PACKAGE NAME: aufs2-util-20090327-i486- PACKAGE LOCATION: ./extra/ap PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 557 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 1200 K PACKAGE REQUIRED: kernelive PACKAGE CONFLICTS: PACKAGE SUGGESTS: PACKAGE LIBS: PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: aufs2-util: aufs2-util - aufs2 utilities aufs2-util: aufs2-util: aufs is a stackable unification filesystem such as Unionfs, aufs2-util: which unifies several directories and provides a merged single aufs2-util: directory. aufs2-util: aufs2-util: Once aufs was a entirely re-designed and re-implemented Unionfs aufs2-util: Enhancing with many original ideas, it becomes a totally aufs2-util: different software while keeping the basic features. aufs2-util: aufs2-util: