PACKAGE NAME: gnome-vfsmm-2.26.0-i686-64.1.txz PACKAGE LOCATION: ./extra/l PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 93 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 372 K PACKAGE REQUIRED: avahi,cxxlibs|gcc-g++,dbus,dbus-glib,gcc,GConf,glib2,glibmm,gnome-vfs,libsigc++,libxml2,openssl,ORBit2,zlib PACKAGE CONFLICTS: PACKAGE SUGGESTS: PACKAGE LIBS: PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: gnome-vfsmm: gnome-vfsmm provides C++ wrappers for gnome-vfs gnome-vfsmm: gnome-vfsmm: gnome-vfsmm provides C++ wrappers for the GNOME Virtual File gnome-vfsmm: System,currently used as one of the foundations of the Nautilus gnome-vfsmm: file manager gnome-vfsmm: gnome-vfsmm: gnome-vfsmm: gnome-vfsmm: gnome-vfsmm: gnome-vfsmm: