PACKAGE NAME: gedit-plugins-3.2.1-i686-72.1.txz PACKAGE LOCATION: ./extra/xap PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 1137 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 4548 K PACKAGE REQUIRED: gedit PACKAGE CONFLICTS: PACKAGE SUGGESTS: PACKAGE LIBS: PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: gedit-plugins: gedit-plugins are a set of plugins for gedit. gedit-plugins: gedit-plugins: Easy document navigation with bookmarks, automatically adds closing gedit-plugins: brackets. Insert special characters just by clicking on them. gedit-plugins: Comment and uncomment blocks of code. Pick a color from a dialog and gedit-plugins: insert its hexadecimal representation. Draw spaces and tabs. gedit-plugins: Join several lines or split long ones. Save and restore your working gedit-plugins: sessions. Add a menu entry to show/hide the tabbar. Forget you're not gedit-plugins: using tabulations. Embed a terminal in the bottom pane. gedit-plugins: gedit-plugins: