ELF$04(US$ED$EE D$ D$D$E$$[]ÍUSE $D$ ED$D$z[] U]Euu $D$t$ D$%1]u]ÍvUWVS,u} $t$|$ D$rۆF(U䋖FFF$MY+EP$كC)R$$݃}E fE~(كm^ mm^$mV Vۆككm]mEۆfm]mEffF$fD$D$D$D$ F$D$D$H1t%FFGFGF G F$GF(G1,[^_]뻋F PIV‰F fU(]uu}} $t$|$ D$tx  D,~1]u}]Ív'UVSD$$D$Adž @@dž2dždždž@džt[^]ÍUSE  v%D$T$$ []ËD$$Z1[]ÍD$$<[]ÍD$$[]ÍD$$ []ÍD$$ []ÍD$$[]Í'U8]uu}EfEUҍMɉL$ T$D$$Jt$<$D$D$ D$Ɖ$$D$D$]u}]ÍvUWVS|ED$$D$EfuU.1ҋ@qf9fsfu}$D$D$E1 }QE$EEE(EfEE  Ff)ʋMHP}$ۇ؋}EEɴ fEfسfEE։EEE؉m]mMEt$EUFEEfEވUMɉfEUჿE勇EL$ t$D$D$D$$D$ D$D$D$ D$2}|$U$Ɖ$$D$D$lt |[^_]ËM1uۋ}ff)G|[^_]Ít&UWVStUtٍt&'U]uu$t$D$]u1]jv'U8]uƍED$ }ωT$D$4$t0D$t$ |$$]u}]u4$1:tߍD$T$ |$$뺍&UWVS\uD$$E t$$D$ D$mt$DžaD$$'DžDž&D$D$$#tȋ$$tu"WDP D$$|$P@D$<$0D$$4$<D$$ $u \[^_]ËD$$t$$uWDP zuWDP uWDP  uW DP uWDP uWDP  Dž8 D$|$$@D$<$u\uEtǃeuB EBDž% $@U썋DžFE<$t$ D$T$5}<$ ƋPEu@T$D$$cDž$uEu tZEBu ` tEBOlDž st400sane_get_select_fd(%p, %p) sane_set_io_mode(%p, %d) sane_get_parameters(%p, %p) st400_reset_options(%p) SCSI: sense RECOVERED_ERROR SCSI: sense NOT_READY SCSI: sense HARDWARE_ERROR SCSI: sense ILLEGAL_REQUEST SCSI: sense UNIT_ATTENTION SCSI: sense ABORTED_COMMAND SCSI: sense unknown (%d) SCSI: result=%s dev->wh = %hu sane_read(%p, %p, %d, %p) SCSI: result=%s (%lu bytes) sane_cancel(%p) sane_close(%p) sane_exit() sane_get_devices(%p, %d) sane_start(%p) allocating %lu bytes buffer st400_wait_ready(%d) getting option %d (value=%d) setting option %d to %d automatic option setting st400_attach(%s, %p) HOME%s/%sabst400_init_options(%p) Number of optionsScan ModeresolutionScan resolutiondepthBit depththresholdThresholdGeometrytl-xTop-left xtl-yTop-left ybr-xBottom-right xbr-yBottom-right yst400.dumpsane_open(%s, %p) st400_attach_one(%s) %lu%nsane_init(%p, %p) st400.confoptionsane_init: config line <%s> maxreaddelayscanner_bufsizescanner_bitsscanner_maxreadscanner_resolutions%d entries for resolution dump_inquiry/dev/scannerSIEMENSST 400SiemensST400flatbed scannerST 800ST800Unknownuntestedparameters: bpl=%d, x=%hu, y=%hu, w=%hu, h=%hu sane_get_option_descriptor(%p, %d) SCSI: sending cmd6 0x%02x (ctrl=%d) st400_fill_scanner_buffer(%p) SCSI: sending SET_WINDOW (x=%hu y=%hu w=%hu h=%hu wy=%hu wh=%hu th=%d st400_fill_backend_buffer(%p) SCSI: sending READ10 (%lu bytes) sane_exit: freeing device array sane_get_devices: freeing old device array sane_get_devices: new device array at %p sane_get_devices: %u entries in device array st400_wait_ready: failed, error=%s sane_control_option(%p, %d, %d, %p, %p) st400_attach: found device in list st400_attach: new device struct at %p SCSI: sending INQUIRY (%lu bytes) found matching scanner model "%s %s" in list Read-only option that specifies how many options a specific devices supports.Sets the resolution of the scanned image.Number of bits per sample, typical values are 1 for "line-art" and 8 for multibit scans.Select minimum-brightness to get a white pointTop-left x position of scan area.Top-left y position of scan area.Bottom-right x position of scan area.Bottom-right y position of scan area.st400_attach: everything ok, adding device to list extraneous arguments at line %lu: %s invalid option argument at line %lu: %s sane_init: reading config file sane_init: attaching device <%s> sane_init: closing config file sane_init: attaching default device <%s> 0fd,OW ^flO| ^l l7?Bffffff9@GCC: (GNU) 4.2.3$.symtab.strtab.shstrtab.rel.text.data.bss.rodata.str1.1.rodata.str1.4.rel.rodata.rel.data.rel.local.rodata.cst4.rodata.cst8.comment.text.__i686.get_pc_thunk.bx.note.GNU-stack.group4@~# pst400.csanei_debug_st400_callst400_reset_optionsst400_sense_handlerst400_cmd6st400_fill_scanner_bufferst400_light_delayst400_devicesst400_device_arrayst400_num_devicesst400_statusst400_maxreadstr_at_offsetst400_attachst400_dump_datast400_modelsx_range.5303y_range.5304dpi_list.5301depth_list.5300thres_range.5302st400_attach_onest400_config_get_single_arg.LC0.LC1.LC2.LC3.LC5.LC6.LC7.LC8.LC11.LC12.LC19.LC13.LC18.LC14.LC15.LC16.LC17.LC20.LC21.LC22.LC23.LC24.LC25.LC30.LC31.LC32.LC33.LC34.LC35.LC36.LC37.LC38.LC39.LC40.LC41.LC42.LC43.LC44.LC45.LC46.LC47.LC49.LC48.LC50.LC51.LC52.LC53.LC58.LC54.LC55.LC56.LC57.LC59.LC60.LC61.LC62.LC63.LC64.LC65.LC66.LC67.LC68.LC69.LC70.LC71.LC72.LC73.LC74.LC75.LC76.LC77.LC78.LC79.LC80.LC81.LC82.LC83.LC84.LC85.LC86.LC87.LC88.LC89.LC91.LC90.LC92.LC93.LC94.LC95.LC105.LC106.LC96.LC97.LC98.LC99.LC100.LC101.LC102.LC104.LC108.LC107.LC103.L53.L44.L45.L42.L46.L47.L48.L49.L192.L204.L205.L206__i686.get_pc_thunk.bx_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_sanei_debug_st400sanei_debug_msgsane_st400_get_select_fdsane_st400_set_io_modesane_st400_get_parameterssane_st400_get_option_descriptorsanei_scsi_cmdsane_strstatussane_st400_readsane_st400_cancelsanei_scsi_closefreesane_st400_closesane_st400_exitsane_st400_get_devicesmallocsane_st400_startsanei_scsi_max_request_sizeusleepsanei_scsi_opensane_st400_control_optionsanei_constrain_valuestrlenstrncmpstrcmpcalloc__strdupgetenvsprintffopenfwritefclosesane_st400_opensscanfsanei_config_skip_whitespacesane_st400_initsanei_init_debugsanei_config_opensanei_config_read__ctype_b_locsanei_config_attach_matching_devices 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