PACKAGE NAME: gpp-0.7.0-i486-52.2.tgz PACKAGE LOCATION: ./extra/xap PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 47 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 200 K PACKAGE REQUIRED: alsa-lib,atk,audiofile,avahi,dbus,dbus-glib,directfb,esound,expat,fontconfig,freetype,gcc,GConf,glib2,libgnome-keyring,gnome-vfs,gtk+2,libart_lgpl,libbonobo,libbonoboui,libglade,libgnome,libgnomecanvas,libgnomeprint,libgnomeprintui,libgnomeui,libjpeg,libpng,libxml2,openssl,ORBit2,pango,popt,xcb,zlib PACKAGE CONFLICTS: PACKAGE SUGGESTS: PACKAGE LIBS: PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: gpp: gnome-photo-printer (Printing photos in an easy way) gpp: gpp: A small and easy to use GNOME application. It is intended for helping gpp: the user in printing pictures. It does the job of transforming, gpp: scaling and placing the picture on a sheet of paper. gpp: gpp: gnome-photo-printer is heavily based on libgnomeprint/ui so please gpp: thank them. gpp: gpp: Homepage: gpp: