![nodetree](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Josef-Friedrich/nodetree/main/graphics/packagename.png) # Abstract `nodetree` is a development package that visualizes the structure of node lists. `nodetree` shows its debug informations in the consoles’ output when you compile a LuaTeX file. It uses a similar visual representation for node lists as the UNIX `tree` command uses for a folder structure. Node lists are the main building blocks of each document generated by the TeX engine LuaTeX. The package `nodetree` doesn‘t change the rendered document. The tree view can only be seen when using a terminal to generate the document. `nodetree` is inspired by a [gist from Patrick Gundlach](https://gist.github.com/pgundlach/556247). # License Copyright (C) 2016-2024 by Josef Friedrich ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any later version. The latest version of this license is in: http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later. # CTAN Since July 2016 the nodetree package is included in the Comprehensive TeX Archive Network (CTAN). * TeX archive: http://mirror.ctan.org/macros/luatex/generic/nodetree * Package page: http://www.ctan.org/pkg/nodetree # Repository https://github.com/Josef-Friedrich/nodetree # Installation Get source: git clone git@github.com:Josef-Friedrich/nodetree.git cd nodetree Compile: make or manually: luatex nodetree.ins lualatex nodetree.dtx makeindex -s gglo.ist -o nodetree.gls nodetree.glo makeindex -s gind.ist -o nodetree.ind nodetree.idx lualatex nodetree.dtx # Examples ## The node list of the package name ```latex \documentclass{article} \usepackage{nodetree} \begin{document} nodetree \end{document} ``` ![nodetree](graphics/packagename.png) ## The node list of a mathematical formula ```latex \documentclass{article} \usepackage[callback={mhlist}]{nodetree} \begin{document} \[\left(a\right)\left[\frac{b}{a}\right]=a\,\] \end{document} ``` ![nodetree](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Josef-Friedrich/nodetree/main/graphics/math.png) ## The node list of the word 'Office' The characters 'ffi' are deeply nested in a discretionary node. ```latex \documentclass{article} \usepackage{nodetree} \begin{document} Office \end{document} ``` ![nodetree](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Josef-Friedrich/nodetree/main/graphics/ligatures.png) # Development First delete the stable version installed by TeX Live. Because the package `nodetree` belongs to the collection `collection-latexextra`, the option `--force` must be used to delete the package. tlmgr remove --force nodetree ## Deploying a new version Update the version number in the file `nodetree.dtx` on this locations: ### In the markup for the file `nodetree.sty` (approximately at the line number 30) %<*package> [2016/07/18 v1.2 Visualize node lists in a tree view] %<*package> ### In the markup for the file `nodetree-embed.sty` (approximately at the line number 220) %<*package> [2016/07/18 v1.2 Visualize node lists in a tree view] %<*package> ### In the markup for the package documentation (approximately at the line number 50) Add a changes entry: ```latex \changes{v1.2}{2020/05/20}{...} ``` ### In documentation (documentation.tex) (approximately at the line number 70) ```latex \date{v2.0 from 2020/05/29} ``` ### In the file `nodetree.lua` (approximately at the line number 20) ```lua if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['nodetree'] = { version = '1.2' } ``` ### Update the copyright year: ``` sed -i 's/(C) 2016-2024/(C) 2016-2021/g' nodetree.ins sed -i 's/(C) 2016-2024/(C) 2016-2021/g' nodetree.dtx ``` ### Command line tasks: ``` git tag -a v1.4 make make ctan ```