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dev->image_begin sane_read: size =0x%lx bytes, max_len=0x%lx bytes stv680_bayer_unshuffle: enter stv680_bayer_unshuffle: color read RED=%d, GREEN=%d, BLUE=%d stv680_bayer_unshuffle: w=%d, vw=%d, vh=%d, len=0x%lx stv680_bayer_unshuffle: gamma correction done stv680_bayer_unshuffle: bayer demosaic done stv680_bayer_unshuffle: if needed, trim to size 160 done stv680_add_text: exit vw=%d, vh=%d stv680_bayer_unshuffle: exit vw=%d, vh=%d sane_read: stv680_fill_image status NOK stv680_set_config: STV0680 FAILED to claim interface stv680_set_config: STV0680 FAILED to set alternate interface %d stv680_set_config: configuration=%d, interface=%d, alternate=%d ERROR: sane_start: open failed stv680_vidcam_init: urb 13 CMDID_GET_USER_INFO stv680_vidcam_init: urb13 CMDID_GET_USER_INFOstv680_vidcam_init: status = video stv680_vidcam_init: status=%d stv680_vidcam_init: status = busy stv680_vidcam_init: urb13 CMDID_CANCEL_TRANSACTION NOK stv680_vidcam_init: urb 21 CMDID_GET_COLDATA_SIZE stv680_vidcam_init: urb21 CMDID_GET_COLDATA_SIZEstv680_vidcam_init: urb 22, 23, 24 CMDID_GET_COLDATA i=0x%x, val=0x%x stv680_vidcam_init: urb22, 23, 24 CMDID_GET_COLDATAstv680_vidcam_init: CMDID_SET_IMAGE_INDEXstv680_vidcam_init: STV680 FAILED to set configure stv680_vidcam_init: video_mode = 0x%x stv680_vidcam_init: CMDID_START_VIDEO: video_mode=0x%x ERROR: failed to init the vidcam sane_control_option: enter, option %d, action %d could not set option, not settable could not set option, invalid value sane_control_option: exit, bad attach_vidcam: opening USB device %s ERROR: attach_vidcam: open failed stv680_identify_vidcam: vidcam %x:%x is in list stv680_identify_vidcam: this is not a STV680 (idVendor = %d, bProduct = %d) writing register failed with %s STV(e): camera ping failed!!, checkvalue !=0x5678 STV(e): There are NO supported STV680 modes!! STV(i): Firmware rev is %i.%i STV(i): Current image index %d If images are stored in camera, they will be lost when captering images is started!!!!! STV(i): Image height (pix) %d STV(i): Image size camera %d bytes stv680_identify_vidcam: exit this is not a STV680 exit ERROR: attach_vidcam: vidcam-identification failed stv680_init_2: dev->bufffer = 0x%lx attach_vidcam: build resolution list stv680_initi_2, ERROR: not enough memory ERROR: attach_vidcam: vidcam resolution list failed attach_vidcam: make color resolution table stv680_init ERROR: not enough memory sane_open: no devicename, opening first device stv680_init_options: done loop opt_num_options=%d, i=%d Read-only option that specifies how many options a specific devices supports.Selects the scan mode (e.g., lineart, monochrome, or color).Sets the resolution of the scanned image.Controls the brightness of the acquired image.Selects what red radiance level should be considered "white".Selects what green radiance level should be considered "white".Selects what blue radiance level should be considered "white".stv680_init_options: after blue level This is sane-stv680 version %d.%d-%d (C) 2004-2006 by Gerard Klaver configuration file not found (%s) bad configuration line: "%s" - ignoring. %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%Sstv680_fill_image#&*,/2569;=?ACEGGIKMNPQRTUWXYZ[]^_abbcefghijklmnopqrsttuvwxyz{|}}~"'+/258;=@BDGIKMOPRTVWY[\^_abdefhijlmnoqrstuvxyz{|}~%*/37:=@CFHJNPRTVXZ\^_adeghjknoprstvwyz|}~<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<(T8T(PP 8|8(|xx|(<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<((((|(|(8TP8T8}K+Wa mu@@@@ `' ` 3P @ L X !d  2x JOT"Y<^Uch0mmrwT|x Dx.BVi}  @$*06x<B HNTZ`Lfllrx~:S&TL$> 4TT &,`2x8>DxJPVP\bZhdnjtyz  @ d   L  (8Tn l %.,j3:AH:O]V]d k ry (   q  4 NL< !(l  =Pc!u(/6 =DK0 RY`g nu|   $2FT\jx ,$+2p9@L G^tPIIh`+;@tNS e |v I!`i3B#3]sz' 4+P9%  ) ; B I stv680.csanei_debug_stv680_callhexdumpstv680_reset_vidcamstv680_closestv680_freefirst_devnum_devicesdevlist__PRETTY_FUNCTION__.5622red_ggreen_gblue_gfontdatastv680_set_configattach_vidcamvidcamsattach_onescan_mode_listbrightness_rangered_level_rangegreen_level_rangeblue_level_rangestv680_dpi_color_adjust.LC0.LC1.LC2.LC3.LC4.LC5.LC6.LC7.LC9.LC8.LC10.LC14.LC11.LC12.LC13.LC15.LC16.LC17.LC18.LC19.LC20.LC21.LC22.LC23.LC24.LC25.LC26.LC27.LC28.LC29.LC30.LC31.LC32.LC33.LC34.LC48.LC49.LC50.LC51.LC52.LC53.LC58.LC60.LC37.LC38.LC39.LC41.LC43.LC42.LC46.LC47.LC59.LC54.LC44.LC45.LC35.LC40.LC61.LC56.LC57.LC36.LC62.LC63.LC64.LC65.LC66.LC67.LC68.LC83.LC84.LC86.LC69.LC70.LC73.LC71.LC74.LC72.LC82.LC85.LC76.LC77.LC78.LC79.LC75.LC80.LC81.LC87.LC88.LC94.LC90.LC89.LC91.LC92.LC93.LC95.LC96.LC97.LC98.LC99.LC153.LC100.LC101.LC102.LC103.LC104.LC106.LC107.LC144.LC143.LC105.LC108.LC109.LC111.LC112.LC113.LC114.LC115.LC116.LC117.LC118.LC120.LC122.LC124.LC126.LC128.LC130.LC132.LC134.LC135.LC136.LC137.LC138.LC139.LC140.LC141.LC142.LC145.LC148.LC133.LC146.LC147.LC149.LC131.LC129.LC127.LC125.LC123.LC121.LC119.LC110.LC151.LC152.LC150.LC154.LC155.LC156.LC157.LC159.LC160.LC161.LC162.LC163.LC164.LC165.LC166.LC167.LC168.LC169.LC170.LC171.LC172.LC173.LC174.LC175.LC176.LC177.LC178.LC179.LC180.LC181.LC182.LC183.LC184.LC185.LC186.LC187.LC158.LC188.LC189.LC190.LC191.LC192.LC193.LC194.LC196.LC197.LC198.LC195__i686.get_pc_thunk.bx_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_sanei_debug_stv680sanei_debug_msgsane_stv680_get_select_fdsane_stv680_set_io_modesane_stv680_get_option_descriptorsane_stv680_get_parameterssprintfmemsetsanei_usb_control_msgsanei_usb_closesane_stv680_cancelfreesane_stv680_closesane_stv680_exitsane_stv680_readmemcpyusleepsanei_usb_read_bulk__assert_failtimelocaltimestrlenstrncpystrcatstrftimestrcpysanei_usb_claim_interfacesanei_usb_set_altinterfacesane_stv680_startsanei_usb_opensane_stv680_control_optionsanei_constrain_valuestrcmp__strdupsane_stv680_get_devicesmallocsanei_usb_get_vendor_productsane_strstatussane_stv680_opencallocsane_stv680_initsanei_init_debugsanei_usb_initsanei_config_opensanei_config_readsscanffclosesanei_usb_attach_matching_devices % #/@U[ k $z % & '  (- )gm  * +. ,)/ K -o . /  0, 1  2Vr 3 4 5(M 6f 7 8 9  : ; <JP c = >  ?  2 D V h     @   A$ O BU u   C       D  3 E F1 G} H I J K)d L) Mn N O P Q Ri S  T& UW] VI W X Y% / Z9 [IR \   1 : C L V a ~ ]  ^&1 ; ZE _Ujp  ` a b. c= djp  e  f g ho i j k l; N m n ! o~!! p! q! r")" sa" tj" u"# vV#i# w# x### # yr$$ z$ {% X% i% |n%y%i& }& ~& & '' -' <' H'N' \'f' s' {' ' '' ' ( 1( G( g( (( ((( ) #) I) S) |))))) )) * R*** * * * *+ -+ x++ 8, X, x, , , , - @- `- - - - - . . 6. .. . . . )/ S/ / / / 00'02080 X0 ~000 0 %191 `1 {1 1 1 1 1 2 2 V2 _2 g2 t2 ~2 2 13<3G3R3]3j3u3333 33 3 4 '4-4 @4 X4 r4 4 4 4 5R5 x5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 D666 6 6 I7 U7 a7 m7 y7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 &8 28 8 8 8 8 9 49 W9]9 l9r9 |9 9 9 #99 9 9 : : +: 9:?: M:W: w::: ;; 3; ?;[; $(,<@DTX\