ELFX4(  US$ED$EE D$ D$D$E$$[]ÍUSu8D$$D$$fǃE $D$ ED$D$8D$$"[]Í&USu8D$$D$$ǃE $D$ ED$D$D$$[]Í&USu8D$$D$$&ǃE $D$ ED$D$D$$[]Í&U(]uu }}t$ $D$D$vD$$gtBD$$LD$$6]u}]Ít&?vD$$롍vD$$D$$ǃ!vUWVS} uu8D$$D$$lǃ‰D$‰D$ E$D$D$3UD$$T$D$$D$$D$$D$$[^_]ÐUVSuu8D$$D$$bǃt$D$$>t$D$$$D$$D$$D$$[^]ÍU]uu }}t|$D$$|$D$$gD$$QD$$;D$$%]u}]ÍvD$$D$$ǃ1vU(]uu }}u8D$$D$$wǃ‰D$ |$D$$J|$D$$0D$$D$$D$$D$$]u}]ÍUWVS}u D$t$ |$$z|$D$$`vt$D$$AD$$+D$$D$$D$$[^_]ËD$$D$$ǃ UVSuu8D$$D$$Bǃt$D$$t$D$$D$$D$$D$$D$$[^]Ðt&UVSu tE$D$D$UD$$?D$$)D$$D$$D$$D$$D$$[^]ËD$$D$$ǃfUSu8D$$D$$&ǃD$$D$$D$$D$$[]sanei_pa4s2sanei_pa4s2_close: returning sanei_pa4s2_devices: invoked sanei_pa4s2: interface called for the first time sanei_pa4s2_scsi_pp_open: dev=%s, fd=%p sanei_pa4s2_scsi_pp_open: A4S2 support not compiled sanei_pa4s2_scsi_pp_reg_select: fd=%d, reg=%d sanei_pa4s2_devices: A4S2 support not compiled sanei_pa4s2_scsi_pp_get_status: fd=%d, status=%p sanei_pa4s2_scsi_pp_get_status: A4S2 support not compiled sanei_pa4s2_options: called with options %u and set = %d sanei_pa4s2_options: value of set is invalid sanei_pa4s2_options: value of *options is invalid sanei_pa4s2_options: A4S2 support not compiled sanei_pa4s2_options: returning SANE_STATUS_INVAL sanei_pa4s2_writebyte: called for fd %d and register %d, value = %u sanei_pa4s2_writebyte: fd %d is invalid sanei_pa4s2_writebyte: A4S2 support not compiled sanei_pa4s2_writebyte: whatever backend you're using, tell sanei_pa4s2_writebyte: the maintainer his code has bugs... sanei_pa4s2_writebyte: returning SANE_STATUS_INVAL sanei_pa4s2_readend: called for fd %d sanei_pa4s2_readend: fd %d is invalid sanei_pa4s2_readend: A4S2 support not compiled sanei_pa4s2_readend: it's too late anyway sanei_pa4s2_readend: returning SANE_STATUS_INVAL sanei_pa4s2_readbyte: called for fd %d sanei_pa4s2_readbyte: fd %d is invalid sanei_pa4s2_readbyte: A4S2 support not compiled sanei_pa4s2_readbyte: shit happens sanei_pa4s2_readbyte: returning SANE_STATUS_INVAL sanei_pa4s2_readbegin: called for fd %d and register %d sanei_pa4s2_readbegin: fd %d is invalid sanei_pa4s2_readbegin: A4S2 support not compiled sanei_pa4s2_readbegin: don't look - this is going to be sanei_pa4s2_readbegin: worse then you'd expect... sanei_pa4s2_readbegin: returning SANE_STATUS_INVAL sanei_pa4s2_enable: called for fd %d with value=%d sanei_pa4s2_enable: fd %d is invalid sanei_pa4s2_enable: value %d is invalid sanei_pa4s2_enable: A4S2 support not compiled sanei_pa4s2_enable: oops, I think there's someone going to sanei_pa4s2_enable: produce a lot of garbage... sanei_pa4s2_enable: returning SANE_STATUS_INVAL sanei_pa4s2_close: called for fd %d sanei_pa4s2_close: fd %d is invalid sanei_pa4s2_close: A4S2 support not compiled sanei_pa4s2_close: so I wonder, why this function is called anyway. sanei_pa4s2_close: maybe this is a bug in the backend. sanei_pa4s2_open: called for device `%s` sanei_pa4s2_open: A4S2 support not compiled sanei_pa4s2_open: basically, this backend does only compile sanei_pa4s2_open: on x86 architectures. Furthermore it sanei_pa4s2_open: needs ioperm() and inb()/outb() calls. sanei_pa4s2_open: alternativly it makes use of libieee1284 sanei_pa4s2_open: (which isn't present either) sanei_pa4s2_open: returning SANE_STATUS_INVAL sanei_pa4s2_devices: returning empty list GCC: (GNU) 4.2.3$.symtab.strtab.shstrtab.rel.text.data.bss.rodata.str1.1.rodata.str1.4.comment.text.__i686.get_pc_thunk.bx.note.GNU-stack.group4 G@@  ," % + 02 H?2 NWt G J,  HMR4W`\afk,phuz8lP@l$H|T "D(t.4:@@FhLRX ^ dD jt p v |( d  *  P8W0 k@P00 @!p` .  sanei_pa4s2.csanei_debug_sanei_pa4s2_callsanei_pa4s2_dbg_init_called.LC0.LC1.LC2.LC3.LC4.LC5.LC6.LC7.LC8.LC9.LC11.LC12.LC10.LC13.LC14.LC15.LC16.LC17.LC18.LC19.LC20.LC21.LC22.LC23.LC24.LC25.LC26.LC27.LC28.LC29.LC30.LC31.LC32.LC33.LC34.LC35.LC36.LC37.LC38.LC39.LC40.LC41.LC42.LC43.LC44.LC45.LC46.LC47.LC48.LC49.LC50.LC51.LC52.LC53.LC54.LC55.LC56.LC57__i686.get_pc_thunk.bx_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_sanei_debug_sanei_pa4s2sanei_debug_msgsanei_pa4s2_scsi_pp_opensanei_init_debugsanei_pa4s2_scsi_pp_reg_selectsanei_pa4s2_scsi_pp_get_statussanei_pa4s2_optionssanei_pa4s2_writebytesanei_pa4s2_readendsanei_pa4s2_readbytesanei_pa4s2_readbeginsanei_pa4s2_enablesanei_pa4s2_closesanei_pa4s2_opensanei_pa4s2_devicescallocG H% /I@JUG[ Hd nIx L  G H I L& < [ j G H I L     :G@ HR q     I  L 0 GGM H^ hIr zL       . VG\ Hh rI| L      !  ":G@ HR g # $ % & 'I L   :G@ HS ]Ig oLu   ( ) * + , -GGM H\ j . / 0 1 2 3 4&I0 8L> T vG| H I L   5 6 7 8* 9@ :f Gl Hx  ; < = > ? @ A1 BS I] e Lk  G H  I L  C  D6 X