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later sane_read: cancelling read sane_read: enough for now sane_read: error code %s sane_read: cancelling scan sane_get_parameters net:%s:%ssane_start sane_start: remote start sane_start: auth required sane_start: done (%s) sane_close: handle %p sane_close: net_close sane_close: done fetch_options: %p sane-portadd_device: backend %s added IPv6IPv4connect_dev: sanei_w_init connect_dev: done sane_open("%s") sane_open: net_open sane_open: success sane_get_devices: got %s sane_exit: exiting sane_exit: finished. sane-backends (AF-indep+IPv6)net.confconnect_timeoutsane_init: trying to add %s SANE_NET_HOSTSSANE_NET_TIMEOUTsane_init: done sane_get_select_fd: pipe doesn't exist sane_get_select_fd: done; *fd = %d sane_set_io_mode: non_blocking = %d sane_set_io_mode: pipe doesn't exist sane_set_io_mode: fcntl failed (%s) sane_cancel: sending net_cancel sane_read: handle=%p, data=%p, max_length=%d, length=%p sane_read: left_over from previous call, return immediately sane_read: data pipe doesn't exist, scan cancelled? sane_read: reading paket length sane_read: read %lu bytes, %d from 4 total sane_read: next record length=%ld bytes sane_read: received error signal sane_read: failed to read error code sane_read: client/server have different byte order; must swap sane_read: %lu bytes read, %lu remaining sane_get_parameters: parameter params not supplied sane_get_parameters: remote get parameters sane_get_parameters: returned status %s do_authorization: dev=%p resource=%s do_authorization: invoking auth_callback, resource = %s do_authorization: no auth_callback present do_authorization: not enough memory for net_resource do_authorization: relaying authentication data do_authorization: auth_active is false... strange sane_start: data pipe already exists sane_start: unknown address family : %d sane_start: getpeername() failed (%s) sane_start: socket() failed (%s) sane_start: server has little endian byte order sane_start: server has big endian byte order sane_start: remote start failed (%s) sane_start: connect() failed (%s) sane_start: remote start finished, data at port %hu sane_close: invalid handle %p sane_close: removing cached option descriptors sane_close: couldn't free sanei_w_option_descriptor_array (%s) sane_close: removing local option descriptors sane_close: closing data pipe fetch_options: %d option descriptors cached... freeing fetch_options: failed to free old list (%s) fetch_options: get_option_descriptors fetch_options: failed to get option descriptors (%s) fetch_options: creating %d local option descriptors fetch_options: couldn't malloc s->local_opt.desc fetch_options: couldn't malloc s->local_opt.desc[%d] fetch_options: option number count changed during runtime? fetch_options: copying %d option descriptors fetch_options: %d options fetched sane_control_option: option %d, action %d sane_control_option: getting option descriptors sane_control_option: fetch_options failed (%s) sane_control_option: invalid option number sane_control_option: remote control option sane_control_option: auth required sane_control_option: size changed from %d to %d sane_control_option: done (%s) sane_get_option_descriptor: option %d sane_get_option_descripter: getting option descriptors sane_get_option_descriptor: fetch_options failed (%s) sane_get_option_descriptor: invalid option number add_device: adding backend %s add_device: error while getting address of host %s: %s add_device: not enough memory for Net_Device struct add_device: not enough memory to duplicate name connect_dev: trying to connect to %s connect_dev: [%d] don't know how to deal with addr family %d connect_dev: [%d] failed to obtain socket (%s) connect_dev: [%d] failed to set SO_SNDTIMEO (%s) connect_dev: [%d] failed to connect (%s) connect_dev: [%d] connection succeeded (%s) connect_dev: couldn't connect to host (see messages above) connect_dev: failed to reset SO_SNDTIMEO (%s) connect_dev: net_init (user=%s, local version=%d.%d.%d) connect_dev: argument marshalling error (%s) connect_dev: freeing init reply (status=%s, remote version=%d.%d.