGainOffset: Exit Mustek_DMARead: Enter Mustek_DMARead: read error Mustek_DMARead: Exit Asic_ScanStop: Enter Asic_ScanStop: Exit Asic_Close: Enter CloseScanChip:Enter CloseScanChip: Exit Asic_Close: Exit Asic_SetShadingTable:Enter wValidPixelNumber = %d lpShadingTable == NULL Asic_SetShadingTable: Exit Mustek_DMAWrite: write error Mustek_DMAWrite: Exit Asic_Open: Enter chip has been opened. fd=%d Asic_Open: no scanner found Asic_WaitUnitReady SafeInitialChip:Enter isFirstOpenChip=%d DRAM_Test:Enter Mustek_DMAWrite error DRAM Test error...(No.=%d) DRAM_Text: Exit SafeInitialChip: exit DRAM_Test: Error Asic_Open: not enough memory Asic_Open: Exit PowerControl: start LLFRamAccess:Enter end steal 2 byte! LLFRamAccess:Exit LLFSetMotorTable:Enter LLFSetMotorTable:Exit SetParameters: start Reflective_Reset: call in Reflective_Reset: exit Transparent_Reset: call in MustScanner_Prepare: call in SetParameters: exit LLF_CALCULATEMOTORTABLE:Exit MotorPhase=0x%x Asic_SetCalibrate: Enter wNowMotorDPI=%d MotorSyncPixelNumber=%d wScanAccSteps=%d BeforeScanFixSpeedStep=%d byScanDecSteps=%d BackTrackFixSpeedStep=%d wMultiMotorStep=%d TotalStep=%d Motor Time = %d Motor Time Over Flow !!! Asic_SetCalibrate: Exit Reflective_AdjustAD: call in Asic_MotorMove:Enter Asic_MotorMove: Exit Asic_SetWindow: Enter dwBytesCountPerRow = %d SetMotorStepTable:Enter SetMotorStepTable:Exit CalculateMotorTable:Enter CalculateMotorTable:Exit SetMotorCurrent:Enter SetMotorCurrent:Exit Asic_SetWindow: Exit StartScan: start CarriageHome: start Asic_CarriageHome:Enter MotorBackHome:Enter MotorBackHome:Exit Asic_CarriageHome: Exit sane_cancel: start sane_cancel: Scan finished StopScan: start Reflective_StopScan: call in StopScan: exit sane_cancel: do nothing sane_cancel: exit sane_close: start sane_close: exit Asic_ReadImage: Exit Transparent_GetRows: call in sane_read: start: max_len=%d sane_read: handle is null! sane_read: buf is null! sane_read: len is null! ReadScannedData: start Reflective_GetRows: call in AutoLevel: start AutoLevel: init data is over AutoLevel: exit sane_read :after memcpy sane_read: after %d sane_read : get *len = %d sane_read: exit Color48Color24Gray16Gray8LineartReflectivePositiveNegativecalc_parameters: end sane_start: start GetParameters: start GetParameters: exit sane_start : read_rows = %d warming up: %d SCANNING ... sane_start: exit GetDeviceStatus: start sane_get_devices: exit getsetset_autounknownsane_control_option: exit MustScanner_Init: Call in Asic_Initialize:Enter InitTiming:Enter InitTiming:Exit Asic_Initialize: Exit init_options: start Number of optionsScan ModemodeScan modesourceScan sourceresolutionScan resolutionpreviewPreviewDebugging Optionsauto-warmupAutomatic warmupEnhancementthresholdThresholdgamma-valueGamma valueGeometrytl-xTop-left xtl-yTop-left ybr-xBottom-right xbr-yBottom-right yinit_options: exit sane_open: exit sane_init: start sane-backends 1.0.19!===sane_init: authorize %s null sane_init: exit mustek-A2nu2MustekBearPaw 2448TA Prosane_get_select_fd: handle = %p, fd = %p sane_get_select_fd: not scanning sane_set_io_mode: handle = %p, non_blocking = %s sane_set_io_mode: not scanning sane_get_parameters :params.format = %d sane_get_parameters :params.depth = %d sane_get_parameters :params.pixels_per_line = %d sane_get_parameters :params.bytes_per_line = %d sane_get_parameters :params.lines = %d sane_get_option_descriptor: option = %s (%d) Asic_SetSource: Source is Reflect Asic_SetSource: Source is Postion Asic_SetSource: Source is Negtive