#! /usr/bin/env perl use strict; # Silly little program to generate the help.c source file # from the less.hlp text file. # The output of this script is a C program defining a char array # whose content is the input to this script. { my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year) = gmtime(); printf "/* This file was generated by mkhelp.pl from less.hlp at %d:%02d on %d/%d/%d */\n", $hour, $min, $year+1900, $mon+1, $mday; print "#include \"less.h\"\n"; print "constant char helpdata[] = {\n"; my $ch = 0; my $prevch; for (;;) { $prevch = $ch; $ch = getc(); last if not defined $ch; if ($ch eq "'") { print "'\\'',"; } elsif ($ch eq "\\") { print "'\\\\',"; } elsif ($ch eq "\b") { print "'\\b',"; } elsif ($ch eq "\t") { print "'\\t',"; } elsif ($ch eq "\n") { print "'\\n',\n" if $prevch ne "\r"; } elsif ($ch eq "\r") { print "'\\n',\n" if $prevch ne "\n"; } else { if (ord($ch) >= ord(' ') && ord($ch) < 0x7f) { print "'$ch',"; } else { printf "0x%02x,", ord($ch); } } } # Add an extra null char to avoid having a trailing comma. print " 0 };\n"; print "constant int size_helpdata = sizeof(helpdata) - 1;\n"; }