%d) connect_dev: access to %s denied connect_dev: major version mismatch: got %d, expected %d connect_dev: network protocol version mismatch: got %d, expected %d connect_dev: closing connection to %s sane_open: incorrect host address: missing matching ']' sane_open: not enough free memory sane_open: host = %s, device = %s sane_open: empty backend name is not allowed sane_open: device %s not found, trying to register it anyway sane_open: could not open device sane_open: device found in list sane_open: device not connected yet... sane_open: could not connect to device sane_open: open rpc call failed (%s) sane_open: authorization required sane_open: remote open failed sane_get_devices: local_only = %d sane_get_devices: freeing devlist sane_get_devices: ignoring failure to connect to %s sane_get_devices: ignoring rpc-returned status %s sane_get_devices: not enough memory sane_get_devices: not enough free memory sane_get_devices: finished (%d devices) sane_exit: closing dev %p, ctl=%d sane_init: authorize = %p, version_code = %p sane_init: SANE net backend version %s from %s sane_init: Client has big endian byte order sane_init: Client has little endian byte order sane_init: searching for config file sane_init: connect timeout set to %d seconds sane_init: done reading config sane_init: could not open config file (%s): %s sane_init: evaluating environment variable SANE_NET_HOSTS sane_init: not enough memory to duplicate environment variable sane_init: evaluating environment variable SANE_NET_TIMEOUT sane_init: connect timeout set to %d seconds from env GCC: (GNU) 4.2.3$.symtab.strtab.shstrtab.rel.text.data.bss.rodata.str1.1.rodata.str1.4.comment.text.__i686.get_pc_thunk.bx.note.GNU-stack.group4 @/ c % 0+04020U?2h3NHWHtHHJ   Z J{&(,$> P,Z0d uP0   ($L)t.38'=BEHNXTdZd`f$lrx~<s0\.$T8D\^ (&,28y>DJPV\b0h`ntz(X\$|    ,  L L t    8  p   " ( .4 : @Fp M T[ aD gt m@ s zH$0C0TxT Uj0X 4l"~)07>E LSDZahtov},\$(3hD|  ,PzCX^ox~*-")16P _kr` &-LXer{ !$6P]el)z+9net.csanei_debug_net_calldo_canceldepthserver_big_endianclient_big_endianhang_overleft_overdo_authorizationauth_callbackfirst_handlefetch_optionsadd_devicefirst_deviceconnect_devconnect_timeoutempty_devlist.5815devlistdevlist_len.5814devlist_size.5813.LC0.LC1.LC2.LC3.LC4.LC5.LC6.LC7.LC8.LC9.LC10.LC11.LC12.LC14.LC26.LC27.LC13.LC15.LC19.LC20.LC21.LC22.LC23.LC24.LC16.LC18.LC25.LC17.LC28.LC29.LC30.LC31.LC32.LC33.LC34.LC37.LC38.LC36.LC35.LC39.LC40.LC41.LC42.LC43.LC44.LC46.LC47.LC45.LC48.LC51.LC49.LC50.LC52.LC53.LC56.LC57.LC58.LC59.LC54.LC55.LC60.LC61.LC62.LC63.LC64.LC68.LC65.LC66.LC67.LC69.LC70.LC71.LC74.LC75.LC76.LC77.LC78.LC72.LC73.LC79.LC80.LC81.LC82.LC83.LC84.LC85.LC86.LC87.LC88.LC89.LC93.LC90.LC95.LC94.LC96.LC99.LC100.LC101.LC107.LC97.LC91.LC92.LC98.LC102.LC104.LC105.LC103.LC106.LC108.LC110.LC109.LC112.LC113.LC111.LC116.LC119.LC121.LC120.LC114.LC115.LC122.LC123.LC117.LC118.LC124.LC125.LC126.LC127.LC130.LC129.LC131.LC128.LC132.LC133.LC134.LC135.LC136.LC137.LC138.LC140.LC141.LC142.LC143.LC144.LC146.LC148.LC149.LC145.LC151.LC152.LC153.LC154.LC139.LC147.LC150__i686.get_pc_thunk.bx_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_sanei_debug_netsanei_debug_msgsane_net_get_select_fdsane_net_set_io_modefcntl__errno_locationstrerrorclosesane_net_cancelsanei_w_wordsanei_w_callsane_net_readreadmemmovesane_strstatussane_net_get_parameterssanei_w_get_parameters_replysanei_w_freememsetstrlenmallocsprintffreesanei_w_authorization_reqsane_net_startgetpeernamesocketsanei_w_start_replysanei_w_set_dirconnectshutdownsane_net_closesanei_w_option_descriptor_arraysane_net_control_optionsanei_w_control_option_replysanei_w_control_option_reqmemcpysane_net_get_option_descriptorgetaddrinfogai_strerrorfreeaddrinfo__strdupsetsockoptsanei_codec_bin_initsanei_w_initwritegetloginsanei_w_init_replysanei_w_init_reqsane_net_openstrchrstrnlenstrcmpsanei_w_open_replysanei_w_stringsane_net_get_devicessanei_w_get_devices_replysanei_w_voidreallocstrcatsane_net_exitsanei_w_exitsane_net_initsanei_init_debugsanei_config_opensanei_config_readstrstrsanei_config_skip_whitespacestrtolfclosegetenv 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