attach_one_scanner: devname = %s Mustek_WriteAddressLineForRegister: Enter Mustek_WriteAddressLineForRegister: Exit Mustek_SendData: Enter. reg=%x,data=%x Asic_TurnTA: Scanner is not opened Asic_TurnLamp: Scanner is not opened ChannelR_StartPixel=%d,ChannelR_EndPixel=%d read out pixel over max pixel! image will shift!!! set CISPackAreaStartAddress ok CISPackAreaStartAddress + (SegmentTotalPixel*(PackAreaUseLine*1))=%d PackAreaUseLine=%d,TotalLineShift=%d SetScanMode():Enter; set f5 register Asic_WaitUnitReady: Scanner has not been opened (SANE_Byte)((motor_steps & 0x00ff0000) >> 16)=%d Asic_ScanStart: Scanner is not opened Asic_ScanStop: Stop scan error Asic_ScanStop: Clear scan error Asic_ScanStop: DMAReadGeneralMode error Asic_Close: Scanner is not opened Asic_Close: Scanner is scanning, try to stop scanning Asic_Close: CloseScanChip error Alloc a new shading table= %d Byte! Asic_ReadCalibrationData: Enter Asic_ReadCalibrationData: Scanner is not scanning Asic_ReadCalibrationData: Can't malloc bCalBuffer memory Asic_ReadCalibrationData: Exit Mustek_DMAWrite: Enter:size=%d Asic_Open: sanei_usb_find_devices failed: %s Asic_Open: sanei_usb_open of %s failed: %s Asic_Open: OpenScanChip error %d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d Asic_Open: SafeInitialChip error Asic_Open: device %s successfully opened MustScanner_PowerControl: Call in MustScanner_PowerControl: Asic_Open return error MustScanner_PowerControl: Asic_TurnLamp return error MustScanner_PowerControl: Asic_IsTAConnected return error MustScanner_PowerControl: Asic_TurnTA return error MustScanner_PowerControl: leave MustScanner_PowerControl Reflective_Reset: scanner has been opened Reflective_Reset: Asic_Open return error Reflective_Reset: Asic_Reset return error Reflective_Reset: Asic_SetSource return error Reflective_Reset: Asic_TurnLamp return error Reflective_Reset: Asic_Close return error Transparent_Reset: scanner has been opened Transparent_Reset: can not open scanner Reflective_Reset: Asic_TurnTA return error Transparent_Reset: leave Transparent_Reset SetParameters: ScanSource error SetParameters: PixelFlavor error SetParameters: x1 > x2, error SetParameters: y1 >= y2, error SetParameters: x2 > MAX_SCANNING_WIDTH, error SetParameters: y2 > MAX_SCANNING_HEIGHT, error SetParameters: g_tiTarget.wDpi=%d SetParameters: g_tiTarget.wX=%d SetParameters: g_tiTarget.wY=%d SetParameters: g_tiTarget.wWidth=%d SetParameters: g_tiTarget.wHeight=%d MustScanner_Prepare: Asic_Open return error MustScanner_Prepare: Asic_WaitUnitReady return error MustScanner_Prepare:ScanSource is SS_Reflective MustScanner_Prepare: Asic_TurnLamp return error MustScanner_Prepare: Asic_SetSource return error MustScanner_Prepare:ScanSource is SS_Positive MustScanner_Prepare: Asic_TurnTA return error MustScanner_Prepare:ScanSource is SS_Negative MustScanner_Prepare: Asic_SetSource return good MustScanner_Prepare: leave MustScanner_Prepare SetParameters: MustScanner_Prepare fail SetParameters: LinearThreshold error SetParameters: IN gamma table not NULL SetParameters: gamma table malloc %ld Bytes SetParameters: address of g_pGammaTable=%p SetParameters: gamma table malloc fail SetParameters: set g_pGammaTable to NULL LLF_CALCULATEMOTORTABLE:Enter LLFSetMotorCurrentAndPhase:Enter LLFSetMotorCurrentAndPhase:Exit bScanBits=%d,wXResolution=%d, wYResolution=%d, wX=%d, wY=%d, wWidth=%d, wLength=%d Asic_SetCalibrate: Scanner is not opened Asic_SetCalibrate: insufficiency memory! malloc LLF_MOTORMOVE =%ld Byte wPerLineNeedBufferSize=%d,BytePerPixel=%d,dwBytesCountPerRow=%d wPerLineNeedBufferSize=%d,wLength=%d wThinkCCDResolution=%d,wCCD_PixelNumber=%d dwLineWidthPixel=%d,wYResolution=%d Find Boundary CCDDummyCycleNumber == %d XRatioTypeDouble=%.2f,XRatioAdderDouble=%.2f,XRatioTypeWord=%d wScanAccSteps=%d,byScanDecSteps=%d BeforeScanFixSpeedStep=%d,BackTrackFixSpeedStep=%d isMotorMoveToFirstLine=%d,isUniformSpeedToScan=%d,isScanBackTracking=%d StartSpeed =%d, EndSpeed = %d Transparent_AdjustAD: call in Transparent_AdjustAD: run in first adjust offset do-while Transparent_AdjustAD: RGain=%d, ROffset=%d, RDir=%d GGain=%d, GOffset=%d, GDir=%d BGain=%d, BOffset=%d, BDir=%d Transparent_AdjustAD: MaxR=%d, MinR=%d MaxG=%d, MinG=%d MaxB=%d, MinB=%d Transparent_AdjustAD: leave Transparent_AdjustAD Reflective_AdjustAD: scanner has been opened Reflective_AdjustAD: scanner not prepared Reflective_AdjustAD: lpCalData malloc error Reflective_AdjustAD: run in first adjust offset do-while Reflective_AdjustAD: run out first adjust offset do-while Reflective_AdjustAD: g_chip.AD.OffsetR=%d, g_chip.AD.OffsetG=%d, g_chip.AD.OffsetB=%d Reflective_AdjustAD: g_chip.AD.GainR = %d,g_chip.AD.GainG = %d,g_chip.AD.GainB = %d Reflective_AdjustAD: RGain=%d, ROffset=%d, RDir=%d GGain=%d, GOffset=%d, GDir=%d BGain=%d, BOffset=%d, BDir=%d Reflective_AdjustAD: MaxR=%d, MinR=%d MaxG=%d, MinG=%d MaxB=%d, MinB=%d Reflective_AdjustAD: run in second adjust offset do-while Reflective_AdjustAD:after ad gain Reflective_AdjustAD: leave Reflective_AdjustAD Transparent_FindTopLeft: call in Transparent_FindTopLeft: scanner not opened Transparent_FindTopLeft: scanner not prepared Transparent_FindTopLeft: lpCalData malloc fail Transparent_FindTopLeft: *lpwStartY = %d, *lpwStartX = %d Transparent_FindTopLeft: leave Transparent_FindTopLeft Reflective_FindTopLeft: call in Reflective_FindTopLeft: scanner has been opened Reflective_FindTopLeft: scanner not prepared Reflective_FindTopLeft: lpCalData malloc error Reflective_FindTopLeft: Asic_ScanStart return error Reflective_FindTopLeft: Asic_ReadCalibrationData return error Reflective_FindTopLeft: *lpwStartY = %d, *lpwStartX = %d Reflective_FindTopLeft: leave Reflective_FindTopLeft bScanBits=%d,wXResolution=%d,wYResolution=%d,wX=%d,wY=%d,wWidth=%d,wLength=%d Asic_SetWindow: Scanner is not opened EndSpeed = %d, BytesCountPerRow=%d, MotorCurrentTable=%d, LinePixelReport=%d Reflective_SetupScan: Call in Reflective_SetupScan: scanner has been opened Reflective_SetupScan: scanner not prepared Reflective_SetupScan: Asic_Open return error Reflective_SetupScan: Asic_Open successfully Reflective_SetupScan: Reflective_AdjustAD return error Reflective_SetupScan: Reflective_AdjustAD successfully after find top left,g_X=%d,g_Y=%d before line calibration,g_X=%d,g_Y=%d Reflective_LineCalibration16Bits: call in Reflective_LineCalibration16Bits: scanner not opened Reflective_LineCalibration16Bits: scanner not prepared Reflective_LineCalibration16Bits: lpWhiteData or lpDarkData malloc error Reflective_LineCalibration16Bits: Asic_SetCalibrate return error Reflective_LineCalibration16Bits: Asic_ScanStart return error Reflective_LineCalibration16Bits: Asic_SetMotorType return error Reflective_LineCalibration16Bits: Asic_TurnLamp return error Reflective_LineCalibration16Bits: Asic_ReadCalibrationData return error Reflective_LineCalibration16Bits: malloc error Reflective_LineCalibration16Bits: wCalWidth = %d, wCalHeight = %d Reflective_LineCalibration16Bits: leave Reflective_LineCalibration16Bits Reflective_SetupScan: after Reflective_LineCalibration16Bits,g_X=%d,g_Y=%d Reflective_SetupScan: before Asic_SetWindow Reflective_SetupScan: g_bScanBits=%d, g_XDpi=%d, g_YDpi=%d, g_X=%d, g_Y=%d, g_Width=%d, g_Height=%d Reflective_SetupScan: Reflective_LineCalibration16Bits return error Reflective_SetupScan: leave Reflective_SetupScan Reflective_PrepareScan:g_wtheReadyLines=%d Reflective_PrepareScan:g_lpReadImageHead malloc %d Bytes Reflective_PrepareScan: g_lpReadImageHead malloc error StartScan: g_ScanType==ST_Reflective StartScan: g_ScanType==ST_Transparent Transparent_SetupScan: call in Transparent_SetupScan: scanner has been opened Transparent_SetupScan: scanner not prepared Transparent_SetupScan: g_YDpi=%d Transparent_SetupScan: g_wLineDistance=%d Transparent_SetupScan: g_wPixelDistance=%d Transparent_SetupScan: Asic_Open return error Transparent_SetupScan: Asic_TurnLamp return error Transparent_SetupScan: Asic_IsTAConnected return error Transparent_SetupScan: no TA device Transparent_SetupScan: Asic_TurnTA return error Transparent_SetupScan: after find top and left g_X=%d, g_Y=%d Transparent_SetupScan: before line calibration,g_X=%d,g_Y=%d Transparent_LineCalibration16Bits: call in Transparent_LineCalibration16Bits: scanner not opened Transparent_LineCalibration16Bits: scanner not prepared Transparent_LineCalibration16Bits: lpWhiteData or lpDarkData malloc fail Transparent_LineCalibration16Bits: malloc fail Transparent_LineCalibration16Bits: wCalWidth = %d, wCalHeight = %d Transparent_LineCalibration16Bits: leave Transparent_LineCalibration16Bits Transparent_SetupScan: after Reflective_LineCalibration16Bits,g_X=%d,g_Y=%d Transparent_SetupScan: g_bScanBits=%d, g_XDpi=%d, g_YDpi=%d, g_X=%d, g_Y=%d, g_Width=%d, g_Height=%d Transparent_SetupScan: leave Transparent_SetupScan Transparent_PrepareScan: call in Transparent_PrepareScan:malloc fail Transparent_PrepareScan: leave Transparent_PrepareScan MustScanner_BackHome: call in MustScanner_BackHome: Asic_Open return error MustScanner_BackHome: Asic_CarriageHome return error MustScanner_BackHome: Asic_WaitUnitReady return error MustScanner_BackHome: leave MustScanner_BackHome sane_cancel: warning: is scanning Reflective_StopScan: scanner not opened Reflective_StopScan: scanner not prepared Reflective_StopScan: thread exit Reflective_StopScan: leave Reflective_StopScan Transparent_StopScan: call in Transparent_StopScan: thread exit Transparent_StopScan: leave Transparent_StopScan MustScanner_GetMono1BitLine1200DPI: call in MustScanner_GetMono1BitLine1200DPI: thread create MustScanner_GetMono1BitLine1200DPI: thread exit MustScanner_GetMono1BitLine1200DPI: leave MustScanner_GetMono1BitLine1200DPI MustScanner_GetMono1BitLine: call in MustScanner_GetMono1BitLine: thread create MustScanner_GetMono1BitLine: thread exit MustScanner_GetMono1BitLine: leave MustScanner_GetMono1BitLine MustScanner_GetMono16BitLine1200DPI: call in MustScanner_GetMono16BitLine1200DPI: thread create MustScanner_GetMono16BitLine1200DPI: thread exit MustScanner_GetMono16BitLine1200DPI: free before line data! MustScanner_GetMono16BitLine1200DPI: leave MustScanner_GetMono16BitLine1200DPI MustScanner_GetMono16BitLine: call in MustScanner_GetMono16BitLine: thread create MustScanner_GetMono16BitLine: thread exit MustScanner_GetMono16BitLine: leave MustScanner_GetMono16BitLine MustScanner_GetRgb24BitLine1200DPI: call in MustScanner_GetRgb24BitLine1200DPI: thread create MustScanner_GetRgb24BitLine1200DPI: g_dwTotalTotalXferLines=%d MustScanner_GetRgb24BitLine1200DPI: g_Height=%d MustScanner_GetRgb24BitLine1200DPI: thread exit MustScanner_GetRgb24BitLine1200DPI: leave MustScanner_GetRgb24BitLine1200DPI MustScanner_GetRgb24BitLine: call in MustScanner_GetRgb24BitLine: get wWantedTotalLines= %d MustScanner_GetRgb24BitLine: thread create MustScanner_GetRgb24BitLine: !isOrderInvert MustScanner_GetRgb24BitLine: thread exit MustScanner_GetRgb24BitLine: g_dwTotalTotalXferLines=%d,g_SWHeight=%d MustScanner_GetRgb24BitLine: g_SWBytesPerRow=%d MustScanner_GetRgb24BitLine: isOrderInvert is TRUE MustScanner_GetRgb24BitLine: before byRed MustScanner_GetRgb24BitLine: before byGreen MustScanner_GetRgb24BitLine: before byBlue MustScanner_GetRgb24BitLine: before set lpLine MustScanner_GetRgb24BitLine: i=%d MustScanner_GetRgb24BitLine: leave MustScanner_GetRgb24BitLine MustScanner_GetRgb48BitLine1200DPI: call in MustScanner_GetRgb48BitLine1200DPI: thread create MustScanner_GetRgb48BitLine1200DPI: thread exit MustScanner_GetRgb48BitLine1200DPI: leave MustScanner_GetRgb48BitLine1200DPI MustScanner_GetRgb48BitLine: call in MustScanner_GetRgb48BitLine: thread create MustScanner_GetRgb48BitLine: thread exit MustScanner_GetRgb48BitLine: leave MustScanner_GetRgb48BitLine MustScanner_ReadDataFromScanner: call in, and in new thread MustScanner_ReadDataFromScanner: wWantedLines=%d MustScanner_ReadDataFromScanner: wScanLinesThisBlock=%d Asic_ReadImage: Enter : LinesCount = %d Asic_ReadImage: Scanner is not scanning Asic_ReadImage: chip->dwBytesCountPerRow = %d Asic_ReadImage: dwXferBytes == 0 MustScanner_ReadDataFromScanner:Asic_ReadImage return error MustScanner_ReadDataFromScanner:thread exit MustScanner_ReadDataFromScanner: Read image ok MustScanner_ReadDataFromScanner: thread exit MustScanner_ReadDataFromScanner: leave MustScanner_ReadDataFromScanner MustScanner_GetMono8BitLine1200DPI: call in MustScanner_GetMono8BitLine1200DPI: thread create MustScanner_GetMono8BitLine1200DPI: thread exit MustScanner_GetMono8BitLine1200DPI: free the before line data! MustScanner_GetMono8BitLine1200DPI: leave MustScanner_GetMono8BitLine1200DPI MustScanner_GetMono8BitLine: call in MustScanner_GetMono8BitLine: thread create MustScanner_GetMono8BitLine: thread exit MustScanner_GetMono8BitLine: leave MustScanner_GetMono8BitLine sane_read: scan was cancelled, is over or has not been initiated yet sane_read: before read data read_row=%d sane_read: buffer size is %ld ReadScannedData: wanted Rows = %d Reflective_GetRows: scanner not opened Reflective_GetRows: scanner not prepared ReadScannedData: deal with the Negative ReadScannedData: malloc the negative data is success! ReadScannedData: get image data is over! AutoLevel: iHeight = %d, iWidth = %d AutoLevel: Find min , max is over! AutoLevel: Set min , max is over! ReadScannedData: autolevel is ok ReadScannedData: copy the data over! ReadScannedData: free the image data! ReadScannedData: malloc the negative data is fail! ReadScannedData: leave ReadScannedData sane_read: Finish ReadScanedData sane_read : s->scan_buffer_len = %ld sane_read: ReadScannedData error sane_read: scan finished -- exit sane_read : get lines_read = %d calc_parameters : preview set ScanMode SM_RGB24 calc_parameters : preview set ScanMode SM_GRAY calc_parameters :scan Source = %s sane_star:sane params .format = %d sane_start: top left x >= bottom right x --- exiting sane_start: top left y >= bottom right y --- exiting Sane_start:setpara ,setpara.fmArea.x1=%d Sane_start:setpara ,setpara.fmArea.x2=%d Sane_start:setpara ,setpara.fmArea.y1=%d Sane_start:setpara ,setpara.fmArea.y2=%d Sane_start:setpara ,setpara.pfPixelFlavor=%d Sane_start:setpara ,setpara.wLinearThreshold=%d Sane_start:setpara ,setpara.wTargetDPI=%d Sane_start:setpara ,setpara.smScanMode=%d Sane_start:setpara ,setpara.ssScanSource =%d Sane_start:setpara ,setpara.pGammaTable =%p Reflective_ScanSuggest: call in Reflective_ScanSuggest: pTarget->wDpi = %d Reflective_ScanSuggest: pSuggest->wXDpi = %d Reflective_ScanSuggest: pSuggest->wYDpi = %d Reflective_ScanSuggest: pTarget->wX = %d Reflective_ScanSuggest: pTarget->wY = %d Reflective_ScanSuggest: pTarget->wWidth = %d Reflective_ScanSuggest: pTarget->wHeight = %d Reflective_ScanSuggest: pSuggest->wX = %d Reflective_ScanSuggest: pSuggest->wY = %d Reflective_ScanSuggest: pSuggest->wWidth = %d Reflective_ScanSuggest: pSuggest->wHeight = %d Reflective_ScanSuggest: wMaxWidth = %d Reflective_ScanSuggest: wMaxHeight = %d Reflective_ScanSuggest: g_Width=%d Reflective_ScanSuggest: again, g_Width=%d Reflective_ScanSuggest: pSuggest->dwBytesPerRow = %d Reflective_ScanSuggest: leave Reflective_ScanSuggest Transparent_ScanSuggest: call in Transparent_ScanSuggest: isOptimalSpeed is true Transparent_ScanSuggest: isOptimalSpeed not true Transparent_ScanSuggest: leave Transparent_ScanSuggest sane_start: sane_params.format = %d sane_get_devices: start: local_only = %s MustScanner_GetScannerState: Asic_Open return error sane_control_option: start: action = %s, option = %s (%d) sane_control_option: don't call this function while scanning sane_control_option: option %d >= NUM_OPTIONS || option < 0 sane_control_option: option %d is inactive sane_control_option: can't get unknown option %d sane_control_option: option %d is not settable sane_control_option: sanei_constrain_value returned %s sane_control_option: can't set unknown option %d sane_control_option: unknown action %d for option %d sane_open: start :devicename = %s MustScanner_Init: Asic_Open return error MustScanner_Init: leave MustScanner_Init Read-only option that specifies how many options a specific devices supports.Selects the scan mode (e.g., lineart, monochrome, or color).Selects the scan source (such as a document-feeder).Sets the resolution of the scanned image.Request a preview-quality scan.Warm-up until the lamp's brightness is constant instead of insisting on 40 seconds warm-up time.Select minimum-brightness to get a white pointSets the gamma value of all channels.Top-left x position of scan area.Top-left y position of scan area.Bottom-right x position of scan area.Bottom-right y position of scan area.SANE Mustek USB2 backend version %d.%d build %d from %s                 X,KX,Kn{X,Kף&%zԣ  '2;?333333??DAT!?JM!?(\?ffffff9@@9C7G;;DDG8R|B@@@EEEFGEGHG AC?GCC: (GNU) 4.2.3$.symtab.strtab.shstrtab.rel.text.data.bss.rodata.str1.1.rodata.str1.4.rel.rodata.rel.data.rel.local.rodata.cst8.rodata.cst4.comment.text.__i686.get_pc_thunk.bx.note.GNU-stack.group4g@g \%XV%`g0+gd 02g?28{FR@D N {(^ Z ܁h n@8{xl`9g @ %vHVXTdXpD}H\LPP"h J`0"\5`A\I ~X@ #ep z   @0 0 #0/.: !H@"[#@nP$}%0)*B`/001126Z 78* :5<iQp> fB DwEq L? $`MwNO d *>Vthvh|PZp`f} x @ ,@A;%Sg~{l1@Qcw7x P>,<>ELE\$p01`&p TX2gO r0   )n-j `0 . p A V i   PC   ,  ` @VD p      p   8 ( $    4 9 > ,C H M R PW \ a f l r ,x `~ 6  Q j z          $  0 A X l  H t     & , 2 8 > D 'J P >V Y\ nb }h n t z D  x       / C U f {      0    7 d q M" ( . 4 : @ F L R X 0^ <d ej p w ~ d ! z  M    4 F W o         . 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