PACKAGE NAME: asymptote-1.97-i686-64.1.txz PACKAGE LOCATION: ./extra/xap PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 2599 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 10396 K PACKAGE REQUIRED: pil,cxxlibs,fftw,gc,gcc,gsl,libICE,libSM,libX11,libXau,libXdamage,libXdmcp,libXext,libXfixes,libXi,libXmu,libXt,libXxf86vm,libdrm,libxcb,mesa,ncurses,readline,util-linux,zlib PACKAGE CONFLICTS: PACKAGE SUGGESTS: PACKAGE LIBS: PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: asymptote: asymptote - A vector graphics language asymptote: asymptote: Asymptote is a powerful descriptive vector graphics language that asymptote: provides a natural coordinate-based framework for technical drawing. asymptote: Labels and equations are typeset with LaTeX, for high-quality asymptote: PostScript output. asymptote: asymptote: asymptote: asymptote: asymptote: