#!/usr/bin/env perl # Copyright (C) Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") # # SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0 # # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, you can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # # See the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this work for additional # information regarding copyright ownership. # test the update-policy external protocol require 5.6.0; use IO::Socket::UNIX; use Getopt::Long; my $path; my $typeallowed = "A"; my $pidfile = "authsock.pid"; my $timeout = 0; GetOptions("path=s" => \$path, "type=s" => \$typeallowed, "pidfile=s" => \$pidfile, "timeout=i" => \$timeout); if (!defined($path)) { print("Usage: authsock.pl --path= --type=type --pidfile=pidfile\n"); exit(1); } # Enable output autoflush so that it's not lost when the parent sends TERM. select STDOUT; $| = 1; unlink($path); my $server = IO::Socket::UNIX->new(Local => $path, Type => SOCK_STREAM, Listen => 8) or die "unable to create socket $path"; chmod 0777, $path; # setup our pidfile open(my $pid,">",$pidfile) or die "unable to open pidfile $pidfile"; print $pid "$$\n"; close($pid); if ($timeout != 0) { # die after the given timeout alarm($timeout); } while (my $client = $server->accept()) { printf("accept()\n"); $client->recv(my $buf, 8, 0); my ($version, $req_len) = unpack('N N', $buf); if ($version != 1 || $req_len < 17) { printf("Badly formatted request\n"); $client->send(pack('N', 2)); next; } $client->recv(my $buf, $req_len - 8, 0); my ($signer, $name, $addr, $type, $key, $key_data) = unpack('Z* Z* Z* Z* Z* N/a', $buf); if ($req_len != length($buf)+8) { printf("Length mismatch %u %u\n", $req_len, length($buf)+8); $client->send(pack('N', 2)); next; } printf("version=%u signer=%s name=%s addr=%s type=%s key=%s key_data_len=%u\n", $version, $signer, $name, $addr, $type, $key, length($key_data)); my $result; if ($typeallowed eq $type) { $result = 1; printf("allowed type %s == %s\n", $type, $typeallowed); } else { printf("disallowed type %s != %s\n", $type, $typeallowed); $result = 0; } $reply = pack('N', $result); $client->send($reply); }