ELFC4( UWVS,MD$$1EgfffD$ D$4$؉$D$ D$ËE$E܉E)ʉэ)E ىӋU)Ӎ)UM= ,[^_]Ít&t$T$$,[^_] UD$]uƉ}ω$1t3|$D$4$؉$=‹E ]u}]ÉT$t$$؍&'U@D$ uƉ]}$F=~t$$ED$ D$D$4$=$D]Oas*=Pcs /ASew   & / 8 A J S \ e n w Found %s%ld usbuscannerugenchecking %s... failed to open (%s) open okInquiry for device: %s %2.2x%c %s %s %3.3d:unknown devicescanning directory %s cannot stat `%s' (%s) `%s' is not a directory ...filename too long%s%s (%s%s%s)>bLength %d bDescriptorType %d bDeviceClass %d bDeviceSubClass %d bDeviceProtocol %d bMaxPacketSize0 %d idVendor 0x%04X idProduct 0x%04X bNumConfigurations %d bLength %d bDescriptorType %d wTotalLength %d bNumInterfaces %d bConfigurationValue %d Remote WakeupSelf-powered MaxPower %d mA bLength %d bDescriptorType %d bInterfaceNumber %d bAlternateSetting %d bNumEndpoints %d bInterfaceClass %d bInterfaceSubClass %d bInterfaceProtocol %d interruptunknowncontrolisochronousbulk bLength %d bDescriptorType %d inout wMaxPacketSize %d bInterval %d ms bRefresh %d bSynchAddress %d [%s], product=0x%04x, chip=%s)) at libusb:%s:%s -h: print this help message trying to open %s ropening %s failed: %s parsing line: `%s' missing `:'?Ver=Cls=Sub=Prot=MxPS=#Cfgs=Vendor=ProdID=Rev=Cfg#=Ifs=Atr=MxPwr=If#=Alt=#EPs=Ad=Ivl=sane-backends 1.0.19searching for SCSI scanners:/proc/devices %*d %s sgsearching for USB scanners:ignoring libusb devicestrying libusb:done/dev/usb/scanner/dev/usb/scanner0/dev/usb/scanner1/dev/usb/scanner2/dev/usb/scanner3/dev/usb/scanner4/dev/usb/scanner5/dev/usb/scanner7/dev/usb/scanner8/dev/usb/scanner9/dev/usb/scanner10/dev/usb/scanner11/dev/usb/scanner12/dev/usb/scanner13/dev/usb/scanner14/dev/usb/scanner15/dev/usbscanner/dev/usbscanner0/dev/usbscanner1/dev/usbscanner2/dev/usbscanner3/dev/usbscanner4/dev/usbscanner5/dev/usbscanner6/dev/usbscanner7/dev/usbscanner8/dev/usbscanner9/dev/usbscanner10/dev/usbscanner11/dev/usbscanner12/dev/usbscanner13/dev/usbscanner14/dev/usbscanner15/dev/scanner/dev/sg0/dev/sg1/dev/sg2/dev/sg3/dev/sg4/dev/sg5/dev/sg6/dev/sg7/dev/sg8/dev/sg9/dev/sga/dev/sgb/dev/sgc/dev/sgd/dev/sge/dev/sgf/dev/sgg/dev/sgh/dev/sgi/dev/sgj/dev/sgk/dev/sgl/dev/sgm/dev/sgn/dev/sgo/dev/sgp/dev/sgq/dev/sgr/dev/sgs/dev/sgt/dev/sgu/dev/sgv/dev/sgw/dev/sgx/dev/sgy/dev/sgzdisktapeprinterprocessorCD-writerCD-drivescanneroptical-drivejukeboxcommunicatorchecking %s even though it looks like a USB device...ignored %s (not a SCSI device) inquiry for device %s failed (%s) found SCSI %s "%s %s %s" at %s cannot read directory `%s' (%s) checking %s even though doesn't look like a USB device...ignored %s (not a USB device) open ok, vendor and product ids were identifiedfound USB scanner (vendor=0x%04x, product=0x%04x) at %s open ok, but vendor and product could NOT be identifiedfound USB scanner (UNKNOWN vendor and product) at device %s device 0x%04x/0x%04x is not configured = 2.4.8. You may # need to configure your backend manually, see the backend's manpage. # No USB scanners found. If you expected something different, make sure that # you have loaded a kernel driver for your USB host controller and have setup # the USB system correctly. See man sane-usb for details.searching for Mustek parallel port scanners:found possible Mustek parallel port scanner at "%s" checking %s (SCSI emulation)...found possible Mustek SCSI over PP scanner at "%s" # Your Mustek parallel port scanner was detected. It may or # may not be supported by SANE. Please read the sane-mustek_pp # man-page for setup instructions. # No Mustek parallel port scanners found. If you expected something # different, make sure the scanner is correctly connected to your computer # and you have apropriate access rights. # Not checking for parallel port scanners. # Most Scanners connected to the parallel port or other proprietary ports # can't be detected by this program. # You may want to run this program as root to find all devices. Once you # found the scanner devices, be sure to adjust access permissions as # necessary.mwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwywmwwwwwwwjbwwwwl94   ' GCC: (GNU) 4.2.3.symtab.strtab.shstrtab.rel.text.rel.data.bss.rodata.str1.1.rodata.str1.4.rel.rodata.comment.note.GNU-stack@x& @Nx )&^ % ]8 / ($ 42 (4 C2T2fV@h R _ ^(Cg:C:Cw F  JR'1AGXP]@(k z   G     39? 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