PACKAGE NAME: gperf-3.0.4-i486-72.1.txz PACKAGE LOCATION: ./extra/ap PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 321 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 1284 K PACKAGE REQUIRED: cxxlibs|gcc-g++,gcc PACKAGE CONFLICTS: PACKAGE SUGGESTS: PACKAGE LIBS: PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: gperf: GNU gperf is a program that generates perfect hash functions for sets gperf: gperf: of keywords. A perfect hash function is a hash function and a data gperf: structure that allows recognition of a key word in a set of words gperf: using exactly 1 probe into the data structure. Output from the GPERF gperf: program is used to recognize reserved words in the GNU C, GNU C++, gperf: and GNU Pascal compilers, as well as with the GNU indent program. gperf: Home Page: gperf: gperf: gperf: