---luakeys.lua ---Copyright 2021-2024 Josef Friedrich --- ---This work may be distributed and/or modified under the ---conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c ---of this license or (at your option) any later version. ---The latest version of this license is in ---http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt ---and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX ---version 2008/05/04 or later. --- ---This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'. --- ---The Current Maintainer of this work is Josef Friedrich. --- ---This work consists of the files luakeys.lua, luakeys.sty, luakeys.tex ---luakeys-debug.sty and luakeys-debug.tex. ----A key-value parser written with Lpeg. --- local lpeg = require('lpeg') if not tex then ---Dummy functions for the tests. tex = { sp = function(input) return 1234567 end, } token = { set_macro = function(csname, content, global) end, } end --- local utils = (function() --- ---Merge two tables into the first specified table. ---The `merge_tables` function copies keys from the `source` table ---to the `target` table. It returns the target table. --- ---https://stackoverflow.com/a/1283608/10193818 --- ---@param target table # The target table where all values are copied. ---@param source table # The source table from which all values are copied. ---@param overwrite? boolean # Overwrite the values in the target table if they are present (default true). --- ---@return table target The modified target table. local function merge_tables(target, source, overwrite) if overwrite == nil then overwrite = true end for key, value in pairs(source) do if type(value) == 'table' and type(target[key] or false) == 'table' then merge_tables(target[key] or {}, source[key] or {}, overwrite) elseif (not overwrite and target[key] == nil) or (overwrite and target[key] ~= value) then target[key] = value end end return target end --- ---Clone a table, i.e. make a deep copy of the source table. --- ---http://lua-users.org/wiki/CopyTable --- ---@param source table # The source table to be cloned. --- ---@return table # A deep copy of the source table. local function clone_table(source) local copy if type(source) == 'table' then copy = {} for orig_key, orig_value in next, source, nil do copy[clone_table(orig_key)] = clone_table(orig_value) end setmetatable(copy, clone_table(getmetatable(source))) else ---number, string, boolean, etc copy = source end return copy end --- ---Remove an element from a table. --- ---@param source table # The source table. ---@param value any # The value to be removed from the table. --- ---@return any|nil # If the value was found, then this value, otherwise nil. local function remove_from_table(source, value) for index, v in pairs(source) do if value == v then source[index] = nil return value end end end --- ---Return the keys of a table as a sorted list (array like table). --- ---@param source table # The source table. --- ---@return table # An array table with the sorted key names. local function get_table_keys(source) local keys = {} for key in pairs(source) do table.insert(keys, key) end table.sort(keys) return keys end --- ---Get the size of a table `{ one = 'one', 'two', 'three' }` = 3. --- ---@param value any # A table or any input. --- ---@return number # The size of the array like table. 0 if the input is no table or the table is empty. local function get_table_size(value) local count = 0 if type(value) == 'table' then for _ in pairs(value) do count = count + 1 end end return count end --- ---Get the size of an array like table, for example `{ 'one', 'two', ---'three' }` = 3. --- ---@param value any # A table or any input. --- ---@return number # The size of the array like table. 0 if the input is no table or the table is empty. local function get_array_size(value) local count = 0 if type(value) == 'table' then for _ in ipairs(value) do count = count + 1 end end return count end --- ---Print a formatted string. --- ---* `%d` or `%i`: Signed decimal integer ---* `%u`: Unsigned decimal integer ---* `%o`: Unsigned octal ---* `%x`: Unsigned hexadecimal integer ---* `%X`: Unsigned hexadecimal integer (uppercase) ---* `%f`: Decimal floating point, lowercase ---* `%e`: Scientific notation (mantissa/exponent), lowercase ---* `%E`: Scientific notation (mantissa/exponent), uppercase ---* `%g`: Use the shortest representation: %e or %f ---* `%G`: Use the shortest representation: %E or %F ---* `%a`: Hexadecimal floating point, lowercase ---* `%A`: Hexadecimal floating point, uppercase ---* `%c`: Character ---* `%s`: String of characters ---* `%p`: Pointer address b8000000 ---* `%%`: A `%` followed by another `%` character will write a single `%` to the stream. ---* `%q`: formats `booleans`, `nil`, `numbers`, and `strings` in a way that the result is a valid constant in Lua source code. --- ---http://www.lua.org/source/5.3/lstrlib.c.html#str_format --- ---@param format string # A string in the `printf` format ---@param ... any # A sequence of additional arguments, each containing a value to be used to replace a format specifier in the format string. local function tex_printf(format, ...) tex.print(string.format(format, ...)) end --- ---Throw a single error message. --- ---@param message string ---@param help? table local function throw_error_message(message, help) if type(tex.error) == 'function' then tex.error(message, help) else error(message) end end --- ---Throw an error by specifying an error code. --- ---@param error_messages table ---@param error_code string ---@param args? table local function throw_error_code(error_messages, error_code, args) local template = error_messages[error_code] --- ---@param message string ---@param a table --- ---@return string local function replace_args(message, a) for key, value in pairs(a) do if type(value) == 'table' then value = table.concat(value, ', ') end message = message:gsub('@' .. key, '“' .. tostring(value) .. '”') end return message end --- ---@param list table ---@param a table --- ---@return table local function replace_args_in_list(list, a) for index, message in ipairs(list) do list[index] = replace_args(message, a) end return list end --- ---@type string local message ---@type table local help = {} if type(template) == 'table' then message = template[1] if args ~= nil then help = replace_args_in_list(template[2], args) else help = template[2] end else message = template end if args ~= nil then message = replace_args(message, args) end message = 'luakeys error [' .. error_code .. ']: ' .. message for _, help_message in ipairs({ 'You may be able to find more help in the documentation:', 'http://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/luatex/generic/luakeys/luakeys-doc.pdf', 'Or ask a question in the issue tracker on Github:', 'https://github.com/Josef-Friedrich/luakeys/issues', }) do table.insert(help, help_message) end throw_error_message(message, help) end local function visit_tree(tree, callback_func) if type(tree) ~= 'table' then throw_error_message( 'Parameter “tree” has to be a table, got: ' .. tostring(tree)) end local function visit_tree_recursive(tree, current, result, depth, callback_func) for key, value in pairs(current) do if type(value) == 'table' then value = visit_tree_recursive(tree, value, {}, depth + 1, callback_func) end key, value = callback_func(key, value, depth, current, tree) if key ~= nil and value ~= nil then result[key] = value end end if next(result) ~= nil then return result end end local result = visit_tree_recursive(tree, tree, {}, 1, callback_func) if result == nil then return {} end return result end ---@alias ColorName 'black'|'red'|'green'|'yellow'|'blue'|'magenta'|'cyan'|'white'|'reset' ---@alias ColorMode 'bright'|'dim' --- ---Small library to surround strings with ANSI color codes. -- ---[SGR (Select Graphic Rendition) Parameters](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code#SGR_(Select_Graphic_Rendition)_parameters) --- ---__attributes__ --- ---| color |code| ---|------------|----| ---| reset | 0 | ---| clear | 0 | ---| bright | 1 | ---| dim | 2 | ---| underscore | 4 | ---| blink | 5 | ---| reverse | 7 | ---| hidden | 8 | --- ---__foreground__ --- ---| color |code| ---|------------|----| ---| black | 30 | ---| red | 31 | ---| green | 32 | ---| yellow | 33 | ---| blue | 34 | ---| magenta | 35 | ---| cyan | 36 | ---| white | 37 | --- ---__background__ --- ---| color |code| ---|------------|----| ---| onblack | 40 | ---| onred | 41 | ---| ongreen | 42 | ---| onyellow | 43 | ---| onblue | 44 | ---| onmagenta | 45 | ---| oncyan | 46 | ---| onwhite | 47 | local ansi_color = (function() --- ---@param code integer --- ---@return string local function format_color_code(code) return string.char(27) .. '[' .. tostring(code) .. 'm' end --- ---@private --- ---@param color ColorName # A color name. ---@param mode? ColorMode ---@param background? boolean # Colorize the background not the text. --- ---@return string local function get_color_code(color, mode, background) local output = '' local code if mode == 'bright' then output = format_color_code(1) elseif mode == 'dim' then output = format_color_code(2) end if not background then if color == 'reset' then code = 0 elseif color == 'black' then code = 30 elseif color == 'red' then code = 31 elseif color == 'green' then code = 32 elseif color == 'yellow' then code = 33 elseif color == 'blue' then code = 34 elseif color == 'magenta' then code = 35 elseif color == 'cyan' then code = 36 elseif color == 'white' then code = 37 else code = 37 end else if color == 'black' then code = 40 elseif color == 'red' then code = 41 elseif color == 'green' then code = 42 elseif color == 'yellow' then code = 43 elseif color == 'blue' then code = 44 elseif color == 'magenta' then code = 45 elseif color == 'cyan' then code = 46 elseif color == 'white' then code = 47 else code = 40 end end return output .. format_color_code(code) end --- ---@param text any ---@param color ColorName # A color name. ---@param mode? ColorMode ---@param background? boolean # Colorize the background not the text. --- ---@return string local function colorize(text, color, mode, background) return string.format('%s%s%s', get_color_code(color, mode, background), text, get_color_code('reset')) end return { colorize = colorize, --- ---@param text any --- ---@return string red = function(text) return colorize(text, 'red') end, --- ---@param text any --- ---@return string green = function(text) return colorize(text, 'green') end, ---@return string yellow = function(text) return colorize(text, 'yellow') end, --- ---@param text any --- ---@return string blue = function(text) return colorize(text, 'blue') end, --- ---@param text any --- ---@return string magenta = function(text) return colorize(text, 'magenta') end, --- ---@param text any --- ---@return string cyan = function(text) return colorize(text, 'cyan') end, } end)() --- ---A small logging library. --- ---Log levels: --- ---* 0: silent ---* 1: error (red) ---* 2: warn (yellow) ---* 3: info (green) ---* 4: verbose (blue) ---* 5: debug (magenta) --- local log = (function() ---@private local opts = { level = 0 } local function colorize_not(s) return s end local colorize = colorize_not ---@private local function print_message(message, ...) local args = { ... } for index, value in ipairs(args) do args[index] = colorize(value) end print(string.format(message, table.unpack(args))) end --- ---Set the log level. --- ---@param level 0|'silent'|1|'error'|2|'warn'|3|'info'|4|'verbose'|5|'debug' local function set_log_level(level) if type(level) == 'string' then if level == 'silent' then opts.level = 0 elseif level == 'error' then opts.level = 1 elseif level == 'warn' then opts.level = 2 elseif level == 'info' then opts.level = 3 elseif level == 'verbose' then opts.level = 4 elseif level == 'debug' then opts.level = 5 else throw_error_message(string.format('Unknown log level: %s', level)) end else if level > 5 or level < 0 then throw_error_message(string.format( 'Log level out of range 0-5: %s', level)) end opts.level = level end end --- ---@return integer local function get_log_level() return opts.level end --- ---Log at level 1 (error). --- ---The other log levels are: 0 (silent), 1 (error), 2 (warn), 3 (info), 4 (verbose), 5 (debug). --- ---@param message string ---@param ... any local function error(message, ...) if opts.level >= 1 then colorize = ansi_color.red print_message(message, ...) colorize = colorize_not end end --- ---Log at level 2 (warn). --- ---The other log levels are: 0 (silent), 1 (error), 2 (warn), 3 (info), 4 (verbose), 5 (debug). --- ---@param message string ---@param ... any local function warn(message, ...) if opts.level >= 2 then colorize = ansi_color.yellow print_message(message, ...) colorize = colorize_not end end --- ---Log at level 3 (info). --- ---The other log levels are: 0 (silent), 1 (error), 2 (warn), 3 (info), 4 (verbose), 5 (debug). --- ---@param message string ---@param ... any local function info(message, ...) if opts.level >= 3 then colorize = ansi_color.green print_message(message, ...) colorize = colorize_not end end --- ---Log at level 4 (verbose). --- ---The other log levels are: 0 (silent), 1 (error), 2 (warn), 3 (info), 4 (verbose), 5 (debug). --- ---@param message string ---@param ... any local function verbose(message, ...) if opts.level >= 4 then colorize = ansi_color.blue print_message(message, ...) colorize = colorize_not end end --- ---Log at level 5 (debug). --- ---The other log levels are: 0 (silent), 1 (error), 2 (warn), 3 (info), 4 (verbose), 5 (debug). --- ---@param message string ---@param ... any local function debug(message, ...) if opts.level >= 5 then colorize = ansi_color.magenta print_message(message, ...) colorize = colorize_not end end return { set = set_log_level, get = get_log_level, error = error, warn = warn, info = info, verbose = verbose, debug = debug, } end)() return { merge_tables = merge_tables, clone_table = clone_table, remove_from_table = remove_from_table, get_table_keys = get_table_keys, get_table_size = get_table_size, get_array_size = get_array_size, visit_tree = visit_tree, tex_printf = tex_printf, throw_error_message = throw_error_message, throw_error_code = throw_error_code, ansi_color = ansi_color, log = log, } end)() --- ---Convert back to strings ---@section local visualizers = (function() --- ---Reverse the function ---`parse(kv_string)`. It takes a Lua table and converts this table ---into a key-value string. The resulting string usually has a ---different order as the input table. In Lua only tables with ---1-based consecutive integer keys (a.k.a. array tables) can be ---parsed in order. --- ---@param result table # A table to be converted into a key-value string. --- ---@return string # A key-value string that can be passed to a TeX macro. local function render(result) local function render_inner(result) local output = {} local function add(text) table.insert(output, text) end for key, value in pairs(result) do if (key and type(key) == 'string') then if (type(value) == 'table') then if (next(value)) then add(key .. '={') add(render_inner(value)) add('},') else add(key .. '={},') end else add(key .. '=' .. tostring(value) .. ',') end else add(tostring(value) .. ',') end end return table.concat(output) end return render_inner(result) end --- ---The function `stringify(tbl, for_tex)` converts a Lua table into a ---printable string. Stringify a table means to convert the table into ---a string. This function is used to realize the `debug` function. ---`stringify(tbl, true)` (`for_tex = true`) generates a string which ---can be embeded into TeX documents. The macro `\luakeysdebug{}` uses ---this option. `stringify(tbl, false)` or `stringify(tbl)` generate a ---string suitable for the terminal. --- ---@see https://stackoverflow.com/a/54593224/10193818 --- ---@param result table # A table to stringify. ---@param for_tex? boolean # Stringify the table into a text string that can be embeded inside a TeX document via tex.print(). Curly braces and whites spaces are escaped. --- ---@return string local function stringify(result, for_tex) local line_break, start_bracket, end_bracket, indent if for_tex then line_break = '\\par' start_bracket = '$\\{$' end_bracket = '$\\}$' indent = '\\ \\ ' else line_break = '\n' start_bracket = '{' end_bracket = '}' indent = ' ' end local function stringify_inner(input, depth) local output = {} depth = depth or 0 local function add(depth, text) table.insert(output, string.rep(indent, depth) .. text) end local function format_key(key) if (type(key) == 'number') then return string.format('[%s]', key) else return string.format('[\'%s\']', key) end end if type(input) ~= 'table' then return tostring(input) end for key, value in pairs(input) do if (key and type(key) == 'number' or type(key) == 'string') then key = format_key(key) if (type(value) == 'table') then if (next(value)) then add(depth, key .. ' = ' .. start_bracket) add(0, stringify_inner(value, depth + 1)) add(depth, end_bracket .. ','); else add(depth, key .. ' = ' .. start_bracket .. end_bracket .. ',') end else if (type(value) == 'string') then value = string.format('\'%s\'', value) else value = tostring(value) end add(depth, key .. ' = ' .. value .. ',') end end end return table.concat(output, line_break) end return start_bracket .. line_break .. stringify_inner(result, 1) .. line_break .. end_bracket end --- ---The function `debug(result)` pretty prints a Lua table to standard ---output (stdout). It is a utility function that can be used to ---debug and inspect the resulting Lua table of the function ---`parse`. You have to compile your TeX document in a console to ---see the terminal output. --- ---@param result table # A table to be printed to standard output for debugging purposes. local function debug(result) print('\n' .. stringify(result, false)) end return { render = render, stringify = stringify, debug = debug } end)() ---@class OptionCollection ---@field accumulated_result? table ---@field assignment_operator? string # default `=` ---@field convert_dimensions? boolean # default `false` ---@field debug? boolean # default `false` ---@field default? boolean # default `true` ---@field defaults? table ---@field defs? DefinitionCollection ---@field false_aliases? table default `{ 'false', 'FALSE', 'False' }`, ---@field format_keys? boolean # default `false`, ---@field group_begin? string default `{`, ---@field group_end? string default `}`, ---@field hooks? HookCollection ---@field invert_flag? string default `!` ---@field list_separator? string default `,` ---@field naked_as_value? boolean # default `false` ---@field no_error? boolean # default `false` ---@field quotation_begin? string `"` ---@field quotation_end? string `"` ---@field true_aliases? table `{ 'true', 'TRUE', 'True' }` ---@field unpack? boolean # default `true` ---@alias KeysHook fun(key: string, value: any, depth: integer, current: table, result: table): string, any ---@alias ResultHook fun(result: table): nil ---@class HookCollection ---@field kv_string? fun(kv_string: string): string ---@field keys_before_opts? KeysHook ---@field result_before_opts? ResultHook ---@field keys_before_def? KeysHook ---@field result_before_def? ResultHook ---@field keys? KeysHook ---@field result? ResultHook ---@alias ProcessFunction fun(value: any, input: table, result: table, unknown: table): any ---@alias PickDataType 'string'|'number'|'dimension'|'integer'|'boolean'|'any' ---@class Definition ---@field alias? string|table ---@field always_present? boolean ---@field choices? table ---@field data_type? 'boolean'|'dimension'|'integer'|'number'|'string'|'list' ---@field default? any ---@field description? string ---@field exclusive_group? string ---@field l3_tl_set? string ---@field macro? string ---@field match? string ---@field name? string ---@field opposite_keys? table ---@field pick? PickDataType|PickDataType[]|false ---@field process? ProcessFunction ---@field required? boolean ---@field sub_keys? table ---@alias DefinitionCollection table local namespace = { opts = { accumulated_result = false, assignment_operator = '=', convert_dimensions = false, debug = false, default = true, defaults = false, defs = false, false_aliases = { 'false', 'FALSE', 'False' }, format_keys = false, group_begin = '{', group_end = '}', hooks = {}, invert_flag = '!', list_separator = ',', naked_as_value = false, no_error = false, quotation_begin = '"', quotation_end = '"', true_aliases = { 'true', 'TRUE', 'True' }, unpack = true, }, hooks = { kv_string = true, keys_before_opts = true, result_before_opts = true, keys_before_def = true, result_before_def = true, keys = true, result = true, }, attrs = { alias = true, always_present = true, choices = true, data_type = true, default = true, description = true, exclusive_group = true, l3_tl_set = true, macro = true, match = true, name = true, opposite_keys = true, pick = true, process = true, required = true, sub_keys = true, }, error_messages = { E001 = { 'Unknown parse option: @unknown!', { 'The available options are:', '@opt_names' }, }, E002 = { 'Unknown hook: @unknown!', { 'The available hooks are:', '@hook_names' }, }, E003 = 'Duplicate aliases @alias1 and @alias2 for key @key!', E004 = 'The value @value does not exist in the choices: @choices', E005 = 'Unknown data type: @unknown', E006 = 'The value @value of the key @key could not be converted into the data type @data_type!', E007 = 'The key @key belongs to the mutually exclusive group @exclusive_group and another key of the group named @another_key is already present!', E008 = 'def.match has to be a string', E009 = 'The value @value of the key @key does not match @match!', E011 = 'Wrong data type in the “pick” attribute: @unknown. Allowed are: @data_types.', E012 = 'Missing required key @key!', E013 = 'The key definition must be a table! Got @data_type for key @key.', E014 = { 'Unknown definition attribute: @unknown', { 'The available attributes are:', '@attr_names' }, }, E015 = 'Key name couldn’t be detected!', E017 = 'Unknown style to format keys: @unknown! Allowed styles are: @styles', E018 = 'The option “format_keys” has to be a table not @data_type', E019 = 'Unknown keys: @unknown', ---Input / parsing error E021 = 'Opposite key was specified more than once: @key!', E020 = 'Both opposite keys were given: @true and @false!', ---Config error (wrong configuration of luakeys) E010 = 'Usage: opposite_keys = { "true_key", "false_key" } or { [true] = "true_key", [false] = "false_key" } ', E023 = { 'Don’t use this function from the global luakeys table. Create a new instance using e. g.: local lk = luakeys.new()', { 'This functions should not be used from the global luakeys table:', 'parse()', 'save()', 'get()', }, }, }, } --- ---Main entry point of the module. --- ---The return value is intentional not documented so the Lua language server can figure out the types. local function main() ---The default options. ---@type OptionCollection local default_opts = utils.clone_table(namespace.opts) local error_messages = utils.clone_table(namespace.error_messages) --- ---@param error_code string ---@param args? table local function throw_error(error_code, args) utils.throw_error_code(error_messages, error_code, args) end --- ---Normalize the parse options. --- ---@param opts? OptionCollection|unknown # Options in a raw format. The table may be empty or some keys are not set. --- ---@return OptionCollection local function normalize_opts(opts) if type(opts) ~= 'table' then opts = {} end for key, _ in pairs(opts) do if namespace.opts[key] == nil then throw_error('E001', { unknown = key, opt_names = utils.get_table_keys(namespace.opts), }) end end local old_opts = opts opts = {} for name, _ in pairs(namespace.opts) do if old_opts[name] ~= nil then opts[name] = old_opts[name] else opts[name] = default_opts[name] end end for hook in pairs(opts.hooks) do if namespace.hooks[hook] == nil then throw_error('E002', { unknown = hook, hook_names = utils.get_table_keys(namespace.hooks), }) end end return opts end local l3_code_cctab = 10 --- ---Parser / Lpeg related ---@section ---Generate the PEG parser using Lpeg. --- ---Explanations of some LPeg notation forms: --- ---* `patt ^ 0` = `expression *` ---* `patt ^ 1` = `expression +` ---* `patt ^ -1` = `expression ?` ---* `patt1 * patt2` = `expression1 expression2`: Sequence ---* `patt1 + patt2` = `expression1 / expression2`: Ordered choice --- ---* [TUGboat article: Parsing complex data formats in LuaTEX with LPEG](https://tug.or-g/TUGboat/tb40-2/tb125menke-Patterndf) --- ---@param initial_rule string # The name of the first rule of the grammar table passed to the `lpeg.P(attern)` function (e. g. `list`, `number`). ---@param opts? table # Whether the dimensions should be converted to scaled points (by default `false`). --- ---@return userdata # The parser. local function generate_parser(initial_rule, opts) if type(opts) ~= 'table' then opts = normalize_opts(opts) end local Variable = lpeg.V local Pattern = lpeg.P local Set = lpeg.S local Range = lpeg.R local CaptureGroup = lpeg.Cg local CaptureFolding = lpeg.Cf local CaptureTable = lpeg.Ct local CaptureConstant = lpeg.Cc local CaptureSimple = lpeg.C ---Optional whitespace local white_space = Set(' \t\n\r') ---Match literal string surrounded by whitespace local ws = function(match) return white_space ^ 0 * Pattern(match) * white_space ^ 0 end local line_up_pattern = function(patterns) local result for _, pattern in ipairs(patterns) do if result == nil then result = Pattern(pattern) else result = result + Pattern(pattern) end end return result end --- ---Convert a dimension to an normalized dimension string or an ---integer in the scaled points format. --- ---@param input string --- ---@return integer|string # A dimension as an integer or a dimension string. local capture_dimension = function(input) ---Remove all whitespaces input = input:gsub('%s+', '') ---Convert the unit string into lowercase. input = input:lower() if opts.convert_dimensions then return tex.sp(input) else return input end end --- ---Add values to a table in two modes: --- ---Key-value pair: --- ---If `arg1` and `arg2` are not nil, then `arg1` is the key and `arg2` is the ---value of a new table entry. --- ---Indexed value: --- ---If `arg2` is nil, then `arg1` is the value and is added as an indexed ---(by an integer) value. --- ---@param result table # The result table to which an additional key-value pair or value should to be added ---@param arg1 any # The key or the value. ---@param arg2? any # Always the value. --- ---@return table # The result table to which an additional key-value pair or value has been added. local add_to_table = function(result, arg1, arg2) if arg2 == nil then local index = #result + 1 return rawset(result, index, arg1) else return rawset(result, arg1, arg2) end end -- LuaFormatter off return Pattern({ [1] = initial_rule, ---list_item* list = CaptureFolding( CaptureTable('') * Variable('list_item')^0, add_to_table ), ---'{' list '}' list_container = ws(opts.group_begin) * Variable('list') * ws(opts.group_end), ---( list_container / key_value_pair / value ) ','? list_item = CaptureGroup( Variable('list_container') + Variable('key_value_pair') + Variable('value') ) * ws(opts.list_separator)^-1, ---key '=' (list_container / value) key_value_pair = (Variable('key') * ws(opts.assignment_operator)) * (Variable('list_container') + Variable('value')), ---number / string_quoted / string_unquoted key = Variable('number') + Variable('string_quoted') + Variable('string_unquoted'), ---boolean !value / dimension !value / number !value / string_quoted !value / string_unquoted ---!value -> Not-predicate -> * -Variable('value') value = Variable('boolean') * -Variable('value') + Variable('dimension') * -Variable('value') + Variable('number') * -Variable('value') + Variable('string_quoted') * -Variable('value') + Variable('string_unquoted'), ---for is.boolean() boolean_only = Variable('boolean') * -1, ---boolean_true / boolean_false boolean = ( Variable('boolean_true') * CaptureConstant(true) + Variable('boolean_false') * CaptureConstant(false) ), boolean_true = line_up_pattern(opts.true_aliases), boolean_false = line_up_pattern(opts.false_aliases), ---for is.dimension() dimension_only = Variable('dimension') * -1, dimension = ( Variable('tex_number') * white_space^0 * Variable('unit') ) / capture_dimension, sign = Set('-+'), digit = Range('09'), integer = (Variable('sign')^-1) * white_space^0 * (Variable('digit')^1), fractional = (Pattern('.') ) * (Variable('digit')^1), ---(integer fractional?) / (sign? white_space? fractional) tex_number = (Variable('integer') * (Variable('fractional')^-1)) + ((Variable('sign')^-1) * white_space^0 * Variable('fractional')), ---for is.number() number_only = Variable('number') * -1, ---capture number number = Variable('tex_number') / tonumber, ---'bp' / 'BP' / 'cc' / etc. ---https://raw.githubusercontent.com/latex3/lualibs/master/lualibs-util-dim.lua ---https://github.com/TeX-Live/luatex/blob/51db1985f5500dafd2393aa2e403fefa57d3cb76/source/texk/web2c/luatexdir/lua/ltexlib.c#L434-L625 unit = Pattern('bp') + Pattern('BP') + Pattern('cc') + Pattern('CC') + Pattern('cm') + Pattern('CM') + Pattern('dd') + Pattern('DD') + Pattern('em') + Pattern('EM') + Pattern('ex') + Pattern('EX') + Pattern('in') + Pattern('IN') + Pattern('mm') + Pattern('MM') + Pattern('mu') + Pattern('MU') + Pattern('nc') + Pattern('NC') + Pattern('nd') + Pattern('ND') + Pattern('pc') + Pattern('PC') + Pattern('pt') + Pattern('PT') + Pattern('px') + Pattern('PX') + Pattern('sp') + Pattern('SP'), ---'"' ('\"' / !'"')* '"' string_quoted = white_space^0 * Pattern(opts.quotation_begin) * CaptureSimple((Pattern('\\' .. opts.quotation_end) + 1 - Pattern(opts.quotation_end))^0) * Pattern(opts.quotation_end) * white_space^0, string_unquoted = white_space^0 * CaptureSimple( Variable('word_unquoted')^1 * (Set(' \t')^1 * Variable('word_unquoted')^1)^0) * white_space^0, word_unquoted = (1 - white_space - Set( opts.group_begin .. opts.group_end .. opts.assignment_operator .. opts.list_separator))^1 }) -- LuaFormatter on end local is = { boolean = function(value) if value == nil then return false end if type(value) == 'boolean' then return true end local parser = generate_parser('boolean_only') local result = parser:match(tostring(value)) return result ~= nil end, dimension = function(value) if value == nil then return false end local parser = generate_parser('dimension_only') local result = parser:match(tostring(value)) return result ~= nil end, integer = function(value) local n = tonumber(value) if n == nil then return false end return n == math.floor(n) end, number = function(value) if value == nil then return false end if type(value) == 'number' then return true end local parser = generate_parser('number_only') local result = parser:match(tostring(value)) return result ~= nil end, string = function(value) return type(value) == 'string' end, list = function(value) if type(value) ~= 'table' then return false end for k, _ in pairs(value) do if type(k) ~= 'number' then return false end end return true end, any = function(value) return true end, } --- ---Apply the key-value-pair definitions (defs) on an input table in a ---recursive fashion. --- ---@param defs table # A table containing all definitions. ---@param opts table # The parse options table. ---@param input table # The current input table. ---@param output table # The current output table. ---@param unknown table # Always the root unknown table. ---@param key_path table # An array of key names leading to the current ---@param input_root table # The root input table input and output table. local function apply_definitions(defs, opts, input, output, unknown, key_path, input_root) local exclusive_groups = {} local function add_to_key_path(key_path, key) local new_key_path = {} for index, value in ipairs(key_path) do new_key_path[index] = value end table.insert(new_key_path, key) return new_key_path end local function get_default_value(def) if def.default ~= nil then return def.default elseif opts ~= nil and opts.default ~= nil then return opts.default end return true end local function find_value(search_key, def) if input[search_key] ~= nil then local value = input[search_key] input[search_key] = nil return value ---naked keys: values with integer keys elseif utils.remove_from_table(input, search_key) ~= nil then return get_default_value(def) end end local apply = { alias = function(value, key, def) if type(def.alias) == 'string' then def.alias = { def.alias } end local alias_value local used_alias_key ---To get an error if the key and an alias is present if value ~= nil then alias_value = value used_alias_key = key end for _, alias in ipairs(def.alias) do local v = find_value(alias, def) if v ~= nil then if alias_value ~= nil then throw_error('E003', { alias1 = used_alias_key, alias2 = alias, key = key, }) end used_alias_key = alias alias_value = v end end if alias_value ~= nil then return alias_value end end, always_present = function(value, key, def) if value == nil and def.always_present then return get_default_value(def) end end, choices = function(value, key, def) if value == nil then return end if def.choices ~= nil and type(def.choices) == 'table' then local is_in_choices = false for _, choice in ipairs(def.choices) do if value == choice then is_in_choices = true end end if not is_in_choices then throw_error('E004', { value = value, choices = def.choices }) end end end, data_type = function(value, key, def) if value == nil then return end if def.data_type ~= nil then local converted ---boolean if def.data_type == 'boolean' then if value == 0 or value == '' or not value then converted = false else converted = true end ---dimension elseif def.data_type == 'dimension' then if is.dimension(value) then converted = value end ---integer elseif def.data_type == 'integer' then if is.number(value) then local n = tonumber(value) if type(n) == 'number' and n ~= nil then converted = math.floor(n) end end ---number elseif def.data_type == 'number' then if is.number(value) then converted = tonumber(value) end ---string elseif def.data_type == 'string' then converted = tostring(value) ---list elseif def.data_type == 'list' then if is.list(value) then converted = value end else throw_error('E005', { data_type = def.data_type }) end if converted == nil then throw_error('E006', { value = value, key = key, data_type = def.data_type, }) else return converted end end end, exclusive_group = function(value, key, def) if value == nil then return end if def.exclusive_group ~= nil then if exclusive_groups[def.exclusive_group] ~= nil then throw_error('E007', { key = key, exclusive_group = def.exclusive_group, another_key = exclusive_groups[def.exclusive_group], }) else exclusive_groups[def.exclusive_group] = key end end end, l3_tl_set = function(value, key, def) if value == nil then return end if def.l3_tl_set ~= nil then tex.print(l3_code_cctab, '\\tl_set:Nn \\g_' .. def.l3_tl_set .. '_tl') tex.print('{' .. value .. '}') end end, macro = function(value, key, def) if value == nil then return end if def.macro ~= nil then token.set_macro(def.macro, value, 'global') end end, match = function(value, key, def) if value == nil then return end if def.match ~= nil then if type(def.match) ~= 'string' then throw_error('E008') end local match = string.match(value, def.match) if match == nil then throw_error('E009', { value = value, key = key, match = def.match:gsub('%%', '%%%%'), }) else return match end end end, opposite_keys = function(value, key, def) if def.opposite_keys ~= nil then local function get_value(key1, key2) local opposite_name if def.opposite_keys[key1] ~= nil then opposite_name = def.opposite_keys[key1] elseif def.opposite_keys[key2] ~= nil then opposite_name = def.opposite_keys[key2] end return opposite_name end local true_key = get_value(true, 1) local false_key = get_value(false, 2) if true_key == nil or false_key == nil then throw_error('E010') end ---@param v string local function remove_values(v) local count = 0 while utils.remove_from_table(input, v) do count = count + 1 end return count end local true_count = remove_values(true_key) local false_count = remove_values(false_key) if true_count > 1 then throw_error('E021', { key = true_key }) end if false_count > 1 then throw_error('E021', { key = false_key }) end if true_count > 0 and false_count > 0 then throw_error('E020', { ['true'] = true_key, ['false'] = false_key }) end if true_count == 0 and false_count == 0 then return end return true_count == 1 or false_count == 0 end end, process = function(value, key, def) if value == nil then return end if def.process ~= nil and type(def.process) == 'function' then return def.process(value, input_root, output, unknown) end end, pick = function(value, key, def) if def.pick then local pick_types ---Allow old deprecated attribut pick = true if def.pick == true then pick_types = { 'any' } elseif type(def.pick) == 'table' then pick_types = def.pick else pick_types = { def.pick } end ---Check if the pick attribute is valid for _, pick_type in ipairs(pick_types) do if type(pick_type) == 'string' and is[pick_type] == nil then throw_error('E011', { unknown = tostring(pick_type), data_types = { 'any', 'boolean', 'dimension', 'integer', 'number', 'string', }, }) end end ---The key has already a value. We leave the function at this ---point to be able to check the pick attribute for errors ---beforehand. if value ~= nil then return value end for _, pick_type in ipairs(pick_types) do for i, v in pairs(input) do ---We can not use ipairs here. `ipairs(t)` iterates up to the ---first absent index. Values are deleted from the `input` ---table. if type(i) == 'number' then local picked_value = nil if is[pick_type](v) then picked_value = v elseif pick_type == 'string' and is.number(v) then picked_value = tostring(v) end if picked_value ~= nil then input[i] = nil return picked_value end end end end end end, required = function(value, key, def) if def.required ~= nil and def.required and value == nil then throw_error('E012', { key = key }) end end, sub_keys = function(value, key, def) if def.sub_keys ~= nil then local v ---To get keys defined with always_present if value == nil then v = {} elseif type(value) == 'string' then v = { value } elseif type(value) == 'table' then v = value end v = apply_definitions(def.sub_keys, opts, v, output[key], unknown, add_to_key_path(key_path, key), input_root) if utils.get_table_size(v) > 0 then return v end end end, } ---standalone values are removed. ---For some callbacks and the third return value of parse, we ---need an unchanged raw result from the parse function. input = utils.clone_table(input) if output == nil then output = {} end if unknown == nil then unknown = {} end if key_path == nil then key_path = {} end for index, def in pairs(defs) do ---Find key and def local key ---`{ key1 = { }, key2 = { } }` if type(def) == 'table' and def.name == nil and type(index) == 'string' then key = index ---`{ { name = 'key1' }, { name = 'key2' } }` elseif type(def) == 'table' and def.name ~= nil then key = def.name ---Definitions as strings in an array: `{ 'key1', 'key2' }` elseif type(index) == 'number' and type(def) == 'string' then key = def def = { default = get_default_value({}) } end if type(def) ~= 'table' then throw_error('E013', { data_type = tostring(def), key = index }) ---key is nil end for attr, _ in pairs(def) do if namespace.attrs[attr] == nil then throw_error('E014', { unknown = attr, attr_names = utils.get_table_keys(namespace.attrs), }) end end if key == nil then throw_error('E015') end local value = find_value(key, def) for _, def_opt in ipairs({ 'alias', 'opposite_keys', 'pick', 'always_present', 'required', 'data_type', 'choices', 'match', 'exclusive_group', 'macro', 'l3_tl_set', 'process', 'sub_keys', }) do if def[def_opt] ~= nil then local tmp_value = apply[def_opt](value, key, def) if tmp_value ~= nil then value = tmp_value end end end output[key] = value end if utils.get_table_size(input) > 0 then ---Move to the current unknown table. local current_unknown = unknown for _, key in ipairs(key_path) do if current_unknown[key] == nil then current_unknown[key] = {} end current_unknown = current_unknown[key] end ---Copy all unknown key-value-pairs to the current unknown table. for key, value in pairs(input) do current_unknown[key] = value end end return output, unknown end --- ---Parse a LaTeX/TeX style key-value string into a Lua table. --- ---@param kv_string string # A string in the TeX/LaTeX style key-value format as described above. ---@param opts? OptionCollection # A table containing options. --- ---@return table result # The final result of all individual parsing and normalization steps. ---@return table unknown # A table with unknown, undefinied key-value pairs. ---@return table raw # The unprocessed, raw result of the LPeg parser. local function parse(kv_string, opts) opts = normalize_opts(opts) local function log_result(caption, result) utils.log .debug('%s: \n%s', caption, visualizers.stringify(result)) end if kv_string == nil then return {}, {}, {} end if opts.debug then utils.log.set('debug') end utils.log.debug('kv_string: “%s”', kv_string) if type(opts.hooks.kv_string) == 'function' then kv_string = opts.hooks.kv_string(kv_string) end local result = generate_parser('list', opts):match(kv_string) local raw = utils.clone_table(result) log_result('result after Lpeg Parsing', result) local function apply_hook(name) if type(opts.hooks[name]) == 'function' then if name:match('^keys') then result = utils.visit_tree(result, opts.hooks[name]) else opts.hooks[name](result) end if opts.debug then print('After the execution of the hook: ' .. name) visualizers.debug(result) end end end local function apply_hooks(at) if at ~= nil then at = '_' .. at else at = '' end apply_hook('keys' .. at) apply_hook('result' .. at) end apply_hooks('before_opts') log_result('after hooks before_opts', result) --- ---Normalize the result table of the LPeg parser. This normalization ---tasks are performed on the raw input table coming directly from ---the PEG parser: -- ---@param result table # The raw input table coming directly from the PEG parser ---@param opts table # Some options. local function apply_opts(result, opts) local callbacks = { unpack = function(key, value) if type(value) == 'table' and utils.get_array_size(value) == 1 and utils.get_table_size(value) == 1 and type(value[1]) ~= 'table' then return key, value[1] end return key, value end, process_naked = function(key, value) if type(key) == 'number' and type(value) == 'string' then return value, opts.default end return key, value end, format_key = function(key, value) if type(key) == 'string' then for _, style in ipairs(opts.format_keys) do if style == 'lower' then key = key:lower() elseif style == 'snake' then key = key:gsub('[^%w]+', '_') elseif style == 'upper' then key = key:upper() else throw_error('E017', { unknown = style, styles = { 'lower', 'snake', 'upper' }, }) end end end return key, value end, apply_invert_flag = function(key, value) if type(key) == 'string' and key:find(opts.invert_flag) then return key:gsub(opts.invert_flag, ''), not value end return key, value end, } if opts.unpack then result = utils.visit_tree(result, callbacks.unpack) end if not opts.naked_as_value and opts.defs == false then result = utils.visit_tree(result, callbacks.process_naked) end if opts.format_keys then if type(opts.format_keys) ~= 'table' then throw_error('E018', { data_type = type(opts.format_keys) }) end result = utils.visit_tree(result, callbacks.format_key) end if opts.invert_flag then result = utils.visit_tree(result, callbacks.apply_invert_flag) end return result end result = apply_opts(result, opts) log_result('after apply opts', result) ---All unknown keys are stored in this table local unknown = nil if type(opts.defs) == 'table' then apply_hooks('before_defs') result, unknown = apply_definitions(opts.defs, opts, result, {}, {}, {}, utils.clone_table(result)) end log_result('after apply_definitions', result) apply_hooks() if opts.defaults ~= nil and type(opts.defaults) == 'table' then utils.merge_tables(result, opts.defaults, false) end log_result('End result', result) if opts.accumulated_result ~= nil and type(opts.accumulated_result) == 'table' then utils.merge_tables(opts.accumulated_result, result, true) end ---no_error if not opts.no_error and type(unknown) == 'table' and utils.get_table_size(unknown) > 0 then throw_error('E019', { unknown = visualizers.render(unknown) }) end return result, unknown, raw end --- ---@param defs DefinitionCollection ---@param opts? OptionCollection local function define(defs, opts) return function(kv_string, inner_opts) local options if inner_opts ~= nil and opts ~= nil then options = utils.merge_tables(opts, inner_opts) elseif inner_opts ~= nil then options = inner_opts elseif opts ~= nil then options = opts end if options == nil then options = {} end options.defs = defs return parse(kv_string, options) end end ---@alias KeySpec table local DefinitionManager = (function() ---@class DefinitionManager DefinitionManager = {} ---@private DefinitionManager.__index = DefinitionManager --- ---@param key string --- ---@return Definition function DefinitionManager:get(key) return self.defs[key] end --- ---@param key_spec KeySpec ---@param clone? boolean --- ---@return DefinitionCollection function DefinitionManager:include(key_spec, clone) local selection = {} for key, value in pairs(key_spec) do local src local dest if type(key) == 'number' then src = value dest = value else src = key dest = value end if clone then selection[dest] = utils.clone_table(self.defs[src]) else selection[dest] = self.defs[src] end end return selection end --- ---@param key_spec KeySpec ---@param clone? boolean --- ---@return DefinitionCollection function DefinitionManager:exclude(key_spec, clone) local spec = {} for key, value in pairs(key_spec) do if type(key) == 'number' then spec[value] = value else spec[key] = value end end local selection = {} for key, def in pairs(self.defs) do if spec[key] == nil then if clone then selection[key] = utils.clone_table(def) else selection[key] = def end end end return selection end --- ---@param key_selection KeySpec function DefinitionManager:parse(kv_string, key_selection) return parse(kv_string, { defs = self:include(key_selection) }) end --- ---@param key_selection KeySpec function DefinitionManager:define(key_selection) return define(self:include(key_selection)) end ---@param defs DefinitionCollection --- ---@return DefinitionManager return function(defs) local manager = {} for key, def in pairs(defs) do if def.name ~= nil and type(key) == 'number' then defs[def.name] = def defs[key] = nil end end setmetatable(manager, DefinitionManager) manager.defs = defs return manager end end)() --- ---A table to store parsed key-value results. local result_store = {} return { new = main, version = { 0, 15, 0 }, parse = parse, define = define, DefinitionManager = DefinitionManager, ---@see default_opts opts = default_opts, error_messages = error_messages, ---@see visualizers.render render = visualizers.render, ---@see visualizers.stringify stringify = visualizers.stringify, ---@see visualizers.debug debug = visualizers.debug, --- ---Save a result (a ---table from a previous run of `parse`) under an identifier. ---Therefore, it is not necessary to pollute the global namespace to ---store results for the later usage. --- ---@param identifier string # The identifier under which the result is saved. --- ---@param result table|any # A result to be stored and that was created by the key-value parser. save = function(identifier, result) result_store[identifier] = result end, --- ---The function `get(identifier): table` retrieves a saved result ---from the result store. --- ---@param identifier string # The identifier under which the result was saved. --- ---@return table|any get = function(identifier) ---if result_store[identifier] == nil then --- throw_error('No stored result was found for the identifier \'' .. identifier .. '\'') ---end return result_store[identifier] end, is = is, utils = utils, --- ---Exported but intentionally undocumented functions --- namespace = utils.clone_table(namespace), --- ---This function is used in the documentation. --- ---@param from string # A key in the namespace table, either `opts`, `hook` or `attrs`. print_names = function(from) local names = utils.get_table_keys(namespace[from]) tex.print(table.concat(names, ', ')) end, print_default = function(from, name) tex.print(tostring(namespace[from][name])) end, print_error_messages = function() local msgs = namespace.error_messages local keys = utils.get_table_keys(namespace.error_messages) for _, key in ipairs(keys) do local msg = msgs[key] ---@type string local msg_text if type(msg) == 'table' then msg_text = msg[1] else msg_text = msg end utils.tex_printf('\\item[\\texttt{%s}]: \\texttt{%s}', key, msg_text) end end, --- ---@param exported_table table depublish_functions = function(exported_table) local function warn_global_import() throw_error('E023') end exported_table.parse = warn_global_import exported_table.define = warn_global_import exported_table.save = warn_global_import exported_table.get = warn_global_import end, } end return main