PACKAGE NAME: wv2-0.4.2-i486-1.txz PACKAGE LOCATION: ./extra/l PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 261 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 1044 K PACKAGE REQUIRED: bzip2,cxxlibs,gcc,glib2,libgsf,libxml2,zlib PACKAGE CONFLICTS: PACKAGE SUGGESTS: PACKAGE LIBS: PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: wv2: wv2 (MS Word document import library) wv2: wv2: wv2 is a portable MS Word .doc import filter that is used by KWord. wv2: Currently, it supports MS Word 6, MS Word 95, MS Word 97, MS Word wv2: 2000, and MS Word 2002 (XP) documents. Older versions like Word 2, 3, wv2: 4, and 5 aren't supported yet, but might be in the future. wv2: wv2: wv2's authors are Shaheed Haque, Werner Trobin, and David Faure. wv2: wv2: wv2: